Um…what?! What the hell does that even mean?! You see, this is why Black people can’t never have nothing! NIGGAS ALWAYS FUCK IT UP WITH THEIR DUMB ASS DIPSHITTERY! How is anyone going to take rap seriously when your name is a DISJOINTED QUASI-STATEMENT?! I mean…DAMN IT! WHY ARE YOU ALIVE BUT TUPAC IS DEAD?! Oh yeah, drive by. Well, I still think it is stupid. God, I hope he pulls a T.I. and ends up in jail.
Alright, ladies here is some helpful advice to you because…it is obvious your dumb asses aint listening:
Lip Injections = Stupid
I understand why you do this. You want fuller lips. But lets face it: if you don’t HAVE full lips, no amount of collagen injections are going to make you look any better. The next woman to say “I do it for me!” is getting slapped because if Ike Turner has taught me anything it is that why take your lip with a lip can be broken. Or naturally swollen. See, getting popped in the mouth can make you sexy! In all seriousness I do not get what the influx with this is. At first I thought it was just few and far between but I have seen about 10 women this week with them and all I have to say is that they didn’t look attractive. They looked like a character from Spongebob Squarepants. Or Jessica Simpson:


Ladies, that is how you look when you get your lips pumped up with marshmallow fluff or whatever that shit is. Seriously…stop. If a man is willing to judge you for your lips then he aint worth dating. On the flipside, if you are a woman that believes that having them helps your self esteem then you also aint worth shit. You are no better than Barry Bonds, and at least he got millions of dollars and a white girl by using steroids. Oh, and he ruined baseball for some people but those guys were losers. Baseball got ruined when they made Sandlot 2. You can not top THE SANDLOT.
Just some helpful advice. Peace out ya’ll.
Chachi Out
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