First off, how many of you voted FOR Proposition 48? Understand one thing: A ZYGOTE IS NOT A PERSON. It is an egg (Or whatever, I am still kind of buzzin right now. I needs me a drank!). I am going to get an Egg McMuffin right now to prove my damn point. Yaaaay, I aborted a chicken baby! And it was delicious. A zygote can't vote, go to war or sing along with the greatest song of all time: BOSTON'S "MORE THAN A FEELING":
Also, fuck California for passing Proposition 8. Being married is something that I always thought was wrong by definition (Unless marriage involves driving around in a tiny airplane fighting crime like the Rescue Rangers, I aint interested. Even still, the fact that you bible bumping asshats would take the right of people to marry because gays are happier together than your straight asses (It's true, gays are a naturally happy people. Like Greeks!) shows how un-Christian you really are. You expect me to believe that Jesus wasn’t AT LEAST bi-curious? Judas was jilted, that's why he was pissed. YOU SAID LOVED-DID-DID-DID ME JESUS! Yeah, I went there and if you are offended then FUCK YOU because you are a bigot for not wanting gays to participate in the same act all straight Christians participate in with a failure at a 50% clip. And you people wonder why you never get an NFL team. BTW, anyone down to see “Milk” at the end of this month with me?:
I’ll be there. But not for Sean Penn. Lastly, as for Carrie Underwood…I didn’t know you were a celebrity. The more you know, I guess….jackass.
Chachi Out
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