Okay….um, a few off the wall things happened today and I am not sure if Catnarok is coming or if I am just losing my shit.
1. While at the food court in the mall today (Needed to get my comic. More on that later) I walked by McDonald’s and heard someone order a Filet-O-Fish. Do they even still MAKE that monstrosity? Not only that, what person really WANTS to eat that thing? This person was kind of mad that they didn’t have it there. I mean…really?
2. After having about a thirty minute (Give or take) conversation with the comic book guy about the Bleach universe, the concept of Galactus being the embodiment of hunger and never satiated and how the Green Lantern is awesome (I totally have to read the Red Lantern Saga now!) I realized that my nerddom knows no bounds. I mean seriously, I now know why I have no friends and women mace me. Right here, buddy. I like my comics.
3. Women: STOP DOING THE DUCKFACE. Seriously, I ranted about this a few months ago and you are still doing it. Are you supposed to look hot? Are you supposed to look alluring? Well, let me tell you how you look: like a made up Steven Tyler. Well, more made up Steven Tyler. Either way, there is nothing hot about the duckface; it just makes you look retarded. Literally, tards look at you and laugh. I’ve seen them.
4. Is it just me, or does 50 Cent look more and more each day like he should be hanging around with Rash, Zitz and Pimple trying to stop the Dark Queen?:
Do a barrel roll, nigga! Whoo…I’m fucking awesome.
5. Watching South Park, I guess domestic abuse is fine as long as you put it to song. Nothing like beating someone’s ass to a soundtrack!
6. Okay, I don’t LIKE to stereotype but yesterday on I-25 on my way to pick up a friend to go get some food, I was stuck behind a car doing 45. ON THE FUCKING HIGHWAY. Once I passed the car, it was an old White lady in a straw hat in a fucking Cadilliac not paying attention to anything. Now one would say that I would be stereotyping if I said that was the look of all people that couldn’t drive. Well, fuck you. I am totally stereotyping when I say that we should kill all old white women. I’M KIDDING! Just the ones in straw hats.
7. I like how when unemployment is highest it has been in about 40 years…gas prices go down. Seeing as how so many people aint got a job to go to it just seems ironic to me.
Well, I am out of this bitch. Bedtime and all. Peace out, I’ll be back on Friday.
Chachi Out.
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