So I already knew that Lynn "I Have Never Been Involved In Any Way Shape Or Form Of Niggerdom" Westmoreland from my state of Georgia wasnt a fan of the...well, anyone that ain't White. We all know that. But when I heard he said this about Barack & Michelle Obama:
"Just from what little I’ve seen of her and Mr. Obama, Sen. Obama, they're a member of an elitist-class individual that thinks that they're uppity,"
I kind of said to myself: What kind of douchebag fuckwit says uppity anyway?" I will tell you.
Lynn Westmoreland.
I am really.....really getting sick of this bullshit. You dont like the man? Fine. You think his politics and stances suck? You are correct and I am a supporter. But focus on the damn issues. Maybe he is uppity because he is smarter than you. Ever thought of that? Sorry that we are shucking and jiving for your bitch ass anymore while playing a banjo and spitting watermelon seeds. God forbid a nigra run for the highest office in the land and not refer to John McCain as "massa" while singing "My Old Kentucy Home":
All that fancy Ivy league book readin' done went to that darkies head! I'm pretty uppity my damn self so eat a dick, Lynn. I hope you choke on it. There are a lot of us and we sure as fuck aint going back to the field. FIGHT THE POWER!
Wow....Flavor Flav used to be in Public Enemy? I totally blocked that out after the whole Surreal Life fiasco. *sigh* we need more Chuck D's in the world. A little less about killing White people and more about uplifiting all people but still.
Oh, and Lynn just for the record Barack Obama is half White so he isn't uppity. He is just channeling his inner whitey.
Chachi Out.
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