It is time for the Passion of Chachi America's Best Dance Crew Play By Play Review! Let's get started!
First Crew to Advance…..A.S.I.I.D. That was a shocker if I say so myself.
First Crew: A.S.I.I.D. (Flo-Rida’s “Roll”)
Holy shit, they just killed it! Three separate rolls and the ending was kind of ill where he was blowing at the end. Blink or not pay attention and you would miss that. It was great but as usual…Lil’ Mama is a fucking moron. It wasn’t SLOPPY as much as it was frenetic. But this is coming from someone that cant form a FUCKING COMPLETE SET OF WORDS INTO A PARAGRAPH so take it with a grain of salt. Overall, their performance was damn good and everyone else is going to have to be REAL NICE to top that.
So….”G’s To Gents” may be the dumbest idea for a show EVER. I so hate MTV right now.
Aaaaaaaand we are back!
Second Crew To Advance: So Real Cru (R. Kelly’s “Snake” Eeeeewwwwww)
Seriously, those ladies are HAWT! Okay, first off that intro was fire. I just came a little. Secondly, WHAT THE FUCK! That was quite excellent! They really took the Kaba Modern movements to the next level. Dare I say, they could be a little better because they seem to be a little more athletic. Anyone else notice that the more Shane and J.C. (In his uber-gay way) actually give effective critique about the performance the dumber Lil’ Mama sounds? I mean she sounds like she has never danced in her life sometimes which is wrong because I have seen her videos and she is very good. Just not very bright.
Shit, more commercials. Remember when commercials were actually fucking good? God, those were the halcyon days.
We are so back in this bitch!
Third Crew To Advance: Super Cr3w! (Jim Jones “We Fly High” FUCK YES!)
Well, let’s see how this goes. BALLIN! They get “We Fly High” by Jim Jones! Okay…THEY JUST FUCKING OWNED THIS SHOW! From the Superman/Clark Kent look to the airplane group stunt at the end to them tossing that cat in the air like FORTY FEET! They were fucking impeccable! Add in the tossing of the money and you have the best combination of dance, breaking and theatrics of ANYONE ON THE SHOW! A.S.I.I.D….they just murdered you. Hardcore. Three performances (Four if you count the try-outs) and they are just serving Jaba right now. Two different styles but head to head, Super Cr3w is rocking the box.
We are back!
Fourth Crew To Advance: Boogie Bots! (Lil’ Flip “Game Over”)
Ugh, I am not a Lil Flip fan but I am so hoping they murder this song. OH MY FUCKING GOD I THINK I JUST CAME HARDER THAT I EVER CAME BEFORE! They pulled out the Dragon Punch, the Hadoken AND THEY HAD GLOW IN THE DARK SUITS!! THAT WAS EVEN BETTER THAN SUPER CR3W! NIGGAS MADE A GIANT ROBOT! Their dancing was technically sound AND they threw in the tricks of Super Cr3w to boot! I think that my initial pick has FINALLY recaptured my vote because that was FUCKING AWESOME! Yes, as of right now Boogie Bots has my vote back.
More commercials! And now we are back! Tension time as it is the bottom four!
First Crew In Bottom Two: Xtreme Dance Force! (Well DUUUUUUUH!)
Second Crew In Bottom Two: Phresh Select! (I SO CALLED THAT SHIT LAST WEEK! YOU ALL OWE ME!)
Fifth Crew To Advance: Fanny Pak (Britney Spears “Toy Soldier”)
What in the fuck? Never heard of this song. Well, all I have to say about that performance is that it was very good. They came out as Army Men (W00T!!!) and had a lot of funny stunts (Using the girls as machine guns was funny) and they were very precise….VERY PRECISE. That is really why I don’t hate on them so much (See: BreakSk8 from Season One) because they are good at what they do and unlike the aforementioned it is DANCING. However, there are about six crews better at the COMPLETE PACKAGE than Fanny Pak which lies my issue. This was good, but still the bottom of the night so far.
Commercials! We are back!
Sixth Crew To Advance: Supreme Soul (Flo-Rida “Elevator)
COME ON! What is with this more than one song from people?! You couldn’t find another artist to put on this bitch?! Gawd! I’m shocked they were in the four. This is interesting! Hotel lobby style? That was daring. Can I just ask Fanny Pak and A.S.I.I.D. to look at their movements because the peel off and the breaks were detailed, concise and smooth. Fanny Pak and A.S.I.I.D. are really just….frenetic in a way that is GOOD but compared to So Real Cru and Supreme Soul makes them look kind of…uncoordinated? That’s harsh, but it makes them look not as clean to me. Supreme Soul actually must be waiting to be in the bottom two to break out the good stuff because this was nice but I am expecting them to kill it and they never do. Maybe next week…
Commercials are over and we are down to the bottom two!
First Bottom Two Crew: Phresh Select (T.I.’s “Big Things Poppin”)
KING OF THE SOUTH, MOFO! Well, let’s see here. Well, I think I saw a few slip ups (Which makes sense because they are a new crew according to the vignette) but it was kind of…You Got Served-ish. It was good but it wasn’t as up to par as the top four crews. More explanation on the next one because we are already at the second crew….
Second Bottom Two Crew: Xtreme Dance Force (Tech 9ine’s “Earthquake”)
Wow…that was an interesting song choice. Well, it wasn’t bad but it wasn’t up to par as the rest of the crews. It wasn’t….memorable. As a matter of a fact, this is why I think these two teams were at the bottom: they don’t have that panache. They are both very sound crews but compared to a Super Cr3w’s theatrics/talent or So Real Cru’s precision or even A.S.I.I.D.’s and Fanny Pak’s tempo and eye-catching movements they just don’t stand out and a lot of times are overshadowed. Same here and same especially for Phresh Select because they have a lot of talent but are not the memorable type. Not bad, just not prime time players.
And here we go…
Bottom Two: Phresh Select vs. Xtreme Dance Force!
Well, I think Xtreme Dance Force is staying because they didn’t mess up. But we never know what the judges will do….
The Eliminated Crew For This Week: Xtreme Dance Crew!
WHOA!! I was totally off on that one. I really thought that Phresh Select was going home, and I must say I wouldn’t be shocked if they had because they were about even this time. I don’t know, I should feel good about this…but I don’t. *Sigh*
So let me give the rankings for next week!
1. Super Cr3w (Yeah, they pretty much locked this down like Jabawockiez locked it down after week four. This season is a little closer but killing the show three of the four weeks has them almost a lock for the final show)
2. Boogie Bots (Could be number one, depends on how many nerds vote. HADOKEN! They could be the Status Quo of this season: almost get eliminated and kill it for the rest of the season)
3. So Real Cru (Man, they are just outmatched. I REALLY like them but the top two are leaps and bounds above the rest right now. HOWEVER, one good performance in the final four could really change things for them)
4. Fanny Pak (Now listen up for all of you pissed off because I don’t “like” Fanny Pak. I do “like” Fanny Pak but they are not NEAR the top three. They are in a muddled middle along with the next crew)
5. Supreme Soul (Being from Cali helps them out a lot. Now I honestly believe that they are waiting until their backs are up against the wall because they are so much better than this. They are the wild card because I believe at some point they are going to just MURDER the competition and push up into the top three. I said it first, they will be in the bottom two, maybe even this week)
6. A.S.I.I.D. (Being first on the show can cause a REAL ISSUE. Some people wont remember their performance and when you are the benchmark and you get KILLED by two or three crews it drops your votes. Lookout because either Fanny Pak, Supreme Soul or A.S.I.I.D. could be in the bottom two, that is how muddled the middle is. However, Supreme Soul is bound to pull a San Antonio Spurs and pull it together in the end)
7. Phresh Select (These guys are a great story but they aren’t memorable. Talented as all hell but compared to the crews above them they aren’t as “jazz handy.” They will return to the bottom two)
Bottom Two For Next Week:
Phresh Select and Supreme Soul (SHOCKER!!!)
Yeah, I am going out on a limb with this one. Odds are I am wrong but I’m no professional and I am taking a shot in the dark. Tune in next Thursday to see if I am batshit crazy or not!
Countdown will be up tomorrow! Until then, stay up!
Chachi Out!
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