First Crew In The Bottom Three: Supreme Soul! I so called that!
I told you they would be in the bottom three. I figure now they will bring the heat or this could be the biggest upset since Live In Color. But let’s get started!
Crew #1: Boogie Bots (Lil’ Wayne ‘s “Lollipop”)
I wonder if the order is how they finished the week before. It would make sense but I dunno. Okay, I have to agree about their critique of the performance. It was good but after their last two performances this was kind of a drop off. Not only that, they were off on the regular speed spots for some reason. The fast parts they all looked in unison but when it was normal speed they were oddly out of sync. Weird, I think they got jittery because they were the first crew. Good stuff but depending on the other performances they could be risking bottom three.
Second Crew In The Bottom Three: Fanny Pak! WOW! I honestly did not see that.
Crew #2: Super Cr3w (Sanigold’s “Creator”)
Wow, that was frenetic! It looked like Fanny Pak with the organized confusion look of the performance. Unsure if that was on purpose or accident but it looked cool. I have to agree with Shane, I was NOT blown away by this performance. After their first four, this seemed to be a letdown but I think we will see that from everyone except Fanny Pak and A.S.I.I.D. because rapid fire is their element. Super Cr3w is deliberate and tries to tell a story and that aint going to work for this kind of challenge.
Third Crew In The Bottom Three: Phresh Select! I SO TOLD YOU! I AM AWESOME!
Crew #3: A.S.I.I.D. (Kardinal Official’s “Dangerous”)
Very, very interesting! It had some ballet in there! I stand corrected, you guys were awesome! I really liked this performance and it was the best so far. Crew to beat so far.
Crew #4: So Real Cru (Chris Brown’s “With You”)
They like Chris Breezy on this show. THEY DID SOME RAVE MOVES! HELLS YEAH! I kind of disagree with the judges because their fast part was a little bit TOO intricate so it seemed too slow but I really thought it hit well. Now I am no Fred Astaire but I think theirs is the performance to beat tonight. I liked it better than A.S.I.I.D.’s because they MURDERED the intro. The second half was just above average but the beginning was KILLED.
Bottom Two Crews: Phresh Select & Supreme Soul! I SO CALLED THAT SHIT! I SHOULD BE IN VEGAS!
Crew #5: Fanny Pak (Mariah Carey’s “Touch My Body”)
Wow….this was the first performance of theirs I actually can say I liked. They told a story and actually kept my attention throughout the whole performance. Not going to lie, usually I am multitasking when they are performing because I am bored or annoyed. Not this time, they right now are the top crew.
So we are Phresh Select and Supreme Soul. I so called that. Well, let’s get to it!
First Crew In The Bottom Two: Phresh Select (Dream’s “Shawty Is A 10)
Heh, the nerd motif was rather cool. It was an OKAY performance but it didn’t blow me away. Something tells me that they are going home this week.
Second Crew In The Bottom Two: Supreme Soul (Shop Boyz “Party Like A Rock Star)
THIS WAS THE PERFORMANCE I HAVE BEEN WAITING ON! They totally killed this shit! I told ya’ll if they were in the bottom two they were going to kill the elimination performance and I am dead on. I think from this point out, they may actually end up being the favorites like I felt they were in the beginning. They totally dominated this task and I feel that they are SLIGHTLY ahead of Fanny Pak for the best performance because they incorporated so much into the routine. But we will have to see.
Now we are back and let’s get to it!
The Eliminated Crew This Week: Phresh Select!
Man, I knew that was coming. We are down to the final six and Phresh Select probably lucked out from having Distortion X being robbed in the first episode by the judges and Fanny Pak. Supreme Soul has survived another week and I honestly believe they will be a team to beat now.
Now, it is time for the second ABDC Championship Rankings!
1. Super Cr3w: They were the best performing crew all but two weeks (Arguably last week and definitely this week) but this performance was just “meh.” They hold the top spot for their body of work but I think due to their past performances and they didn’t really have a BAD performance this week that they will keep their votes. However, they may fall to three or four in the votes if people go in mass exodus to this next crew.
2. Fanny Pak: Yes, they KILLED it this week. It was a task that I knew they would shine in and boy did they do it. Second best performance of the night in my honest opinion and without a doubt the most exciting. However, they are better off than BreakSk8 because they haven’t really begun to look like they are taking from anyone after the controversy of the first episode.
3. So Real Cru: Now these last four are interchangeable because they all have had good performances with nothing earth shattering (Minus Boogie Bots last week) but nothing bad. So Real Cru is the sleeper because as long as they don’t end up going head to head with anyone they are shielded from the fact that they lack excitement but make up for it with choreography and awesome detail.
4. ASIID: This week’s performance was kind of….above average but it didn’t really stand out against Fanny Pak’s awesomeness or Supreme Soul just BRINGING IT. However, same thing. As long as they don’t go head to head against Supreme Soul in the bottom two, they could sneak into the finals.
5. Boogie Bots: Long fall, and in some ways rightfully so. Last year, after the Jabawookiez had that kick ass performance in week three they KILLED, AND I MEAN KILLED week four. Boogie Bots had the most interesting performance this season (Maybe in the shows history) and followed it up with “meh.” This may land them in the bottom two, but definitely the bottom three.
6. Supreme Soul: Now since all four of these crews are about even in the fans eyes and there is little margin for error and this week they may have made up for it. However, the question is will people vote for them over the crews above them and I believe that they won’t….for now.
So, let’s predict how the vote will end for next weeks show!
1. Fanny Pak
2. Super Cr3w
3. A.S.I.I.D.
4. So Real Cru
5. Boogie Bots
6. Supreme Soul
Like I said, the crews underneath Super Cr3w and Fanny Pak are all in the same boat so don’t be shocked to see the votes spread out evenly and there be a shocker in the bottom. However, I think that Supreme Soul will eliminate the Boogie Bots and then be in the bottom two AGAIN and eliminate So Real Cru. You heard it here first.
See you all next Thursday!
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