You know…I was thinking about something today. Say what you will about the whole Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton thing but man, I really feel like there isn’t anything available right now that encompasses the movement right now. Black people are going out and voting not because (I HOPE, ANYWAY) a Black candidate is there but a Black candidate is speaking to the problems of the nation, unlike Jesse Jackson in his attempts for the Democratic nomination. Or to a lesser extent, Alan Keyes for the Republican nomination. Nigga, please. You weren’t going to win that shit. Republicans would sooner vote in an Asian woman than a Black man; it goes against everything they believe in. Which is darkies knowing their place…it’s called The White House for a reason. BURN….the crosses. See, racism can be HILARIOUS!
Anyway, I am kind of saddened that even with a great moment and what I believe win (Or even sadly and odds are eventually lose) that Obama has opened eyes and created a shift in the way the people of the United States not only see Blacks, but see each other. I honestly believe that there is a good majority of the American people that are realizing that race and gender…of anyone that ISNT HILLARY CLINTON anyway, aren’t what determines a great leader. It is whether they can to the job and create the change to begin to repair the problems of the country. It is about whether they can bring everyone as a nation together against common problems rather than dividing and creating a climate of fear and hate to keep us “together” as a nation. It sucks that Barack Obama wasn’t around in the 60’s because he would have a better landscape to work with as complacency and total apathy have all but destroyed the democratic process. However, I believe that someone needs to create the music for this generation. Someone needs to be the next poet and makes that one song that makes everybody stand up. That one song that makes everyone look around and see the outsourcing, the unemployment, the rising energy costs, the homelessness, the senseless hate and violence and say we need someone to help change this. We don’t need someone to continue taking the train down the same track, we need someone to help people realize that things are not right but can get better. Since people don’t read the newspaper and god forbid won’t watch news on the internet unless it is bookended with a video about a dancing cat….we need someone to do it with music. Music is the one thing that can make people pay attention because we know that MTV won’t do anything because it cuts into their prime-time schedule of reality shows. We need a new anthem. Or….maybe it would be best if we just use an old one that stands the test of time. Marvin….tell us what’s going on:
And for the people who haven’t heard this song…you really need to get on this. Memorize and realize:
Mother, mother
There's too many of you crying
Brother, brother, brother
There's far too many of you dying
You know we've got to find a way
To bring some lovin' here today - Ya
Father, father
We don't need to escalate
You see, war is not the answer
For only love can conquer hate
You know we've got to find a way
To bring some lovin' here today
Picket lines and picket signs
Don't punish me with brutality
Talk to me, so you can see
Oh, what's going on
What's going on
Ya, what's going on
Ah, what's going on
In the mean time
Right on, baby
Right on
Right on
Father, father, everybody thinks we're wrong
Oh, but who are they to judge us
Simply because our hair is long
Oh, you know we've got to find a way
To bring some understanding here today
Picket lines and picket signs
Don't punish me with brutality
Talk to me
So you can see
What's going on
Ya, what's going on
Tell me what's going on
I'll tell you what's going on - Uh
Right on baby
Right on baby
God damn it. The closest we have to something like this today is….hell, nothing. Musicians now should be locked in a room and forced to listen to this for seven straight days until they learn what music is. The fact that Marvin Gaye never had a number one album and the fact he has the same amount of Grammy’s as Fergie (Shocked me, too) shows that people today don’t DESERVE the right to vote. *Sigh* I hope people realize what’s going on out there.
Chachi Out.
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