Chachi’s Random Thoughts!
Random Thought #1: I Am Really Not That Excited About Grand Theft Auto 4.
Yes, I know I preordered the game and I have been talking about it for a while but I am not really as excited about video games as I used to be. I guess that will change once I get it and have time to play if but dammit, playing games just aint the same with a job. When I was in college (And games were arguably at its lowest with the GameCube and the resting on its ASS PlayStation 2) I had the time to play games but there was nothing really out on a consistent basis so playing games stopped being a focal point and I actually went…outside and met people. Novel concept I admit.
However, after GTAIII, I personally feel the series has kind of gotten stagnant. The majority of my time was spent completing missions and listening to the radio stations (The blade that killed 1,000 Cambodians!) so with its wide open game play I because easily distracted and in the end just stopped playing in favor of other games (Kingdom hearts 2 for one). I am hoping they make the missions winnable and make the multiplayer worth the time to play (I normally detest online play but with this I will give it a try) so I can have a great gaming experience without having to look at this thing like a second job. I’m just saying.
Random Thought #2: The Jonas Brothers SUCK.
I don’t know who they are or what they do but man I am TIRED of hearing about them. They are nowhere near as good as BBMak and the only song I have heard from them sucks it dry. Between these fucktards and Miley Cyrus, we are expediting the dumbening of America’s youth. Speaking of the dumbening of America’s youth…
You get the idea. Now I know she is 15 and she is naked in a magazine. I know that someone on her side, whether it be her parents, publicist staff or even Miley herself agreed to the shot. But at the end of the day, someone at Vanity Fair has to say…
Seriously, who even brings something like this up?! As a reputable magazine they have a responsibility to just say “you know what, this is a bad idea” for things like this. Even if Miley herself brought the idea to them they still need to say no way because she is FIFTEEN FUCKING YEARS OLD! I don’t want to take the blame from her or her publicity team because they were dipshits for going along with it. However, someone has to know that a 15 year old naked in a magazine geared for adults is kind of a bad idea. Kind of. I mean this isn’t Japan here, and Miley is no Asuka or Hikaru from Hinoi Team:
They are almost legal, peeps! Next year it’s on! Sorry, enough of my dreams. Anyway, this has been blown WAY OUT OF CONTEXT. I mean here is the photo of Miley:

Is it any worse than THIS photo of her?:

Hell, the second photo looks like she is drunk as hell! As someone that has been drunk as hell…I can tell. I personally don’t think the first picture is bad OR in poor taste as compared to the pictures we have seen Hayden Pantierre, Britney Spears and of course Vanessa “Chewbacca” Hudgens (I still love you baby, hairy bush and all!) in. If people think that THIS is going to make their daughters whore it up by…taking anemic looking photos underneath sheets for a magazine known for putting Demi Moore’s pregnant ass, David Beckham’s bulge (Union Jack? More like Union Jock!) and LeBron James looking silverback-ish on the cover with a blond chick in tow then by all means lock up your daughters and let’s have a good old fashion book burning. After that, lets burn us some witches, beat some women for reading, drag us some faggots behind a truck and lynch some niggers for eyeballing that sweet, sweet white sugar. Offended? Good, it is the exact same over reaction for shit that ISN’T EVEN AN ISSUE. I say blame everyone, pull the picture and shut the fuck up. Besides, Miley will never be as worth seeing shirtless as Zac Efron:

Can you say DREAMY?! I know I can. In other words, this isn’t news and if you think that this is offensive or your daughter is going to become skank of the year because her role model took some pictures….what in the fuck is your daughter doing reading Vanity Fair anyway? Think about that and then come to grips with being a stupid parent.
Random Thought #5: Matt Ryan Will Be Good….Just Not Any Time Soon.
So I watched the Atlanta Falcons message boards and listened to ESPN badmouth Matt Ryan over the last two days all because he went to Atlanta. For three weeks all I heard was he was the only “franschise” quarterback in the draft and when Atlanta picks him to MAKE him their franschise Qb…all of a sudden he is the next Tim Couch. Well, I watched three games of Matt Ryan’s this year (GT, VT and FSU) and I saw his good and bad traits:
• The Kid Has “It”: Watch that Virginia Tech game. Minus the LSU and Kansas game, VT was the class of the ACC with a dominant defense. The held BC (Who was #3 nationally at the time I believe) to no points until six minutes left in the 4th quarter when Matt led the Eagles to this:
The kid was able to pull some magical stuff out this season. Now that was in COLLEGE but the talent around him is better (Roddy White is one of the 10 best wideouts in the NFL…with arguably the worst QB’s) and the expectations are lower.
• Arm Strength: Now people knocked his arm this year before and after the draft but every clip I see of him he gets the ball there ON TIME. Now the timing in the NFL is faster but so are his players. He can zip it in or as the video above showed he can put some touch on it when needed.
• He Can Take A Hit: And BOY will he have to playing behind Atlanta’s line unless they can get it together quickly:
DAAAAAAAMN! It’s going to be WORSE in the NFL.
Not to say he’s all good:
• NINETEEN INTERCEPTIONS?!: Yes, you read that right. Andre Woodson out of Kentucky, against better competition and the same comparable weapons, only threw 11 and had FORTY TOUCHDOWNS. Say system all you want, but 19 interceptions is way too many for an elite QB.
• Bad decisions: In their three losses in 2007, Matt Ryan three eight of his interceptions for the Eagles. He also took several bad sacks. Now he rarely made a poor throw and his mechanics are solid but when the game was big, sans the first VT game (To his credit was on the road in Blacksburg), Matt Ryan was questionable.
At the end of the day, Matt Ryan is in a difficult situation. I heard something on ESPN’s “First Take” while I was on a call this morning and it was really telling. I believe it was DE for Jacksonville that stated “There was a reason that when the Georgia Dome went dark for introductions, it stayed dark during the game.” As offensive as it sounds, Black people attached to Mike Vick like no other quarterback in history. Now had Mike not been an asshat and coaches worked within his skill then we may not be having this conversation. Say what you will about Vick, he brought an excitement to this franchise that hadn’t been here since Deion Sanders and Andre Rison were on the team. There was a swagger that they could compete and say what you will but it will be hard to erase Mike Vick from this franchise. The only thing that will get rid of his memory is Matt Ryan leading the Falcons to 9 wins….which in the NFC South is completely possible. Atlanta isn’t a BAD team, they just have no depth. I believe Matt Ryan will be a good if not great pro but it will take a while, and odds are a bad first year. I say mark this down, though: unless he gets hurt, Matt Ryan starts at least 8 games…and they will win at least six. I said it here first.
Random Thought #6: I Miss Good Cartoons.
I know I am almost 30 but TV sucks ass. I miss waking up on Saturday mornings and having a morning full of good cartoons before heading outside to play. Children don’t have that now as all the cartoons are either remakes (THAT SUCK ASS!), live action or the anime that Japan doesn’t even like. I miss the days of Jayce & The Wheeled Warriors:
See! Even the bad cartoons were AWESOME. WHEEEEELED WARRIOOOOOOORS!!
Well, that is all for now. Next update will be maybe Wednesday. Not sure yet, maybe not until Thursday but Friday is the Countdown (That’s a given. Not to be a spoiler but Foxxi MisQ may not be the number one video this Friday! But who….L`Arc~en~Ciel maybe?) and of course IRON MAN! Until next time, stay up peeps. Maybe another update later on tonight if I am up for it.
Chachi Out.
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