Okay people, I am back once again! Mostly because I have a RAGING headache and don’t feel like leaving the house but aside from that I am just here for a quick set of….
Chachi’s Random Thoughts!
Random Thought #1: I Am Really Not That Excited About Grand Theft Auto 4.
Yes, I know I preordered the game and I have been talking about it for a while but I am not really as excited about video games as I used to be. I guess that will change once I get it and have time to play if but dammit, playing games just aint the same with a job. When I was in college (And games were arguably at its lowest with the GameCube and the resting on its ASS PlayStation 2) I had the time to play games but there was nothing really out on a consistent basis so playing games stopped being a focal point and I actually went…outside and met people. Novel concept I admit.
However, after GTAIII, I personally feel the series has kind of gotten stagnant. The majority of my time was spent completing missions and listening to the radio stations (The blade that killed 1,000 Cambodians!) so with its wide open game play I because easily distracted and in the end just stopped playing in favor of other games (Kingdom hearts 2 for one). I am hoping they make the missions winnable and make the multiplayer worth the time to play (I normally detest online play but with this I will give it a try) so I can have a great gaming experience without having to look at this thing like a second job. I’m just saying.
Random Thought #2: The Jonas Brothers SUCK.
I don’t know who they are or what they do but man I am TIRED of hearing about them. They are nowhere near as good as BBMak and the only song I have heard from them sucks it dry. Between these fucktards and Miley Cyrus, we are expediting the dumbening of America’s youth. Speaking of the dumbening of America’s youth…
You get the idea. Now I know she is 15 and she is naked in a magazine. I know that someone on her side, whether it be her parents, publicist staff or even Miley herself agreed to the shot. But at the end of the day, someone at Vanity Fair has to say…
Seriously, who even brings something like this up?! As a reputable magazine they have a responsibility to just say “you know what, this is a bad idea” for things like this. Even if Miley herself brought the idea to them they still need to say no way because she is FIFTEEN FUCKING YEARS OLD! I don’t want to take the blame from her or her publicity team because they were dipshits for going along with it. However, someone has to know that a 15 year old naked in a magazine geared for adults is kind of a bad idea. Kind of. I mean this isn’t Japan here, and Miley is no Asuka or Hikaru from Hinoi Team:
They are almost legal, peeps! Next year it’s on! Sorry, enough of my dreams. Anyway, this has been blown WAY OUT OF CONTEXT. I mean here is the photo of Miley: Is it any worse than THIS photo of her?: Hell, the second photo looks like she is drunk as hell! As someone that has been drunk as hell…I can tell. I personally don’t think the first picture is bad OR in poor taste as compared to the pictures we have seen Hayden Pantierre, Britney Spears and of course Vanessa “Chewbacca” Hudgens (I still love you baby, hairy bush and all!) in. If people think that THIS is going to make their daughters whore it up by…taking anemic looking photos underneath sheets for a magazine known for putting Demi Moore’s pregnant ass, David Beckham’s bulge (Union Jack? More like Union Jock!) and LeBron James looking silverback-ish on the cover with a blond chick in tow then by all means lock up your daughters and let’s have a good old fashion book burning. After that, lets burn us some witches, beat some women for reading, drag us some faggots behind a truck and lynch some niggers for eyeballing that sweet, sweet white sugar. Offended? Good, it is the exact same over reaction for shit that ISN’T EVEN AN ISSUE. I say blame everyone, pull the picture and shut the fuck up. Besides, Miley will never be as worth seeing shirtless as Zac Efron: Can you say DREAMY?! I know I can. In other words, this isn’t news and if you think that this is offensive or your daughter is going to become skank of the year because her role model took some pictures….what in the fuck is your daughter doing reading Vanity Fair anyway? Think about that and then come to grips with being a stupid parent.
Random Thought #5: Matt Ryan Will Be Good….Just Not Any Time Soon.
So I watched the Atlanta Falcons message boards and listened to ESPN badmouth Matt Ryan over the last two days all because he went to Atlanta. For three weeks all I heard was he was the only “franschise” quarterback in the draft and when Atlanta picks him to MAKE him their franschise Qb…all of a sudden he is the next Tim Couch. Well, I watched three games of Matt Ryan’s this year (GT, VT and FSU) and I saw his good and bad traits:
• The Kid Has “It”: Watch that Virginia Tech game. Minus the LSU and Kansas game, VT was the class of the ACC with a dominant defense. The held BC (Who was #3 nationally at the time I believe) to no points until six minutes left in the 4th quarter when Matt led the Eagles to this:
The kid was able to pull some magical stuff out this season. Now that was in COLLEGE but the talent around him is better (Roddy White is one of the 10 best wideouts in the NFL…with arguably the worst QB’s) and the expectations are lower. • Arm Strength: Now people knocked his arm this year before and after the draft but every clip I see of him he gets the ball there ON TIME. Now the timing in the NFL is faster but so are his players. He can zip it in or as the video above showed he can put some touch on it when needed. • He Can Take A Hit: And BOY will he have to playing behind Atlanta’s line unless they can get it together quickly:
DAAAAAAAMN! It’s going to be WORSE in the NFL.
Not to say he’s all good:
• NINETEEN INTERCEPTIONS?!: Yes, you read that right. Andre Woodson out of Kentucky, against better competition and the same comparable weapons, only threw 11 and had FORTY TOUCHDOWNS. Say system all you want, but 19 interceptions is way too many for an elite QB. • Bad decisions: In their three losses in 2007, Matt Ryan three eight of his interceptions for the Eagles. He also took several bad sacks. Now he rarely made a poor throw and his mechanics are solid but when the game was big, sans the first VT game (To his credit was on the road in Blacksburg), Matt Ryan was questionable.
At the end of the day, Matt Ryan is in a difficult situation. I heard something on ESPN’s “First Take” while I was on a call this morning and it was really telling. I believe it was DE for Jacksonville that stated “There was a reason that when the Georgia Dome went dark for introductions, it stayed dark during the game.” As offensive as it sounds, Black people attached to Mike Vick like no other quarterback in history. Now had Mike not been an asshat and coaches worked within his skill then we may not be having this conversation. Say what you will about Vick, he brought an excitement to this franchise that hadn’t been here since Deion Sanders and Andre Rison were on the team. There was a swagger that they could compete and say what you will but it will be hard to erase Mike Vick from this franchise. The only thing that will get rid of his memory is Matt Ryan leading the Falcons to 9 wins….which in the NFC South is completely possible. Atlanta isn’t a BAD team, they just have no depth. I believe Matt Ryan will be a good if not great pro but it will take a while, and odds are a bad first year. I say mark this down, though: unless he gets hurt, Matt Ryan starts at least 8 games…and they will win at least six. I said it here first.
Random Thought #6: I Miss Good Cartoons.
I know I am almost 30 but TV sucks ass. I miss waking up on Saturday mornings and having a morning full of good cartoons before heading outside to play. Children don’t have that now as all the cartoons are either remakes (THAT SUCK ASS!), live action or the anime that Japan doesn’t even like. I miss the days of Jayce & The Wheeled Warriors:
See! Even the bad cartoons were AWESOME. WHEEEEELED WARRIOOOOOOORS!!
Well, that is all for now. Next update will be maybe Wednesday. Not sure yet, maybe not until Thursday but Friday is the Countdown (That’s a given. Not to be a spoiler but Foxxi MisQ may not be the number one video this Friday! But who….L`Arc~en~Ciel maybe?) and of course IRON MAN! Until next time, stay up peeps. Maybe another update later on tonight if I am up for it.
Okay, I am back on the scene! It is a surprisingly overcast Monday and I am totally dodging work right now. With that being said, I am deciding on whether to go to the midnight release of GTA4 or should I just wait until tomorrow to pick up my copy. I have been up until 3am the last few nights for no real reason at all and I need to get me a good night sleep for tomorrow.
So yesterday I re-posted a blog I put up about a year ago in which I responded to an article a friend of mine found on the interweb. I decided to revisit the post to see how much I and my views had changed over the last year. Seeing as how I am pissed off 24/7 now compared to the wide-eyed go getter that was ready to take on the world and feel loved then I wonder how I feel about this kind of shit now seeing as how my feelings about women are like GW’s approval rating: at an all time low. So let’s see if I have grown as a person and human being! Riiiiiight.
Passion of Chachi Presents: Review and Re-Do!
Post from April 25th, 2007: THIS Is Why Men Are Fucking Stupid.
“MISTAKE #1: BeingToo Much Of A "Nice Guy" Have you ever noticed that the really attractive women never seem to be attracted "nice" guys? Of course you have. Just like me, I'm sure you've had attractive female friends that always seemed to date "jerks"... but for some reason they were never romantically interested in YOU. What's going on here? It's actually very simple...Women don't base their choices of men on how "nice" a guy is. They choose the men they do because they feel a powerful GUT LEVEL ATTRACTION for them. And guess what? Being nice doesn't make a woman FEEL that powerful ATTRACTION. And being NICE doesn't make a woman CHOOSE you. I realize that this doesn't make a lot of logical sense, and it's hard to ACCEPT... but GET OVER IT. Until you accept this FACT and begin to act on it, you'll NEVER have the success with women that you want.”
Original Response: Okay, so you are basically saying that women want to be treated like crap? Well yeah, stupid women do. This guy is basically saying that women are attracted at the primal level. That there is no depth in terms of personality that women find attractive. If she is a total trollop whore, I can agree with that. The simple fact is no man starts off as a jerk. Some do, I have seen them and they do get women. But have you seen the women they get? They get women that EXPECT TO BE TREATED LIKE SHIT FROM A JERK! So this dude is really just saying that ‘dumb women get dumber guys’ which isn’t new. And neither is women dating jerks. Like I said, no man starts off as a jerk (at least from the information I have gathered and the relationships I have witnessed), he gradually senses that she has either become comfortable with his shit or has low enough self esteem to be treated like crap and accept it. I know, I have seen it and I have been there. As for not getting what I want because of being nice. I am not nice. Ask any woman that knows me and she will tell you. I am as abrasive and a fucking rusty chainsaw with a bad motor. Men who are jerks get women because those are the kind of guys those women are attracted to. Is it the majority? No. Are the majority of men jerks? And fucking how. Now if there are more women than men, and the majority of men are jerks…where do you think the odds lie? Come on, fucker numbers are more relevant than emotions. For a dickhole that speaks about ‘logic’ you cant use is with ‘emotion’. The two are parallel fucking lines and never intersect. Moron.
My Response Now: I always saw the logic in this douche’s statement but I never believe that women like “nice” guys because the term “nice guy” is a total cop out. I haven’t heard a guy refer to himself as a “nice guy” since college and when I do I am using it in humor. From the experience I have had with females women have no idea WHAT they want. Nolan said something I had always thought but it never hit me until we had this dialog: “When you are dating a woman, you are dating who she has dated. If she has a shitty track record of guys she has been with you are dealing with all the bullshit that she has not been able to accept about her bad decisions.” A woman’s intuition isn’t intuition as much as it is consistent trial and error which usually results in ERRORS. Ask how many women had dated an asshole and you will be in a really high percentage (80%-ish) and odds are the reason they were attracted to them wasn’t enough to base a relationship on. If you are going to date someone because they are hot you are shallow. Nothing wrong with that at all. Attraction is based off of personal feelings and if a woman aint feeling you then convincing her to like you shows she is weak and you are desperate. Besides, if a woman want to date an a-hole over me that is quite fine. A persons previous relationship decisions are just as much of an indicator of the kind of partner they would be in the current time and if she dated fuckers and that is her track record, I don’t think that would be a fit for me anyway. In other words people are who they are and like what/whom they like. That being said, looking at the majority of females I know and their decisions, much like Shitty Airlines they made the wrong choice before.
MISTAKE #2: Trying To Convince Her To Like You What do most guys do when they meet a woman that they REALLY like... but she's just not interested? Right! They try to "convince" the woman to feel differently. Well, I have news for you... YOU WILL NEVER CHANGE HOW A WOMAN "FEELS" WHEN IT COMES TO ATTRACTION! Never, ever, EVER. You cannot CONVINCE a woman to feel differently about you with "logic and reasoning". Think about it. If a woman doesn't "feel it" for you, how in the world do you expect to change that FEELING by being "reasonable" with her? But we all do it. When a woman just isn't interested, we beg, plead, chase, and do our best to change her mind. Bad idea. One that will never work.”
Original Response: Wow, I will admit I’ve been there. Never did I try to change myself; I changed my actions which was WORSE. When a woman isn’t interested in me but I am in her, I chalk it up as a loss and charge it to the game. It sucks, but it is fucking life. If she aint interested, let her go. I don’t agree with you because odds are you should know she aint interested from jump street. As a comm. Major we are taught to read non-verbals and I believe I read them well. I don’t CARE a lot of the times but I know signs of non-interest.“
My Response Now: First off, the initial purpose of the writers “help” was based on not convincing a woman to like you yet you should attempt to work off of her gut level attraction by acting in a way outside of yourself to attract her. They contradict each other. Just food for thought IMHO. Now attempting to convince a woman of anything is a moot point because women run on an emotional thought process which at its core is devoid of logic. Now emotion and logic can overlap, but any fucktard can find the clue that breaks a case wide open. Logic is a concept that women believe they don’t have to follow because in the end they believe that they are allowed to make any decision they want because as women they are excepted to be irrational beings. To reason with a woman about why she shouldn’t (or should) date someone is pointless because whatever you say they should do is irrelevant. Women already know what they are going to do, right or wrong even when LOGIC proves them to be wrong in their decision. I don’t enjoy talking to women because they know they are wrong logically about a lot of shit but because they are women they see it as their right to be able to make bad decisions. To tie this all back, if a woman isn’t interested and you try to convince her to be you are wasting your time. Now if she doesn’t know you and you present yourself that is one thing. However, if you present what you have to offer and she still isn’t interested then that is just the way it. Call me unpersistant but I believe that no means no and maybe I give women too much credit and/or respect in thinking that what they say is their word. If they say that for me to chase them: FUCK THAT. If you aren’t comfortable enough to put your emotions out to someone that has put theirs out to you then you are an asshat and deserve to be with a dude that treats you like shit. I am not Phoenix Wright: Attorney at Law and have no need to attempt to convince a woman that I am right for her if she doesn’t believe it. It’s your life and I have to live mine.
MISTAKE #3: Looking To Her For Approval Or Permission In our desire to please women (which we mistakenly think will make them like us), us guys are always doing things to get a woman's "approval" or "permission". Another HORRIBLE idea. Women are NEVER attracted to the types of men who kiss up to them... EVER. Don't get me wrong here. You don't have to treat women BADLY for them to like you. But if you think that treating a woman well means "always getting her approval and permission for things", think again. You will never succeed by looking for approval. Women actually get ANNOYED at men who seek their approval. Doubt me? Just ask any attractive woman if Wussy guys who chase her around and want her approval annoy her...”
Original Response: Wow, this is funny. I could give a fuck about whether a woman thinks I am unfunny, abrasive, anti-social, mean, rude or an overall asshole. You know why? That’s me. Maybe this dude is just a sissy but I don’t ask for permission from ANY woman aside my mom. And that’s because she will cut me on general purpose. If it is something that is a unified decision then we compromise. I am grown and so is she. Asking for permission is asinine. The way I look at it, you shouldn’t have to ask permission because if you are together, you should be doing whatever it is you are asking together or the other party would understand the situation and be fine with the independence. An ex asked my permission about something and I asked her if she was twelve. We didn’t last long, but my point was made.“
My Response Now: I really will not back down on this. Relationships are a partnership, not an ownership. It isn’t yaoi so there is no need for a uke and seme dynamic. I don’t believe that you should have to ask for permission or acceptance from your partner because at the end of the day they should know you and your likes well enough and accept how you are as a person (unless it is unhealthy like going to furry parties or some shit). Now in the chase aspect….ask any woman that knows me whether I give a fuck what they think. They will tell you that I couldn’t give two shits about what they think about what I do and what I like. Women want to be desired, whether it is by who they are with or by random people. Again, there is nothing wrong with that. However, if that desire is what you need to be validated then this question is flipped around. Women seek approval in several ways (Their dress, their sexual activity or lack thereof, the need of male friends to feel secure about themselves) much like men seek approval by flashing money and cars around because a car is the bait. GOTCHA, BITCH! Yet, a woman never changes HERSELF for a man, she attempts to change the MAN to fit HER which is the most fucked up thing ever. So in a sense, although I would never do it, the reason some men are constantly seeking approval is that they don’t want to lose their sense of individuality by dating a woman who he knows will try to change him. Think about it; that is why bros are in demand now. They are easy to train and for the most part don’t need to be because they are exactly what a woman needs to feel validated because they never question and usually ignore them that gives them the dominance and yet drama factor they need to be validated. I digress, as that is another rant altogether. To tie this all together, we have all chased a woman to some extent but at the end of the day a real man isn’t going to chase a woman past his limits of sanity or common sense. I may not have my dignity, but I do have my common sense.
MISTAKE #4: Trying To "Buy" Her Affection With Food And Gifts How many times have you taken a woman out to a nice dinner, bought her gifts and flowers, and had her REJECT you for someone who didn't treat her even HALF as well as you did? If you're like me, then you've had it happen a LOT. Well guess what? It's only NATURAL when this happens...That's right, I said NATURAL. When you do these things, you send a clear message:"I don't think you'll like me for who I am, so I'm going to try to buy your attention and affection". Your good intentions usually come across to women as over-compensation for insecurity, and weak attempts at manipulation. That's right, I said that women see this as MANIPULATION.”
Original Response: Heh, this is interesting. Women are ingrained to feel that they are being manipulated by men any-fucking-way so it is a Catch-22. Any woman that expects you to pay for her at all points (and Rick will tell you I have been there and we weren’t EVEN DATING) is a whore. You are, get over it. I pay because I want to. Hell, I pay for my male friends sometimes and that isn’t because I am ‘insecure about our relationship’. It’s because it is the cool thing to do sometimes. Whoever is giving this insight got fucked over and is looking for a reason for why. Never look for a reason because closure on emotional situations (which dating/courting is) is different by situation. This person is blanketing a result of one situation and relaying it to a few similar situations, by doing so is trying to address all situations everyone will have this point forward. Good job, fucky.“
My Response Now: Pretty much the same, actually. You see, in the experiences I have had and the details given to me by my friends about their interactions with females I have found that women thrive in consistency. Now any woman that says she likes “spontaneity” isn’t LYING as much as she is looking for random moments of making her feel like the most important thing in his life…which she ISN’T so in essence you are dating a liar. Congrats! Anyway, at the end of the day, A Pimp Named Slickback had it best. If you are buying things for a woman to get her to like you then you suffer from a severe case of Bitch Dependency:
Let’s be honest here: the number of women that can be liked for how they are is rather slim. When you find one, NEVER LET HER GO (Like I did…get a few drinks in me and I will tell you about it) because I am going to be frank right now. People, male and female, are devoid of any real discernable personality. It is hard to like people for who they are because people fucking suck donkey balls. Since the majority of people have the personality of a soaking wet ferret that has been drinking wild turkey for two days they have to go with what they think will work to keep a persons’ interest in them. For men those tactics include:
• Buying affection with gifts (Bitches love gifts. And the gifts are the bait! GOTCHA, BITCH!) • The constant flashing of wealth (Flaunting keys and how much they spend on themselves. I understand ballin but come on) • Mental and/or physical abuse (You know how I feel about this. If you don’t, ask and I will tell you. Just better be prepared for my answer. This is usually AFTER they start dating because at least SOME women are smart enough to not go home with a guy that savate kicks them for not taking the drink he bought her. Am I a bad person because I thought that would be funny as hell?) • Lying (Well, this is telling a woman what they want to hear which is usually a lie any-fucking-way. Most men will say whatever they need to get a woman into bed. Since women need to feel validated from men…you know what happens. And he won’t call unless he knocks you up. Even then, there is still a 25% chance you will never find his ass)
While for women, their tactics are:
• Lying; or as I call it, a woman’s Shikai.
(When a woman wants to get a man to like her it doesn’t really take much for a really weak dude. They don’t HAVE to lie but much like Zangetsu is always in its released form, women will lie to you on general purpose. A man’s lie: “There WERE weapons of mass destruction.” A woman’s’ lie: “It’s your child.” I would say they are about even. I kid, I kid. • Sex; or as I call it, a woman’s BANKAI.
(I have said this before and psychological studies have proven that there is more of an emotional link to sex on the side of females than on the side of males. So a woman thinks that if she has sex with you that you automatically are emotionally involved with her. Unless she is doing it for sexual gratification which is fine until she decides to change the rules)
At the end of the day, people who attempt to manipulate or convince someone to like them have issues within themselves they need to address. It is difficult to like someone for who they are; that is why marriages don’t work at a 50% clip. It takes time to find someone that fits you as a person, and if the only way you can get that person is by not being yourself or by coercion then maybe that person isn’t for you. Just a thought.
MISTAKE #5: Sharing "How You Feel" Too Early In The Relationship With Her Another huge and unfortunate mistake that most men make with women is sharing how they "feel" too early on. Attractive women are rare. And they get a LOT of attention from men. Most men don't realize this, but attractive women are being approached in one way or another ALL THE An attractive woman is often approached several times a DAY by men who are interested. This translate into dozens of times per week, and often HUNDREDS of times per month. And guess what? Attractive women have usually dated a LOT of men. That's right. They have EXPERIENCE. They know what to expect. And one thing that turns an attractive women off and sends her running away faster than just about anything is a guy who starts saying "You know, I really, REALLY like you" after one or two dates. This signals to the woman that you're just like all the other guys who fall for her too fast... and can't control themselves. Don't do it. Lean back. Relax. There's a much better way...”
Original Response: Okay, let me lay this down because I can say I have seen it a lot in my years. ALL women are approached by ALL TYPES of men. Except nice, jaded guys because we are under the assumption they will say no. First off, if a woman looks at a relationship as a power struggle of who shows their feelings first then she is a bitch and deserves to be treated poorly. I hate to say that but it is the same for men so shut the fuck up. If you are comfortable in telling the woman you have feelings for how you feel and she says ‘Gear down, big shifter’ that is normal. It takes time to figure out how you feel about someone (SOMETIMES LIKE 3 FUCKING YEARS). Any man that says that after two dates unless they have known each other for a while is either looking for tang, fucking insane or doesn’t FULLY mean it but sort of feels funny in pants when she is around. Maybe YOU said that after two dates and she ran, but you are obviously a fucktard.
My Response Now: Well, this is bullshit. I even don’t believe in my original answer anymore. I am one that wears my emotions on my sleeve because I believe that when you hold things in you begin to put undue emotional stress on yourself. Secondly, women are NOT rare. They are everywhere and they outnumber men…except in Colorado Springs of course but that is life. Even if an attractive woman (I have run under the assumption that he means visually attractive women) are approached a lot, which I believe to be false because they claim men are “intimidated” by their beauty, a man telling them how they feel is the LEAST of their problems (Drunken bros, horny business men, sky-rocketing gas prices, etc.). Women know what to expect because they usually (READ, BITCHES! USUALLY!) date inside a certain box of men so OF COURSE they know what to expect. Anything that would deviate from the norm that they know of will be unfamiliar and they would flee/back away. That’s normal. It is like playing the spread offense for the first time as a football team. If you have never seen it and you don’t have the athletes to contain it you are never going to be able to win the game and your playbook is ill-prepared for the onslaught. If a woman is unprepared for how to handle a man in touch with is emotions (And some cases vice versa) then that is a battle you can’t win and odds are don’t want to. Attraction should be mutual. When it isn’t….it is just a nice way of calling you a stalker. In the end, if neither party can handle the others emotions they should hold off dating until they can. Emotions are a part of life and you can’t only take into account your own, especially if you want to be with someone else.
“MISTAKE #6: Not "Getting" How Attraction Works For Women Women are VERY different from men when it comes to ATTRACTION. You need to accept this fact, and deal with it. When a man sees a beautiful, young, sexy woman, he INSTANTLY feels a sexual attraction. But does the same apply for women? Do women feel sexual attraction to men based mostly on looks? Or is something else going on? Well, after studying this topic for over five full years now, I can tell you that women usually have their "attraction mechanisms" triggered by things OTHER than looks. Have you ever noticed that you see a lot more average and unattractive men with beautiful women than the other way around? Think about it. Women are more attracted to certain qualities in men... and they're attracted to the way a man makes them FEEL than they are to looks alone. If you know how to use your body language and communication correctly, you can make women feel the same kind of powerful sexual attraction to you that YOU feel when you see a hot, sexy young woman. But it's not an accident. You have to LEARN how to do this.
Original Response: *Sigh* What a fucking moron. There is nothing to “get” about attraction. It is special for each person which is why magazines suck so much ass. Women are attracted to different traits just like men are. Hell, some men think that women that curse are unattractive and I find that shit FUCKING HAWT. Some women find assholes attractive and that is fine and dandy like red vine candy. There is nothing to learn because it changes, just like human emotions do. To ‘learn’ emotions is pointless because once again, they are special for the individual. If you don’t have that factor in that person that makes you attractive to them then they may just not be the one for you. Shit, this isn’t Felicity where you can make Ben love you if he just realizes you are made for each other. Bullshit, love is what love is. It is unpredictable, has no rhyme or reason and for the most part is unknowing. You don’t learn love, you embrace it when it happens, you fuck.
My Response Now: Well, the dude is a moron but brings up an important point: women DO have other aspects that attract them to men aside looks. That trait is money. I kid, I kid….not really. I have always said that you like what you like. It doesn’t make you shallow. Now I try not to GENERALIZE all women aside from being succubi which has been proven by both Van Helsing and Simon Belmont. If you want to argue with them, be my guest. The fact is that if this was true there would be fewer divorces and less baby daddy’s and baby mama’s. If they are attracted to a certain aspect of you lets say, what is to say that everything else about you isn’t totally against what she is looking for? So if you do things that can trick her communication wise and she finds out after the fact that you aren’t how you acted, how is that relationship going to result? Now if this article is about the bedding of attractive women then I can totally agree with his statement because it’s not like what he is saying is novel or hasn’t been done. My uncle told me that shit when I was seven. However, if you are looking past the initial fuck and run then you have to bring some substance…which I will be the first to admit that a great majority of men lack. With that being said, more women lack personality because they are never forced to have one because many think having a vagina is enough to be desired but again, that is another rant altogether. Overall, after a year I agree partially with whoever made this statement but it is a purely short sighted approach.
“MISTAKE #7: Thinking That It Takes Money And Looks One of the most common mistakes that guys make is giving up before they've even gotten started... because they think that attractive women are only interested in men who have looks and money... or guys who are a certain height... or guys who are a certain age. And sure, there are some women who are only interested in these things. But MOST women are far more interested in a man's personality than his wallet or his looks. There are personality traits that attract women like a magnet...And if you learn what they are and how to use them, YOU can be one of these guys. YOU DO NOT have to "settle" for a woman just because you aren't rich, tall, or handsome. Let me say this again: If you know how to use your body language and communication correctly, you can make women feel the same kind of powerful sexual attraction to you that YOU feel when you see a hot, sexy young woman.”
Original Response: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Looks are just as important to men as they are to women. As for money: Akon. That man is ugly as an Ugandan Yeti Raper and twice as stupid. Listen to him talk and he has very little redeeming about him but he gets women because he is rich and a percentage of women are fucking morons that want to fuck a celebrity. So it DOES take money and looks don’t let anyone fool you. It is whether that is the ONLY criteria that is at question. Like I stated in my rant about ‘What’s Wrong With Being Shallow’ there is nothing wrong with liking what you like. It is their own preference and who the hell am I to change them? However, the point is by being narrow-minded and judgmental they could be missing out on a very good person. It’s not up for you to decide. If they are interested, they will respond in turn or hell, they may go after you. I don’t speak from experience, women hate me. Even still, I may be ugly, but you are wrong.
My Response Now: Yes, women are interested in a personality. Just one that is DEVOID of personality. To dumb that down for the mouthbreathers, the fact is that women expect very little emotionally and personality wise from a man. So that is usually what they receive. So if you show a LITTLE bit of difference to the norm but not too much then that will pique intrigue in you. To say women aren’t interested in money is false because we all are. Male or female, you want to be secure financially and that is a fact. However, how often do you see relationships stay together in total disharmony solely for the fact of the finances? I guarantee more women stay with husbands that are treating them poorly/cheating for the money and power rather than the children. Hell, look at Hillary Clinton. Do you think that she and Bill are a “fit together?” Hell no, she is there for the political clout. In the end, I will keep this answer short because I believe in my original one for the most part. However, I believe that MOST women are looking for specific traits in a man and a personality falls after that. That’s why women see the actual time of dating a person exclusively to find out about that person (In which they are usually more emotionally invested than the other party or end up knocked up) while normal men (READ: NORMAL MEN) use the act and art of dating to get to know someone. Think about it.
“MISTAKE #8: Giving Away All Of Your Power To Women Earlier I mentioned that it's a mistake to look to a woman for approval or permission. Well, another similar tactic that a lot of guys use is GIVING AWAY THEIR POWER to women. Said differently, guys try to get women to like them by doing whatever the woman wants. Another bad idea...Women are NEVER attracted to men that they can walk all over... Women aren't attracted to Wussies!”
Original Response: Wow, not only are you a fucktard but you are redundant. You must have been shocked by a car battery. You see, there is a difference between doing something to get a woman to like you and doing something because you want to. Women can perceive it however they want. Fuck them if they cant adjust because I know I wont be. There are men that get walked over because they want to be liked and there are men that do things for women because they like them. Subtle difference. Either way, it is all in how the woman perceives it. I cant force or change the way she thinks. If I did, she is weak-minded and I aint with that. If I open a door, pull out a chair and always pay and she respects that because she knows I care that’s one thing. However, if she EXPECTS that then the issue is hers. Now if you buy her gifts and do as she says in fear of losing her, not in the feeling of caring about her then you are indeed a ‘wussie’. I guess 1989 is back in effect. Besides, any woman that sees a relationship as a power struggle…shouldn’t be in a relationship.
My Response Now: You know what? I totally disagree with this now. Both the fucktards answer and my response a year ago. If either party looks at a relationship as a power struggle then neither one needs to be dating period. I have this conversation with my friends now all the time and it seems that I must be out of touch but I really don’t see dating as a tug-of-war in who is the one in control. I don’t back down but I won’t stand in the way, either. You actions are interpreted by the receiver so no matter what you do in goodness it could be taken the wrong way by the other person. So what you see as sharing yourself could be seen as a new country in Risk. You can either go through life trying to take power from your partner or trying to share roles. I prefer the latter, and that seems to be the wrong way to go about it.
“MISTAKE #9: Not Knowing EXACTLY What To Do In Each Type Of Situation With Women Now I'm going to blow your mind...A woman ALWAYS knows what you're thinking. Women are approximately TEN TIMES better than men at reading body language. That's ten TIMES.I know, it might be hard to believe. But for example, if you're out on a date with a woman, and you want to kiss her, she knows it .And if you don't know exactly what to do and exactly HOW to kiss her, and you just sit there looking at her and getting nervous, she won't help! And this goes for ALL aspects of women and dating...Approaching a woman, getting her number, asking her out, kissing her, getting physical... everything. If you don't know what to do in each situation, you will probably screw it up... and LOSE EVERYTHING. And you KNOW it.
Original Response: The more I read, the more I realize that these are the people that create the need for The Revolution. The simple fact is that if women were better at reading body language and non-verbals, there would be more female world leaders. Yeah, I went there. Every comedian says that a woman knows exactly how a date is going to go and men are just along to connect the dots. If that is the case, fine. I really don’t care. If on my few interactions with women, if I made a wrong turn and didn’t kiss when I was supposed to (or did when I wasn’t. WOW those are funny) they you know what? Live and learn. If every woman had the exact same blueprint then there wouldn’t be date rape or no babies would be born. Women, JUST LIKE (some) MEN, are all different. At least I would hope so as much as you claim to be individuals. Women don’t always know what a man is thinking. You know why? Because the human mind has been a quandary since the dawn of time and to even SUGGEST that women have had the answer to brain waves and conceptualized thought with a brain one half the size of a mans (its science, look it up) is preposterous. You are just looking for tang by giving women too much credit. Or too LITTLE credit by saying they are simple creatures of habit and can be caught by shiny objects and following your stupid little steps. The human being is complex, men and women are both individuals and they should be treated as such, not lumped into a generic little box so you can explain your past shortfalls with the opposite sex.
My Response Now: Well, first of the first statement is false. I try not to toss out arbitrary numbers when giving examples but the fact that women are ten times better at reading body language is not only false but is irrelevant. If women were so good at reading body language they would be better at dodge lefts, rights and uppercuts from their asshole boyfriend/husband/babydaddy. Yes….I went there. To say all women know the situation they want and respond to stimuli the same is just a blanket statement. Now I say “all women love bros” which is false. I say all women PREFER bros because that is the norm but I also prefer schoolgirls because that is the norm for ME. Maybe I am giving women too much credit (Which I have done a lot recently) but I figure that women know that life doesn’t always work how you want and that sometimes you have to work within the situation or “outside the box” as corporations like to say. If women aren’t creative enough (Another rant right there) or open enough to maneuver through a situation as simple as a date without a preconceived notion on how they WANT it to go….how can a woman be an effective president? BURN! Whoo….that was cold blooded. Seriously, if I have to conform what I do to the wants of a woman, where is the relationship consensus in that? THAT is why relationships fail so often, IMHO.
“It is VITALLY important that you know EXACTLY how to go from one step to the next with a woman... from the first meeting, all the way to the bedroom.”
Now you see, this is where the vagueness begins. If this is an article SOLELY about hooking up with women then yes, it brings up valid points….albeit misguided. To look at this past just one time (Or two if you can stand to be around a woman that long) to me seems rather counter-intuitive. This article (I believe it was an article) speaks a lot to just guiding a woman by using their illogical though process into the bedroom…and no where past that. I personally believe that if you want to base a relationship off of the sexual aspects then be my guest. However, if you try to base the RELATIONSHIP aspect after the sex then you end up with a person you really know nothing about and you are kind of stuck with that person. Call me gay but I always thought you got to know someone and saw if they were someone you could see spending more than five minutes with before killing them and then sex happened AFTER that. If the prowess of ones sexual ability is enough to keep a relationship going despite major problems…you are kind of an asshat. Once again, that’s just my opinion.
So that is all for now. That was quite a post there. I will try to be back up tomorrow but if not I will be back up on Wednesday. Until then, stay up peeps.
What is up ya’ll! First things first: T-MINUS 24 HOURS UNTIL GTA4!!! I preordered my copy on Saturday and I will pick it up Monday night. If you want to hit me up online, its Lo_Chachi. It is SO FUCKING GAME TIME! Havent been this excited about a video game since Mickey Mania:
One of the best Sega Genesis games ever! Just wanted to let the peeps know that I hadn’t forgotten about you all. As a matter of fact, I am working on another Omnibus about gaming that should be up on Wednesday morning or so. If you have any questions you want answered, let me know. All…two of them.
I was looking at the archives for a second and I saw this post from almost a year ago today. It was one of my favorites because I got the bulletin from Rick and felt that like him it needed a response. I wanted to see how much I have grown so this is the first of a two part post! The first part will be the original post, word for word. And here we go!
From April 25th, 2007: THIS Is Why Men Are Fucking Stupid
“MISTAKE #1: BeingToo Much Of A "Nice Guy" Have you ever noticed that the really attractive women never seem to be attracted "nice" guys?Of course you have.Just like me, I'm sure you've had attractive female friends that always seemed to date "jerks"... but for some reason they were never romantically interested in YOU.What's going on here?It's actually very simple...Women don't base their choices of men on how "nice" a guy is. They choose the men they do because they feel a powerful GUT LEVEL ATTRACTION for them.And guess what?Being nice doesn't make a woman FEEL that powerful ATTRACTION. And being NICE doesn't make a woman CHOOSE you. I realize that this doesn't make a lot of logical sense, and it's hard to ACCEPT... but GET OVER IT. Until you accept this FACT and begin to act on it, you'll NEVER have the success with women that you want.”
Okay, so you are basically saying that women want to be treated like crap? Well yeah, stupid women do. This guy is basically saying that women are attracted at the primal level. That there is no depth in terms of personality that women find attractive. If she is a total trollop whore, I can agree with that. The simple fact is no man starts off as a jerk. Some do, I have seen them and they do get women. But have you seen the women they get? They get women that EXPECT TO BE TREATED LIKE SHIT FROM A JERK! So this dude is really just saying that ‘dumb women get dumber guys’ which isn’t new. And neither is women dating jerks. Like I said, no man starts off as a jerk (at least from the information I have gathered and the relationships I have witnessed), he gradually senses that she has either become comfortable with his shit or has low enough self esteem to be treated like crap and accept it. I know, I have seen it and I have been there. As for not getting what I want because of being nice. I am not nice. Ask any woman that knows me and she will tell you. I am as abrasive and a fucking rusty chainsaw with a bad motor. Men who are jerks get women because those are the kind of guys those women are attracted to. Is it the majority? No. Are the majority of men jerks? And fucking how. Now if there are more women than men, and the majority of men are jerks…where do you think the odds lie? Come on, fucker numbers are more relevant than emotions. For a dickhole that speaks about ‘logic’ you cant use is with ‘emotion’. The two are parallel fucking lines and never intersect. Moron.
MISTAKE #2: Trying To"Convince Her To Like You What do most guys do when they meet a woman that they REALLY like... but she's just not interested?Right! They try to "convince" the woman to feel differently.Well, I have news for you... YOU WILL NEVER CHANGE HOW A WOMAN "FEELS" WHEN IT COMES TO ATTRACTION! Never, ever, EVER.You cannot CONVINCE a woman to feel differently about you with "logic and reasoning".Think about it.If a woman doesn't "feel it" for you, how in the world do you expect to change that FEELING by being "reasonable" with her?But we all do it. When a woman just isn't interested, we beg, plead, chase, and do our best to change her mind. Bad idea. One that will never work.”
Wow, I will admit I’ve been there. Never did I try to change myself; I changed my actions which was WORSE. When a woman isn’t interested in me but I am in her, I chalk it up as a loss and charge it to the game. It sucks, but it is fucking life. If she aint interested, let her go. I don’t agree with you because odds are you should know she aint interested from jump street. As a Communications Major we are taught to read non-verbals and I believe I read them well. I don’t CARE a lot of the times but I know signs of non-interest.
MISTAKE #3: Looking To HerFor Approval Or Permission In our desire to please women (which we mistakenly think will make them like us), us guys are always doing things to get a woman's "approval" or "permission". Another HORRIBLE idea.Women are NEVER attracted to the types of men who kiss up to them... EVER.Don't get me wrong here.You don't have to treat women BADLY for them to like you. But if you think that treating a woman well means "always getting her approval and permission for things", think again. You will never succeed by looking for approval. Women actually get ANNOYED at men who seek their approval. Doubt me? Just ask any attractive woman if Wussy guys who chase her around and want her approval annoy her...”
Wow, this is funny. I could give a fuck about whether a woman thinks I am unfunny, abrasive, anti-social, mean, rude or an overall asshole. You know why? That’s me. Maybe this dude is just a sissy but I don’t ask for permission from ANY woman aside my mom. And that’s because she will cut me on general purpose. If it is something that is a unified decision then we compromise. I am grown and so is she. Asking for permission is asinine. The way I look at it, you shouldn’t have to ask permission because if you are together, you should be doing whatever it is you are asking together or the other party would understand the situation and be fine with the independence. An ex asked my permission about something and I asked her if she was twelve. We didn’t last long, but my point was made.“
MISTAKE #4: Trying To "Buy" Her Affection With Food And Gifts How many times have you taken a woman out to a nice dinner, bought her gifts and flowers, and had her REJECT you for someone who didn't treat her even HALF as well as you did?If you're like me, then you've had it happen a LOT.Well guess what? It's only NATURAL when this happens...That's right, I said NATURAL.When you do these things, you send a clear message:"I don't think you'll like me for who I am, so I'm going to try to buy your attention and affection". Your good intentions usually come across to women as over-compensation for insecurity, and weak attempts at manipulation. That's right, I said that women see this as MANIPULATION.”
Heh, this is interesting. Women are ingrained to feel that they are being manipulated by men any-fucking-way so it is a Catch-22. Any woman that expects you to pay for her at all points (and Rick will tell you I have been there and we weren’t EVEN DATING) is a whore. You are, get over it. I pay because I want to. Hell, I pay for my male friends sometimes and that isn’t because I am ‘insecure about our relationship’. Its because it is the cool thing to do sometimes. Whoever is giving this insight got fucked over and is looking for a reason for why. Never look for a reason because closure on emotional situations (which dating/courting is) is different by situation. This person is blanketing a result of one situation and relaying it to a few similar situations, by doing so is trying to address all situations everyone will have this point forward. Good job, fucky.“
MISTAKE #5: Sharing"How You Feel" Too Early InThe Relationship With Her Another huge and unfortunate mistake that most men make with women is sharing how they "feel" too early on.Attractive women are rare. And they get a LOT of attention from men. Most men don't realize this, but attractive women are being approached in one way or another ALL THE An attractive woman is often approached several times a DAY by men who are interested. This translate into dozens of times per week, and often HUNDREDS of times per month.And guess what?Attractive women have usually dated a LOT of men.That's right. They have EXPERIENCE.They know what to expect.And one thing that turns an attractive women off and sends her running away faster than just about anything is a guy who starts saying "You know, I really, REALLY like you" after one or two dates.This signals to the woman that you're just like all the other guys who fall for her too fast... and can't control themselves.Don't do it. Lean back. Relax.There's a much better way...”
Okay, let me lay this down because I can say I have seen it a lot in my years. ALL women are approached by ALL TYPES of men. Except nice, jaded guys because we are under the assumption they will say no. First off, if a woman looks at a relationship as a power struggle of who shows their feelings first then she is a bitch and deserves to be treated poorly. I hate to say that but it is the same for men so shut the fuck up. If you are comfortable in telling the woman you have feelings for how you feel and she says ‘Gear down, big shifter’ that is normal. It takes time to figure out how you feel about someone (SOMETIMES LIKE 3 FUCKING YEARS). Any man that says that after two dates unless they have known each other for a while is either looking for tang, fucking insane or doesn’t FULLY mean it but sort of feels funny in pants when she is around. Maybe YOU said that after two dates and she ran, but you are obviously a fucktard.
“MISTAKE #6: Not "Getting" How Attraction Works For Women Women are VERY different from men when it comes to ATTRACTION.You need to accept this fact, and deal with it.When a man sees a beautiful, young, sexy woman, he INSTANTLY feels a sexual attraction.But does the same apply for women?Do women feel sexual attraction to men based mostly on looks? Or is something else going on?Well, after studying this topic for over five full years now, I can tell you that women usually have their "attraction mechanisms" triggered by things OTHER than looks.Have you ever noticed that you see a lot more average and unattractive men with beautiful women than the other way around?Think about it.Women are more attracted to certain qualities in men... and they're attracted to the way a man makes them FEEL than they are to looks alone.If you know how to use your body language and communication correctly, you can make women feel the same kind of powerful sexual attraction to you that YOU feel when you see a hot, sexy young woman.But it's not an accident. You have to LEARN how to do this.
*Sigh* What a fucking moron. There is nothing to “get” about attraction. It is special for each person which is why magazines suck so much ass. Women are attracted to different traits just like men are. Hell, some men think that women that curse are unattractive and I find that shit FUCKING HAWT. Some women find assholes attractive and that is fine and dandy like red vine candy. There is nothing to learn because it changes, just like human emotions do. To ‘learn’ emotions is pointless because once again, they are special for the individual. If you don’t have that factor in that person that makes you attractive to them then they may just not be the one for you. Shit, this isn’t Felicity where you can make Ben love you if he just realizes you are made for each other. Bullshit, love is what love is. It is unpredictable, has no rhyme or reason and for the most part is unknowing. You don’t learn love, you embrace it when it happens, you fuck.
“MISTAKE #7: Thinking That It Takes Money And Looks One of the most common mistakes that guys make is giving up before they've even gotten started... because they think that attractive women are only interested in men who have looks and money... or guys who are a certain height... or guys who are a certain age.And sure, there are some women who are only interested in these things.But MOST women are far more interested in a man's personality than his wallet or his looks.There are personality traits that attract women like a magnet...And if you learn what they are and how to use them, YOU can be one of these guys.YOU DO NOT have to "settle" for a woman just because you aren't rich, tall, or handsome.Let me say this again: If you know how to use your body language and communication correctly, you can make women feel the same kind of powerful sexual attraction to you that YOU feel when you see a hot, sexy young woman.”
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Looks are just as important to men as they are to women. As for money: Akon. That man is ugly as an Ugandan Yeti Raper and twice as stupid. Listen to him talk and he has very little redeeming about him but he gets women because he is rich and a percentage of women are fucking morons that want to fuck a celebrity. So it DOES take money and looks don’t let anyone fool you. It is whether that is the ONLY criteria that is at question. Like I stated in my rant about ‘What’s Wrong With Being Shallow’ there is nothing wrong with liking what you like. It is their own preference and who the hell am I to change them? However, the point is by being narrow-minded and judgmental they could be missing out on a very good person. It’s not up for you to decide. If they are interested, they will respond in turn or hell, they may go after you. I don’t speak from experience, women hate me. Even still, I may be ugly, but you are wrong.
“MISTAKE #8: Giving AwayAll Of Your Power To WomenEarlier I mentioned that it's a mistake to look to a woman for approval or permission.Well, another similar tactic that a lot of guys use is GIVING AWAY THEIR POWER to women.Said differently, guys try to get women to like them by doing whatever the woman wants.Another bad idea...Women are NEVER attracted to men that they can walk all over... Women aren't attracted to Wussies!”
Wow, not only are you a fucktard but you are redundant. You must have been shocked by a car battery. You see, there is a difference between doing something to get a woman to like you and doing something because you want to. Women can perceive it however they want. Fuck them if they cant adjust because I know I wont be. There are men that get walked over because they want to be liked and there are men that do things for women because they like them. Subtle difference. Either way, it is all in how the woman perceives it. I cant force or change the way she thinks. If I did, she is weak-minded and I aint with that. If I open a door, pull out a chair and always pay and she respects that because she knows I care that’s one thing. However, if she EXPECTS that then the issue is hers. Now if you buy her gifts and do as she says in fear of losing her, not in the feeling of caring about her then you are indeed a ‘wussie’. I guess 1989 is back in effect. Besides, any woman that sees a relationship as a power struggle…shouldn’t be in a relationship.
“MISTAKE #9: Not Knowing EXACTLY What To Do In Each Type Of Situation With Women Now I'm going to blow your mind...A woman ALWAYS knows what you're thinking. Women are approximately TEN TIMES better than men at reading body language. That's ten TIMES.I know, it might be hard to believe. But for example, if you're out on a date with a woman, and you want to kiss her, she knows it.And if you don't know exactly what to do and exactly HOW to kiss her, and you just sit there looking at her and getting nervous, she won't help!And this goes for ALL aspects of women and dating...Approaching a woman, getting her number, asking her out, kissing her, getting physical... everything.If you don't know what to do in each situation, you will probably screw it up... and LOSE EVERYTHING. And you KNOW it.
The more I read, the more I realize that these are the people that create the need for The Revolution. The simple fact is that if women were better at reading body language and non-verbals, there would be more female world leaders. Yeah, I went there. Every comedian says that a woman knows exactly how a date is going to go and men are just along to connect the dots. If that is the case, fine. I really don’t care. If on my few interactions with women, if I made a wrong turn and didn’t kiss when I was supposed to (or did when I wasn’t. WOW those are funny) they you know what? Live and learn. If every woman had the exact same blueprint then there wouldn’t be date rape or no babies would be born. Women, JUST LIKE (some) MEN, are all different. At least I would hope so as much as you claim to be individuals. Women don’t always know what a man is thinking. You know why? Because the human mind has been a quandary since the dawn of time and to even SUGGEST that women have had the answer to brain waves and conceptualized thought with a brain one half the size of a mans (its science, look it up) is preposterous. You are just looking for tang by giving women too much credit. Or too LITTLE credit by saying they are simple creatures of habit and can be caught by shiny objects and following your stupid little steps. The human being is complex, men and women are both individuals and they should be treated as such, not lumped into a generic little box so you can explain your past shortfalls with the opposite sex.
“It is VITALLY important that you know EXACTLY how to go from one step to the next with a woman... from the first meeting, all the way to the bedroom.”
Even if this last statement IS the case, I will reiterate that NO…WOMAN…IS…THE…SAME. To suggest so shows that you have learned NOTHING from your past experiences. I really am questioning the legitimacy of this article or whatever it is because it is completely stupid. In the end, women are attracted to who they are attracted to you. If you have to CONVINCE a woman to be attracted to you then you are a very, very sorry man and she is an even WORSE of a woman. If you present yourself and she says ‘Hey, this dude isn’t a total asshat’ and things go from there, that is the first step of getting to know someone.
After reading this whole thing over (My responses are in bold, if you can’t tell already) I realized that a lot about me has changed in a calendar year. I was shock about my answers being so…calm. Yes, calm. Tomorrow I will re-do this rant a year older, a year wiser and carrying a years worth of extra vex and anger at the same time. Until then, stay up and I will be back tomorrow evening. Stay tuned for part two!
What is up peeps! It is Friday and it is time to see if history was made! We have the 20 biggest videos on tap on the…
Chachi’s Top 20 Video Countdown!
We begin with the group that could arguably be the biggest group of the spring!
20. The Roots feat. Chrisette Michelle & Wale – Rising Up (New Entry)
The Roots are BACK! Their new album is out next Tuesday while they have a new video as well! I am feeling this a lot more than I am “Get Busy” but as usual it isn’t on BET or MTV rotations so this may be the only place you see it for now. 19. Alicia Keys – Teenage Love Affair (New Entry)
Alicia Keys’ fine self is BACK ON THE SCENE! I just saw this video today and I usually have a strict rule about Thursday being the cutoff date but I had to make an exception here. Alicia is fine as hell in this video and this song is one of my favorites on her album. Can she make it three straight number one videos? We will see! 18. Lupe Fiasco feat Kanye West, Pharrell & Thom Yorke – Us Placers (Last Week #15, Four Weeks at #1) CRS’s run is almost over. It was a good six months (Almost. Damn it has been a while!) but they look to finally be falling off. With everyone returning (Including NERD, who has a weird ass song that I hope isn’t the first single) to the Countdown they weren’t gone THAT long. 17. Hearts Grow - Kasanaru Kage (Last Week #13) Hearts Grown falls a big four spots this week as they look to be spending their last weeks on the chart. Nothing new on the horizon, which is disappointing. 16. TERIYAKI BOYZ - ZOCK ON! feat. Pharrell and Busta Rhymes - ZOCK ON! (Last Week #14) The Boyz and their posse fall two spots this week as they continue to hold on to the bottom half of the Countdown. Not really feeling this song anymore now that Soulja Boy knows about it. Kind of ruins it. 15. Colbie Caillat – Realize (Last Week #17)
My guilty pleasure moves up two spots this week. Kind of still trying to hide the fact I love this song but…it isn’t working very well. 14. RBD - Inalcanzable (Last Week #9) The Rebels fall out of the Top 10! It was a good run for Anahi and the gang but they couldn’t knock off Bennie K from the top. Where is the new stuff?! 13. Kelun – SIXTEEN GIRL (Last Week #18, Biggest Mover) One of the two big movers up the Countdown this week as Kelun moves up FIVE spots! The new intro to Bleach featuring “Chu-Bura” came out this week and after some soul searching about the situation and some motivating words from some people, maybe some filler is what the show needs. I am just excited for the next half of the arc to be animated. Even still, WHERE IS THE KELUN ALBUM?! 12. Mihimaru GT – Diverge (Last Week #10) After falling to take the top spot, Mihimaru GT continue their fall from the Top 10 as they move down two spots. Their new video is growing on me, but I still can’t find the movie in the clips. Any ideas or a little help here? 11. Toshinobu Kobuta feat. Misia - Flying Easy Loving Crazy (Last Week #16, Biggest Mover)
The second big mover this week! The J-R&B legend moves up five big spots as he is looking impressive for his first ever time on the Countdown! Dare I say….Misia could be my new baby boo because she can sing like a champ. I like ladies that can really sing….it’s a weakness. 10. The Roots feat Dice Raw & Peedi Crack – Get Busy (Last Week #9) With a new video debuting, it looks like their earlier video is losing momentum. Here is hoping that Peedi Crack has some new material this year. I kind of like his stuff. 9. Kanye West feat. Chris Martin – Homecoming (Last Week #11) Kanye officially has his SIXTH Top 10 video! His latest moves up two spots as he looks to get his third number one. This is probably my second favorite song on the “Graduation” album behind Stronger so it could be a big one for him. 8. Erykah Badu - Honey (Last Week #6) Miss Badu falls another two spots as her run looks to have slowed down. I heard she has a new single on the radio so a video should be soon after. Yay, me! 7. Lupe Fiasco feat Nikki Jean – Hip Hop Saved My Life (Last Week #8) Lupe moves up another spot this week as he looks to go two for two in 2008. I am really beginning to feel this video and it is getting a lot of airplay on the MTV Jams station that I have as background noise as I work from home. 6. Yui – Namidairo (Last Week #4) Yui falls two more spots after failing to unseat Bennie K (Running theme…) a few weeks back not she does have another video AND she may have the biggest album of 2008 thus far. Not to shabby. 5. Usher feat. Young Jeezy – Love In This Club (Last Week #7)
Usher moves up two spots this week and rests in the Top Five this week. This song is pretty much everywhere and as stupid as it is….it’s fucking Usher. You can’t beat that with a baseball bat. 4. L`Arc~en~Ciel – DRINK IT DOWN (Last Week #5)
The Arc moves up another spot this week as they look to take the throne once again. They just released an album in 2007 but I guess they heard my pleas and are working on another one as we speak. I could go for a Hyde solo album right now. We are down to three! 3. Bennie K – Monochrome (Last Week #1, Seven Weeks at #1) THE REIGN IS OVER!! After a mind-blowing SEVEN WEEKS at number one, Bennie K falls two spots this week! It is a shame since their greatest hits collection just came out but everyone falls sometime. So Yuki and Cico remain tied for the longest reigning number one video with UGK & Outkast. Not a bad gig if I say so myself. That means we have a new number one for the first time in two months! 2. Yui – Laugh Away (Last Week #3) Yui moves up another spot this week as she looks for her elusive third number one video! With no Bennie K in the way she may be able to do just that. However, to do that she must knock off the group that took down the unstoppable force that was Bennie K. 1. Foxxi MisQ – X.B.F. (Last Week #2, One Week at #1)
After two videos failed against UGK & Outkast, Foxxi MisQ finally captures the top spot! They knocked off the reigning champs of almost two months in Bennie K and now have their first seat on the throne that is the number one video of the week! It was a long journey but they finally did it! Being the first person since NaNa to hit number one without previously holding the top spot, they will soon learn that it is competitive to stay on top. Until then, Foxxi MisQ are the Queens of the Countdown!
That is all for this week! Tune in next week to see if Foxxi MisQ can keep their run alive! Or will Yui FINALLY get her elusive third number one video? Or can Bennie K take the top spot back once again and hold the record for longest reigning number one video all alone? Tune in next week to find out!
I am out. I will be seeing “Harold & Kumar II” before all the bros see it to avoid me killing them. I will be back on Saturday as I believe I am going to D-Town so I can run the streets. Peace out, ya’ll.
What is up, ya’ll? I am back on the scene less than 24 hours la
First off, if you haven’t read Bleach Chapter 318, DO SO! I mean if you dont mind your world rocked from spoliers. Gin Ichimaru is now officially FUCKING BAD ASS:
I am looking forward to him taking on Hitsugaya or (Be still...wait for it...) Yoruichi. Maybe even one of the Vizards. With that being said, I never thought I was going to do this but man after the minger battle that Zach is going through I have to say something.
I am not homophobic, if there is anyone more firmly in the closet I would like to meet said person. However, yaoi fans are the problem and they need to just stop acting like it is BETTER than other anime/manga and realize it is just an OPTION. It sucks (EEEEEWWWW....innuendo) just as much at other genres and has its perks....I guess. For those of you who are unfamiliar with yaoi, it is a genre of manga/anime about the emotional, romantic or (Oy vey) sexual storyline between male characters. Now I am not discriminating against yaoi in any way. I think to each their own whether it comes to your sexual orientation or your manga. I for one am a fan of shonen AND shojo (Look it up) so I try to keep an open mind about most genres. Hell, I listen to showtunes for Jebus’ sake. Nothing is more gay than that…at least according to stupid females and bros.
However, my issue with yaoi after listening to Zach’s issues with yaoi fans getting bees in their asses because people question not that they like it but WHY they like it I felt it was time to explain some shit. So now, it is time to bring something back like that old school rap. Speaking of old school rap:
Word. Back to the rant!
Today’s Topic: Reasons Why Yaoi Fans Need To Stop.
By the way, the reason I am not doing five reasons is that….there aren’t that many reasons. It kind of explains itself. And away we go!
Reason #1: Yaoi Fans Need To Stop Because….You Want To Be Taboo.
Follow me on this one. You see, it is a well known fact that people want to be out of the norm on somethings. Hell, I was into anime when all people thought about anime was tentacle porn. Remember the days when all the anime was next to the porn and the selection on non-pornographic anime was narrowed down to Akira, Macross, Robot Carnival and Nausicaa of the Valley of Wind? I do, and needless to say it SUCKED ASS. Now you see anime in everything from TV commercials to Madonna videos so it is no longer something that is exclusive to a certain set of people. So inside anime there were genres that were segmented to a certain set of fans. You have shounen-ai (Gravitation, which had a bomb ass soundtrack) and shojo (Fushigi YÅ«gi is a good example…as is SUPPOSEDLY Inuyasha. Sorry, bad memories) for must teenage aged fans while yaoi and yuri are for the adult crowd. Then you have hentai which is a different rant altogether but I will touch on that some.
After talking to anime fans at cons and the comic book/anime stores around Colorado I hear the exact same dialog about yaoi (And to their defense, yuri as well):
• “Yaoi is different than regular anime!” • “The characters are deeper in yaoi!” • “Yaoi has better writing and plots than most anime!” • “It’s taboo!”
Hmm, those seem to be rather valid arguments. However, lets weigh this all together. Yaoi is no longer taboo or different than any other series out there. Now proir to, when homosexual themes were rarely seen in anime, I could see that statement as being true and someone wanting to see something different. Hell, I kind of got tired of giant robots and ninjas which is why I grasped to Ranma ½, El-Hazard (VERY underrated…if not totally confusing) and Ah! My Goddess like I did. The fact is that the most POPULAR anime series have elements of yaoi in them, stopping just short of actual sex because that would mean you couldn’t get it on Cartoon Network, even Adult Swim. Although with some of the stuff I have seen on Crayon Shin-Chan…maybe hardcore gay sex is the next logical step. Think about it, how many anime do you know of that either have implied or flat out mentioned yaoi overtones, just not the sexually explicit aspect of it?
• Bleach (Ichigo & Renji, Aizen & Gin) • Naruto (Naruto & Sasuke…who are full-blown boyfriend and boyfriend at this point) • Air Gear (Itsuki & Akito/Agito) • Fushigi YÅ«gi (Tamahome & Kagato) • Gravitation (Boy love abound!) • Death Note (A reach, but everyone at Borders said L & Light had sexual tension. Riiight)
Therefore, much like the “metro sexual” craze made it “cool” to be gay, the mainstream anime is doing the same thing for yaoi. It is no longer taboo; it is actually accepted and in the case of Naruto encouraged. If them getting together will advance the manga I am all for it because the story is getting BORING. As for characters, I only have experience with one even remotely yaoi show/manga and that was Loveless. The characters in Loveless (from what I got out of the one episode I saw) were just like any other character in any other anime in terms of reluctant to accept their power/responsibility and totally angst ridden. The only difference is that rather than a female love interest, there was a male one. Oh gee, having a male love interest completely changes the story! No, it doesn’t. You make Ichigo a female and Bleach really doesn’t chance. The social elements will (The love of Orihime becomes yuri) but aside from that the character can still be just as deep without sexually explicit content of the man on man (or female on female) variety.
Final Analysis: Yaoi isn’t taboo anymore because homosexuality is very visible in anime as a whole. As a form of ENTERTAINMENT, you can get your male/male dynamic from the mainstream unless you are in it solely for the sexual content. Which is cool, but admit it rather than acting like watching two animated Japanese men in a sexual situation is “deep” or “better than regular anime.”
Reason #2: Yaoi Fans Need To Stop Because….It’s NOT Different Than Anime.
Now this one was tough to accept because I say the same about anime as a whole. From older men dating/marrying WAY YOUNGER women to the ridiculous amount of fan service (Matsumodo’s breasts are like sentient beings) I believe it gets rather pointless sometimes. With that being said, I am not a fan of hentai, which I believe goes WAY too far with the pedophilia…although in Japan the legal age for sex is…conception so it makes sense. From what I saw about Loveless, there was an age difference between the main characters that was rather significant. Now we see that in “straight” anime all the time (Sailor Moon) and I am not going to judge heterosexual pedophilia against homosexual pedophilia because both are bad. I want to use one of my favorite characters as an example. Toushiro Hitsugaya from Bleach is (VISUALLY) a young man and perceived to be a child of some sort, maybe 11-14 range depending on how you want to slice it. However, I have seen both hentai pictures of him with Matsumodo and yaoi pictures with Gin Ichimaru. Both are conceivably wrong but yaoi fans at the Borders DEFENDED the Gin pictures and called the Matsumodo pictures disgusting. News flash, people… BOTH ARE FUCKING NASTY.
Now that is an extreme case, but the sentiment is the same. Just because it is yaoi doesn’t make it any better (or worse) than its non-yaoi anime counterpart. Saying that a plotline or a character is better just because it is a male/male dynamic is like saying that the White remakes of Black songs in the 50’s were better because White people redid them. Or vice versa in Diddy’s case but he takes hits from the 80’s and makes them sound so crazy. Yaoi is a genre of anime much like sentai is a genre of anime (And live action TV. For those of you that DON’T know what that means…
Man, I wish I could find the “Red Ranger Forever” episode of Power Rangers. That was the greatest episode ever. Anyway, yaoi is a genre of anime that isn’t any better or worse than any other sub-set. My issue is when they say “Well if you don’t like it I don’t care and something is wrong with you because you are homophobic! Don’t Judge me!” It isn’t about judging yaoi or judging you. It is about choice. I choose not to watch yaoi because from what I have seen, I am not a fan. I don’t watch anime for sexual content, I watch it for entertainment (Which porn is, but not that kind of entertainment so to speak) and if you read/watch yaoi for the same then that is fine. Call it what it is. With that being said, I understand why some people may have preconceived notions about anime and I am prepared for that. However, my reasons for watching anime are clearly defined yet in my experience I have yet to meet someone that has given me a clear answer of why they like yaoi for the male/male dynamic but they are not gay.
Now watching yuri doesn’t make you a lesbian and watching shojo or hentai doesn’t make you straight. However, yaoi is almost solely based on the aspect of male/male relationships and interactions so in essence it would be considered a “gay” medium. Same with yuri and a female/female dynamic. However, just watching an anime with a male couple or a female couple doesn’t make you gay as much as watching an anime with a male/female couple doesn’t make you straight. However, like I mentioned before: yaoi at its core is based of homosexual themes and since homosexual themes are all over anime if you go to yaoi for your fix then that is okay, but just admit that you like dude on dude lovin.
Now people will say that I am being homophobic which is laughable because no one is gayer than I. I make George Michael look butch. I kid, I am actually straight and I am not a fan of the yaoi or the yuri I have seen. If you are that is fine but just because you like it doesn’t mean I have to like it or I have to embrace your enjoyment of it because from what I have seen the genres aren’t entertaining. Hell, homosexual relationships are all over the comic book and anime world to the point that if you have a sub-set genre it is specifically for a market….at least that’s how I see it logically. Those of you that say that regular mediums don’t include gay themes are incorrect. Think about this: there is currently a comic book called The Authority that I have been reading for over 5 years. The leader of the team (Apollo) and one of its strongest and most popular members (Midnighter) are a couple and they are both men. Quite simply, they are boyfriend and boyfriend. Not only are they a gay couple, THEY HAVE AN ADOPTED CHILD TOGETHER! How is THAT for progressive? If male/male interaction is what you are looking for in a storyline, it is already in popular comics and manga (See Sasuke and Naruto. C’mon, they are so gay!) so to read yaoi for the reason that the themes are non-existent in other books is false. Therefore, you are either reading it because you are gay or because you want to be edgy.
In the end, I honestly believe to each their own within the guidelines of the law. That being said, I understand that not everyone (See: NO ONE) likes what I like and I don’t see them as being close-minded as much as I say “well, you are missing out” because in my opinion they are. I don’t see them as being judgmental or insensitive because they like things that I may not. Just make sure that if you like something that is seen as unpopular or in some cases pointless (Like I feel about most if not all yaoi & yuri) that you have a good reason why if you want to challenge others about why they DON’T feel you should constantly talk about how great and different it is. When it isn’t.
That is all for now. I will try to be back up on Thursday but no guarantees because I am going out drinking a bit tomorrow. New job fools! Until next time stay up. And no dudes settling down! Unless it is Bi or Zac Efron and it is with me.
Hey, ya’ll! I am back for and you know it! So I have been parusing the internet for the last few hours because I hate working and I have been looking up the summer blockbusters. So today, I bring to you a little something something to get you ready for the heat! So I give to you….
Passion of Chachi Presents: Chachi’s Summer Movie Spectac-a-ganza!
How do you like that? Pretty damn bad ass, right? Anyway, I am only focusing on the GOOD movies so these films will not be previewed:
Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian Why?: Because Jesus always has been and always will be “teh suck.” That and I think those fucking kids should have been eaten by the lion in the first one. That would have ruled.
Sex In The City: The Movie Why?: Because Horseface Parker and the Old Bitch Three had a shitty show and it will make a shitty movie. The only good movie based on a TV show was “The Simpsons Movie” and to a lesser extent, “Tiny Toons Summer Vacation.”
The Happening Why?: It’s M Night Shyamalan. That in itself is enough to make me never want to see that shitfest.
Speed Racer Why?: Because not even Bi can save this movie. Just looking at it makes me think of Wipeout for the original Playstation:
Great if you are playing a video game. Not for one of the original and trendsetting anime of all time.
There are some other suckier movies but I will not give them the time of day but you know who you are. Pretty much anything with Colin Farrell. So let’s get this bad boy started!
Iron Man
Release Date: May 2nd, 2008 Starring: Robert Downey Jr., Terrance Howard, Gwyneth Paltrow, Jeff Bridges Why It Could Rule: First off, it has Robert Downey Jr. in it and he is a fucking hawtie and you know it. Secondly, it takes maybe the most marketable and movie ready character not named Green Lantern or Thor and gives it a pretty good polish. The armor design is the best I have ever seen (It puts Transformers to shame and I will admit that the Autobots and Decepticons were well done) and the animation of the suit itself looks excellent so far. Add in Iron Monger, who looks VERY imposing as a villain although The Mandarin would have been better (Always there for the sequel) and you have a very good set of ground work. The cast is chock full of great acting chops from Terrance Howard (Who will hopefully become War Machine in this or the sequel) and Jeff Bridges as Obadiah Stone so just in terms of name it looks to have “Batman Begins” quality of acting. The plot seems feasible which is a stretch for a comic book movie but all of the events seem probable. All in all, it is a good framework for a comic book blockbuster. Why It Could Suck: Iron Man is marketable in terms of a deep character (Tony Stark, the greatest drunk since Frank Sinatra) and an interesting set of tech that SCREAMS cross-promotion. However, Iron Man also has the least room for error when it comes to plot. This movie isn’t in the position of X-Men or Spiderman where you could mix camp with over the top action. When it all breaks down, the concept of Iron Man is like the concept of Batman except with better toys. At the core it is a man that wants to protect the people around him so they gather the abilities (Whether physically or technological) to do so and in the end become heroes. This movie has to have a spot on plot and correct pacing or it could fall into The Hulk trap of being long and non-linear. It could fall into the Spiderman 3 problem of being too much in the extremes (It was either over the top emo or borderline Benny Hill campiness) of the character of Tony Stark. Not only that, Iron Man has nowhere near the following that the other Marvel movies have had (But more so than Daredevil and Ghost Rider) so people are watching this solely on the armor and the performance of the characters so both have to be on point. Overall Preview Grade: 8.5 Out of 10 Stars (Iron Man has probably the least margin of error of all the blockbusters this summer, especially the bevy of comic book movies being released. It also has the largest upside because it can appeal to more markets than the rest of the movies being released. Aside from Wall-e, this could end up being the biggest movie of the summer or the biggest bomb. The margin is that slim.)
Indiana Jones & The Kingdom of the Skull Crystal
Release Date: May 22nd, 2008 Starring: Harrison Ford, Shia LeBeouf, Cate Blanchett Why It Could Rule: It’s MOTHERFUCKING INDIANA JONES!! It has been over 15 years since the last movie was released and it was not a fitting end in my honest opinion. So Indy returns on another adventure and from what the trailers have shown not only has it kept the feel of the original it has taken very well to the sands of time. Harrison Ford looks like he started filming the next day after the last day of “The Last Crusade” and the CGI and sets look up to par with anything that has been released recently such as 10,000 BC or Beowulf. The movie has pulled in a very capable cast to go along with what seems to be a very adventurous film. Why It Could Suck: You know, I think this movie could fall into the “Bad Boys II Trap.” That means that this movie could be SO over the top that it actually gets annoying to watch. We all remember how Will Smith and Martin Lawrence invaded Cuba. Let alone the international incident that would have caused, the last 20 minutes of that movie was so overdone that I kind of tuned out. This movie COULD do the exact same thing. Anything with George Lucas involved will have an element of suck that can’t be denied, as well. I am rather sick of Shia as well, but that is another post. Overall Preview Grade:8 Out of 10 Stars (This movie is probably the safest bet of all the summer blockbusters not part of the Chronicles of Narnia ump-tilogy. This movie will be a hit based on nostalgia alone but there is a really high chance for an overblown sequel in the vein of…all three of the last Star Wars films. Don’t put it past George Lucas to put an Ewok or two in here)
You Don’t Mess With The Zohan
Release Date: June 6th, 2008 Starring: Adam Sandler….yeah, I don’t like where this is heading. Why It Could Rule: Well, after Big Daddy I am willing to give Adam Sandler a CHANCE in comedies starring only him. I have learned to not do that, but this looks like it could be funnier than usual. In no way the funniest movie of the summer but by golly it will be the most original. It is your standard not to overpowering but good for an off-week between blockbusters comedy. Why It Could Suck: Did you SEE the trailer? This is like Soul Plane for Jews. Or something, I don’t know anymore. It just doesn’t look “summer funny” like Superbad or 40 Year Old Virgin. Hell, it isn’t even Bruce Almighty funny. It looks to be a good mid-day viewing but I am not paying full price for a half-assed comedy. Overall Preview Grade:6 Out of 10 Stars (This is in no way going to be great but it isn’t going to be HORRIBLE. However with a summer of no less that 5 legitimate blockbusters this doesn’t look like it has what it takes to compete with the others. Maybe the fourth best comedy of the summer….MAYBE)
The Incredible Hulk
Release Date: June 13th, 2008 Starring: Edward Norton, Liv Tyler, Tim Roth Why It Could Rule: Just by the fact that Ang Lee isn’t on the same continent makes it automatically better. This version of the Hulk is actually based off the TV show which means that it puts it in a different category altogether. Rather than the tragic and misunderstood monster, HULK SMASH! But feel emotion. The Hulk actually looks more streamlined and The Abomination is a formidable foe, albeit not as cool as Iron Monger. The cast is….interesting as Edward Norton to me seems more a fit for Reed Richards than Bruce Banner but that is just me. The plot seems to be more of a fit than the Ang Lee one and from the trailers it looks like an awesome chase film. Like The Hulk meets The Bourne Trilogy. Why It Could Suck: The Hulk is still fresh in my mind as one of the most BORING comic book movies ever. I mean seriously, it was bad. Aside from the impressive visuals (Which have been blown away tenfold since in other movies) there was no redeeming quality about that movie. With that being said, it is very easy to fuck up a Hulk movie because every second he ISNT smashing something is a wasted second as far as I am concerned. Revamping the origin (I believe) isn’t a good move because they could have kept the ending and just began the chase from there giving prime time to wreck shop. By reinventing the origin they kill a lot of action and that will tune off a lot of people. Also, I really don’t think Liv Tyler should be allowed to be in movies. At all. Overall Preview Grade:7 Out of 10 Stars (Now this could go up to about a 9 depending on how well they can redo the origin and incorporate that into an action packed movie but I don’t see it getting any higher unless it completely blows the doors off the theater with its awesomeness. This movie has to work HARD to wash the taste of the first one out as well as compete with three better comic book movies IMHO)
Get Smart
Release Date: June 20th, 2008 Starring: Steve Carrell, Anne Hathaway, Dwayne Johnson Why It Could Rule: There is a lot of summertime action power here in The Rock and Steve Carrell. Steve has proven that he can be funny with the worst material (Evan Almighty) but he hasn’t really been in a comedic action role. Luckily he has The Rock to bail him out who is a master at this kind of thing. Although it is a remake (WHICH I HATE) it still has Anne Hathaway and her fine self in the movie so it has its perks already. Why It Could Suck: You know, it just doesn’t look all that funny. It is supposed to be action packed and I hope it is because Get Smart by itself doesn’t stand alone as a movie. Even with the star power it has, I don’t see this movie being up there with some of the other films coming out. Overall Preview Grade:7 Out of 10 Stars (This is a movie that will be a good break after The Incredible Hulk but in the end will get lost in the shuffle. Remakes are always hard to make good and this will be no exception. That and I am still pissed about Bewitched)
Release Date: June 27th, 2008 Starring: James McAvoy, Morgan Freeman, Angelina Jolie, Common Why It Could Rule: This movie is based off a little know comic by the same name which gives it a leg up on the competition because no one is MENTIONING IT. I believe that is what killed some of the awesomeness that was Sin City because it was hyped as a graphic novel and that type of storytelling needs to be worked into a movie in a way that the normals can get. This is being hyped like a Bourne meets Mission Impossible movie which will help out a lot. The strongest part of this movie is the cast. Aside from the mis-casting of Angelina Jolie as the main female (She was Black in the comic) all the characters fit their roles perfectly. The plot is (For the most part) lifted straight from the comic which RULED and was built for the big screen, rather than taking characters and building a plot for the masses. Why It Could Suck: A movie about a hitman has a lot of bad points. Mainly the “hero” is a murderer and people frown upon that. Secondly, the action looks a tad bit Matrix-y and that doesn’t fit the comic book and may give a wannabe Neo feel to the movie. Also, the film has been hyped but nowhere near its competition which will put it at a disagvantage. Angelina Jolie’s jubblies are not enough to sell a movie. See: Beowulf. Overall Preview Grade:7.5 Out of 10 Stars (This could end up being a sleeper hit but for the most part it looks to be an average action movie. I don’t see this pulling a Live Free or Die Hard and just rocking my face off but it should be a good watch. Overall, it looks like it will be above average but I could be wrong)
Hellboy II AKA Hellboy & The Golden Army
Release Date: July 11th, 2008 Starring: Ron Pearlman, Selma Blair Why It Could Rule: Now I am a bit biased because I liked the original Hellboy but after seeing the trailer for this movie before The Forbidden Kingdom I can say flat out that this will be the most visually stimulating movie of 2008. HANDS DOWN. Guillermo Del Toro has helped in creating a visual world that fits what Hellboy would actually be in. The plot is straight from the books (I believe) and the atmosphere seems to match that. My god, it looks BEAUTIFUL. The scenery goes from majestic to downright creepy and it fits to a tee. I felt that the first Hellboy was out of its element and looks kind of hokey although I like the plot and it actually had some good character development. Overall, I believe that the atmosphere and the douche of a villain (We are talking at Sephiroth levels here) make this a sure hit…hopefully. Why It Could Suck: The first Hellboy did WELL, but not as well as the comic book movies before it. I personally feel the criticisms were unfair but true. The movie was out of its element as it tried to integrate a full fantasy world into a real life setting and in some cases it worked very well (plot-wise) but in others it did not (Visually, it looked out of place). Some will find the locals and backdrops very Pan’s Labyrinth-like and that movie itself was an acquired taste as well. Quite simple, Hellboy 2 isn’t a mass market comic book movie and that will hurt it. Overall Preview Grade:9 Out of 10 Stars (I am aiming high with this movie but I believe that this grade will be well worth it. I think this will be the best movie of the summer overall in terms of visuals, plot, action and substance but I fell most people will either be scared or turned off but the characters which are the standard hot fare that the summer brings. GO SEE THIS MOVIE!!)
The Dark Knight
Release Date: July 18th, 2008 Starring: Christian Bale, Morgan Freeman, Heath Ledger, Aaron Eckhart, Michael Caine, Gary Oldman (You know what, let’s just give this movie 15 stars and call it a year) Why It WILL Rule: Did you see the cast? Read it again….I’ll wait. You see that? This movie is badass on the actors alone. Heath Ledger has The Joker NAILED in the trailers while we get to look more into the Batman mythos in this film. The addition of Twoface (MAYBE) in Aaron Eckhart as a villain follows in the Batman vein and means that this will be fucking awesome. The tech has stepped it up big time while the retelling of The Joker origin is enough by itself to see this movie. As great as Batman Begins was, this movie will blow that out of the water. How It COULD Suck: Expectations of this movie are high. VERY HIGH. After Superman Returns (Which I liked….when I was awake) did blow fans away like Batman Begins did, The Dark Knight is the measuring stick on whether a JLA movie will be made because that is the only place left to go. People are not obly expecting a great comic book movie but a great movie in general and that is hard praise to live up to. This could either be The Empire Strikes Back where it redefines the genre as a whole or it could be The Matrix Reloaded and be a disappointment to us all. Just not me. Overall Preview Grade:10 Out of 10 Stars (Yes, you knew that was coming. But in all honesty there is almost NO WAY this movie could be bad if you have even the slightest care about Batman or movies in general. From the look and feel of Gotham to the performances of the actors so far to even the plot itself. This movie has the pieces to be the best movie of not only 2008, but the best sequel EVER. Yes, I went there)
There are some more movies to cover like Wall-e (Which I think will be the biggest movie of the summer because of its rating), Hancock, Pineapple Express, X-Files 2 and Meet Dave and I will go over them probably next week if not next Sunday before the release of IRON MAN! Got, that movie is going to rule. This summer I will be at your local movie house pretty much every Friday and Denver every Saturday at a Rockies game. It will be summertime…in the CSP:
Heh, I kicks it old school. I will try to be back in the middle of the week (Wednesday or Thursday before the Countdown) with a new post. Until then, stay up peeps.