What is up, people?! I am back on the scene with a pocket full of green! Or not, I aint ballin out of control like I should be. Which hurts me to my core and soul.
So as you know I usually keep the news out of my blog unless it is McCain, Obama, video game or anime related (A convoluted mix I will admit) but I really have to comment on this Elliot Spitzer thing. Everyone is all up in arms about this situation and with so many things that are more important (Rising gas prices, war in Iraq, America’s Best Dance Crew. Picked up for another season, bitches!) I find it hard to believe that this is what is going to cause Americans to Irritable Pussy Syndrome. I mean seriously; does this man wanting to stick his wang in the piehole of a $3,000 lady of the night going to really effect you in the long run? I am so sick and tired of this country and its fake morality bullshit. This outrage and shock is asinine and really just a whole bunch of people thinking that they are more righteous that they really are. The only person screwed over in this whole ordeal would be his wife and I really couldn’t care about how she feels because women don’t have souls anyway. If women had souls, would that women even have met with the man in the first place? NO. Now you can say “What about Elliot? Isn’t it all his fault?” to which I would respond what in the fuck does “E.T.” have to do with this shit? Oh yeah….long finger. ZING! My innuendo is priceless.
Every time I watch the news and hear people yelling “robble, robble, robble!” about someone that made a dumb ass judgment call I ask myself something:
“Self, have you ever made a mistake?”
The answer to that is YES. I make mistakes all the fucking time. It is human nature to make mistakes, it is how we find out what works and what doesn’t. Now if this was like the THIRD time he got caught with his lovestick in full on overdrive (Innuendo, Err) with a well paid hooker THEN we could say he and his asshatery need to get the hell out of Dodge…or New York City in this case. If we got rid of every person though out time that made a mistake first time out, look at who we would not have as icons today?
• Brett Farve (Dude almost was ran out of the league for being a fuck-up)
• Tupac Shakur (Greatest rapper ever was a habitual line stepper)
• Cher (Didn’t she marry a Doobie Brother or some shit?)
• Kratos (AREEEEEEESSSSSSSS!!!!! Killed his family and now has the most anticipated game since “Hello Kitty’s Happy Time Brawl & Bash". Not bad)
• Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups (Originally they were Reese’s Jelly Cups. Not as good)
• Jesus (He got caught stealing. When he was five. JANE’S ADDICTION, BITCH!)
• The Fugees “The Score” (Their first album was ASS AND A HALF)
• Jews (I mean, if they knew Jesus was going to be the next Prince I don’t think they would have traded him for a criminal)
• Tootsie Roll (The Butterfly was old)
Now personally I have no stock in this douchery. I don’t live and/or vote in New York and I don’t care how he fucked over his wife because that is THEIR fight to have and not OUR place to judge. At the end of they day they are adults and will handle this situation accordingly. If every person that had sexual relations with someone that isn’t their wife was fired or forced to resign we would have been without a Clinton and THANKFULLY without the shitbrick Hillary because she wouldn’t have the sympathy factor of “Oh, her husband humiliated her in front of the world!” that every woman seems to think is a valid reason for voting for the dumbass. You know what? She stayed so all of you can shut the fuck up. Besides, Obama is married to a BLACK WOMAN he can sure as hell run this country. He didn’t even leave her for a White girl which I totally would have done! The White woman has a big heart. Hell, Nelson Mandela left a black woman!
If he can stand being married to a Black woman he can definitely be President; it’s a lot less work and a hell of a lot less irritating (KOBE!). Aaahhhh, anyway back to the point and away from alienating my non-existant Black female demographic (With “Girlfriends” being cancelled, I guess they may come here. If so...I'm sorry baby. I can change!). Everyone out there should really just say “Damn, that shit is whack” and then turn the channel to something more important. Like Alf the Animated Series:
Man….this show SUCKED! Anyone aside from me remember this song? Doesn’t matter. On another note, I am really….REALLY getting sick and tired of people calling Geraldine Ferrero a racist. Her comments WERE NOT RACIST. Here is exactly what she said:
"If Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position. And if he was a woman, he would not be in this position. He happens to be very lucky to be who he is. And the country is caught up in the concept."
Now read that again. It is NOT a racist statement. It is a STUPID statement based on someone that in my opinion has a little bit of sour grapes. People seem to forget one big thing about Obama. He is half-White. He is a rather dark half-White but he is one of them mulattos nonetheless. So when people say that he is only in the position he is in because he is “Black” is kind of a fucking moron and if you are only voting for him because he is “Black” then you are an even BIGGER fucking moron. If Obama was a woman, she would be running against Hillary so the point would be moot because she would be a half-Black woman and Geraldine would have to say the same thing but probably wouldn’t. Which is okay, her stance is her own opinion and people need to accept and respect it as that. Now if Obama was a White (WHICH HE HALF-WAY IS!) male then he would be KILLING Hillary right now because he is a man and since the first President, we have been proving that only the infinite wisdom of the White man can lead this country:
You think Hillary could have a video like that? No. Could Obama? You bet Mandy Moore’s sweet, sweet ass he could. The fact is that she said that because she is running under the age old adage that White people have “White guilt” and are voting for Obama because of the past indiscretions of the ever-loving Whitey. When she says “caught up in the concept of it” I am unsure of what else she could actually mean aside from either that previous statement or people are rallying behind a young MIXED Presidential candidate and embracing his message of change and hope of an America with allies, a rebuilt economy and the end of the “same ol’ politics” that has plagued us for oh….about 27 years or so. Yeah….we don’t need no race mixing in our WHITE HOUSE. What can I say; she ran with MONDALE who is a retard and a half from what I remember (which admittedly isn’t much). I guess Geraldine thinks that much like sadness, change is for poor people.
So I am sure you have all seen the article about how 1 in 4 teenage females (14-19 I believe) have contracted an STD. Now I am going to go out on a limb and wager something very controversial. Women have been bitching and moaning about why teenage boys weren’t tested in this same study. Well, there is a very good reason for that IMHO and it may shock you. Here is goes: America isn’t ready to accept the fact that I would say of the 3 million girls that have these STD’s that about 30-35% of them we given these diseases by someone over the age of 18 and America isn’t ready for that moral dilemma or slap in the face. I mean Griff and I had this conversation earlier about GI’s hanging around our high school and pretty much trying to pick up the F2T’s. So off the BAT we are in a moral dilemma and as much as I am not a fan of the decisions women make (Like…ever?) I really feel like this is a disturbing trend that cannot COMPLETELY be blamed on them. It is a damn shame about the STD’s at such a young age because I don’t care when you are having sex (Honestly the thought of being with a woman is awkward and icky. COOTIES!!!) but seriously. Is this that much of a shock? I mean when I was in high school I would have to say the same amount of girls were having sex, mostly with either GI’s (Pattern, anyone?) or the same dudes which….ended up with an STD. Bad news travels fast in high school. So nothing has really even changed. Teenagers for the most part can’t even figure out syntax/grammar or even write a paper that doesn’t use “WTF” and “LAWL” (present company excluded…pretty much just Beth) let alone be trusted to maintain their hormones or know how to protect themselves during sex. I mean, there is a REASON why special kids wear helmets: to protect themselves…from themselves. Think about it.
In the end, what teenagers do effects us because at some point we may have to vote one of these Soulja Boy dancing, IM speak using, Bratz watching, collar popping STD ridden fucktards and needless to say I do NOT THINK I AM READY FOR THAT SHIT.
Well, I am out for now. I will try to be up tomorrow as Friday I am going to try to head up to Denver for the Wasabicon. If not Friday then definitely on Saturday. Until then, stay up peeps. And quit getting your panties in a bunch from what I say, you cockmongers.
Live, Laugh, Learn and Love.
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