What is even more humbling is that for a long time I really did not like Heath Ledger. Hell, last summer I wanted to form a lynch mob when I found out he was going to be the Joker in “The Dark Knight” because if his work in Brokeback Mountain. The former caused me to coin the term “The Brokeback Theory” which meant I didn’t have to see a movie to know it sucked ass. You know what? For the three days or so I worked at Comcast I DID see Brokeback Mountain and it DID suck ass. Literally and figuratively, albeit the literal ass-sucking is merely implied but you know it happened. They were gay and it’s what they do. Then there was A Knights Tale which….well that will be the last time I ever mention that movie on this blog ever because it sucked that bad. I mean, it was a musical but they all can’t be The Producers.
With all that being said, a lot of my ire directed at Heath Ledger was solely for humor purposes. I really liked “10 Things I Hate About You” and I vaguely remember him in “Monster’s Ball” (Sorry, but Halle’s titty balls kind of stole the show for me). I remember Zach and I seeing “The Brothers Grimm” (Remember that one?) opening night and saying “That wasn’t BAD, but it wasn’t GOOD” which isn’t a ringing endorsement but he DID carry MATT DAY-MAHN. “A Knight’s Tale” wasn’t COMPELETELY horrible and I was one of the first if not THE FIRST to apologize for all my heated words about him playing The Joker in the new Batman film.
The trailer totally rocked my box as I was blown away by just the few scenes he had in it.
As one who may be The Joker’s biggest fan, I was really skeptical about his ability to play the Alan Moore’s “The Killing Joke” style of Joker due to his psychotic and morbid style. If you never heard of it, FUCKING READ IT because it is bad ass and tragic at the same time. Shapes the Batman mythos, too. However, after seeing the trailer and the makeup combined with his (IMHO) dead on mannerisms I thought that maybe no one else COULD have played him. I was shocked how well he came off in the little that was released.
All that being said, death is a vital part of the life cycle. It is all part of the duplicitous edge that we walk. Second time I got to use that today. It is sad to see someone so young go in a shocking way. I look forward to seeing “The Dark Knight” and I look forward even more to his performance. For many, he will be missed. On another note, I am sure “Casanova” sucked.
Just kidding, just kidding. It’s what I do. In all seriousness…..
Heathcliff Andrew Ledger

April 4th 1979 – January 22nd 2008
Rest In Peace
This is for you, Heath.
Chachi Out
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