So, women should be shot in the face. I just saw this as I was checking my Yahoo email. Wow....women are the reason that women are treated like crap. Because they expect it. Especially this one:
"We are in a parking lot and see you fighting loudly with a man, probably your boyfriend. Do we intervene?
Patricia: Not unless it gets out of hand. If there's just an argument, respect people's privacy.
Laura: If I were fighting with my boyfriend, I'd be already pissed off. There's chivalry and then there's delusions of being a knight in shining armor. Get lost.
We don't do anything, but then it starts to get physical -- we see him grab you by the arm.
Katherine: If you know you don't stand a chance if you try to pull the guy off, then call the police. And let them know you're watching. Sometimes just the social pressure of knowing that somebody's looking at you or knowing that somebody's calling the police can help."
Yeah....from now on next time I see a woman getting yelled at and eventually hit (because yelling is the gateway domestic violence), I am joining the fuck in. This is fucking ridiculous. Remember when I said that chivalry wasn’t dead? Guess what? Chivalry isn’t ABOUT YOU, BITCHES! It is about doing what is the right thing. If someone holding a door open for you is creepy, then you NEED to be slapped because I am too much of a normal person to beat your ass on GP. Maybe if I did, I wouldn’t care about your fucking welfare and wouldn’t be so concerned by women’s answers in this shitty ass survey.
What I find REALLY disturbing is the one about the argument in public. If you ever have this question asked of you and you can recall an event or even have an opinion that is along the lines of “it’s our business” then get those “I ran into a door” lies ready because you will get your ass kicked on the fucking daily. I have stepped into an argument before and you know what? It wasn’t for HER! It was for him because he caught HER with another man at the mall and he went off. I told him to cool it out because no matter what, because our laws protect the stupid, and he would be at the fault. Now women would say I was wrong to do that and before I would say I was. Not anymore.
When I had my women’s studies classes in college and was in AWARE Senior year, domestic violence always struck a nerve with me because two women I was involved with in a time when I actually gave a fuck about trying to converse with the opposite sex we previously involved with crazy men. I mean burn their clothes and slash their tires crazy. Hell, I even got in two fights over women with crazy woman-beaters that I DIDN’T EVEN WANNA FIGHT! Ask Griff about that shit, he will tell you about his life for a copy of Mario Kart via emulator. Zach, even you have a story about it. I marched against domestic violence twice and yet all women I know have some skewed sense of masculinity that mistakes chivalry with anger toward other men. Me stepping in front of a woman to stop a man, again, IS NOT ABOUT YOU. It is about him and his asshatery of making men look bad by kicking your stupid ass. They you say shit like “knight in shining armor syndrome” when we couldn’t give a rats ass about you in that aspect. Shit like this from women just make me realize that you still live by the credo I created a few years ago and since it aint going to end I will just repeated.
Women are completely two faced and want it both ways for everything. Not even the good way like Jasmine Byrne does it. For women that claim to be about “lady power” and being “independent women” you seem to have that mistaken with being a fucktard. I wonder how many of you consider yourself feminists? I will tell you how many.
Shockingly, now I have respect for feminists after all these years. They stand by their convictions and it is hard to find a man for it. Most women straddle the edge like a whore with ADD fucking Snoopy and not able to decide which side of the roof to dismount. They want to be taken care of, but don’t want to be told in any way shape or form what to do (which is fine). They want to be respected for their opinions and logic but never want to be questioned of GOD FORBID proven wrong. Quite simply, its like I always say:
"All the power with none of the responsibility."
Congratulations. You officially fucked over what woman’s suffrage was all about. I hope you are happy with your skewed view of life. Much like mine but at least I admit I’m a fucking headcase. You know, I get emails all day during work about how men are stupid and cause all the wars and only think with their wangs and blah blah blah yakkity smackity. Yet, for every 5 of those you see none that men make for women. You know why? Because we RUN SHIT. Every day women exist is another day that the Japanese figure out ways to replace you. Once they make sexbots, there will be no need for women. Now, for the greatest rhetor of our time…Ali G:
Aahhh, twas all in good fun. You know I love you, ladies.
Try feminism! It’s hot, sexy, lady LSG’ing lady love! Wait….it’s NOT?!
Diddy Out. B.I.G. FOREVER!
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