So let me get this straight: iTunes is supposed to be SOOOOO much easier to use and a better solution than Windows Media Player 10. Its supposed to be compatible with Windows Vista and make my playing of music SOOOO much fucking easier. So why IN THE FUCK DO I HAVE TO DOWNLOAD A FUCKING PATCH SO I CAN ACTUALLY RUN MY MOTHERFUCKING SYSTEM?!
Fuck Apple. Fuck them in their fucking heads. For about two months I thought that I was leaking memory when it seems that iTunes has been fucking with my Internet Explorer, Windows Media Player, Winamp, ALL OF MY CODECS and of course my operating system as a whole because my iPod just cant be seen as a generic hard drive because it is from FUCKING APPLE! What kind of sense does that make? By doing all of that and making a piece of proprietary hardware that is designed to work with a Mac yet trying to make it work on a PC it makes it nigh difficult to use. Half the time it doesn’t update even after I add songs two or three times. It all of a sudden just shuts the fuck down in the middle of searching for a song (when not plugged in, mind you) and this is my favorite: it actually crashed my Internet Explorer. Seriously, when I update my playlist and try to run IE, my IE will not right click and half of the toolbar is missing. My resources show plenty of memory left but I can’t even open My Computer. As soon as I un-dock my iPod, Jesus reach-arounds my computer or something because magically it FUCKING WORKS!
I swear on everything my next MP3 player is a fucking Zune. That thing licks more ass than (sadly) Jasmine Byrne but at least it’s not an Apple product and it fucking works with Windows. Supposedly, anyway. Before you start spewing off about how it is easy to run iTunes on a Mac and maybe I should switch rememeber this:
Apple says it is compatible with Vista. Guess what, unless you download a patch that only PARTLY FIXES THE PROBLEM then it isn’t. How can so many companies have drivers that work on PC’s and that white piece of shit called a Mac but I can’t update my iPod without crashing my fucking interface? They are bold faced liars. Instead of focusing on updating the hardware with more shit that people don’t need and trying to lure away the moron PC buyers while alienating your hardcore base, try making the basic shit work for those of us who got our iPod’s at 70% off of list and use it because it USED to be easy to work with. What is EVEN BETTER is that I am forced to install QuickTime with iTunes STILL TO THIS MOTHERFUCKING DAY! You know how many QuickTime files I have? One, and that bitch has never worked. Sucks because I really like AAA’s music videos but I downloaded it in a MPEG and that shit works awesome. I only have iTunes for my fucking iPod, I don’t need or want your shitty ass player. Which by the way, always wants to play every file just to say that it can’t fucking play it. Even better, I just saw what happened to someone that upgraded to the new iTunes:
Way to “just work” fucky. I am so not looking forward to this shit. Let me just have iTunes, you brain-dead pricks…that works. Just a caveat. Microsoft may suck, but at least it works at a 75%-80% clip and does what I want to do. At least Microsoft isn’t illegal in some companies.
It is official….Macs are the Mormons of the computer world. They look nice enough and seem to be a refreshing change from your run of the mill fucktard Christians but in the end, they suck JUST AS MUCH as Christians because their books and thought process are just as stupid but they try to convince you it’s a better way. And it costs more to be a Mormon, too.
Oh, they are also money grubbing fuckers:
You fuck over non-Mac users AND artists? To Urge I go!
I’m off to bed.
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