Wednesday, September 26, 2007

God....PETA Really Sucks It Dry.

First off, TWO UPDATES IN ONE DAY!! W00T!!! We are bored, Err. Big day tomorrow and Friday! Hopefully things go well and the ballin can commence!

So Carl's Jr and Hardees (The classiest of fast food establishments) have decided to use pork and eggs from animals not cruely confined. me Ishmail but does it really fucking matter what KIND OF CAGES ANIMALS ARE KEPT IN WHEN THEY ARE GOING IN PEOPLES BELLIES ANY-FUCKING-WAY?! I mean...come the hell on! I love animals (In the healthy way. Except for collies because they are HAWT) and think cruelty isnt cool unless you are Michael Vick. Then it is awesome. The fact is these animals arent being taken to see "Homeward Bound" they are GOING TO BE EATEN.

I can see these rules for pet stores and sex shops, but not for a place where the animals are being set up for consumption. It just seems....expensive. It doesnt make my breakfast sandwich taste ANY BETTER if the chicken was kept in a pen with wire doors. Especially when I am having that chickens embryo fried up on a Sourdough Club Breakfast Sandwich. Now that is good eatin! PETA needs to shut the fuck up. I am for the ethical treatment of animals, just not for my breakfast. Beaten animals make for tender meat! Its science!


Geez, grow a set and get some surgery on that funny bone of yours. Oh, and Michael Vick's new name is "Towelie" Sad. just sad. Besides, cats OWN dogs. Even from the cradle:

Cats rule, dogs drool. Doesnt make up for Vick being a fucktard, though.

On another note....COMCAST STILL FUCKING SUCKS. Internet just crashed. Fuck them in their stupid heads. I mean STILL fuck them in their stupid heads.

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