Friday, August 31, 2007
Working For The Weekend...For Pennies.
Chachi Top 20 Video Countdown!
We start off with a debut from a kick ass J-Pop duo!
20. Mihimaru GT – Gazen Yeah! (New Entry)
Yaaaay! This song is THIS CLOSE to being the new ringtone. I love this video and the live performance on CDTV is AWESOME! I have quietly been a fan of Mihimaru (I jam their Greatest Hits album constantly on the iPod) and this is a reason for the rest of you to become one as well.
19. Yui – My Generation (Last Week #17)
So…um….how can I put this. Just read the one above this one.
18. Yui – Love & Truth (New Entry)
FUCK YES! IT IS ABOUT TIME! You all know that my love for the Yui will never die and this video…yes. She has turned into a woman. Not that she wasn’t before bur you know now she is OFFICIALLY a woman even bu Japan standards! The video is awesome and the song is kick ass. Welcome back!
17. Tenjo Chiki (TSZX) – Pirhrana (Last Week #20)
Speaking of sexy ladies, it looks like the ladies of TSZX or whatever move up a big three spots with this video. I am not sure what is up with all the names but it really doesn’t matter to me all that much. This video is HAWT.
16. Foxxi MisQ feat. Miss Monday – Party Booty Shake (Last Week #12)
More hawt ladies! The Countdown is just full of them! Sadly, the ladies of Foxxi MisQ are falling four spots this week with a video that almost took the #1 spot about a month back. Here is a hope for a new video!
14. Sowelu, EXILE & DOBERMAN INC – 24 Karat (Last Week #16)
Wow, life is getting GOOD. Yui, Foxxi Misq, Tenjo Chiki and now Sowelu? All I can say is YUMMY. This single is actually very good (With an interesting rendition of Earth, Wind and Fire’s “September”) and as you know…the video has Sowelu. So it is hot.
13. Gym Class Heroes – Clothes Off (Last Week #10)
After a suprisingly short run in the Top 10, Gym Class Heroes falls three spots this week. Their album is OKAY, just not what I was expecting. Still, I like this video because Vegas kicks ass. Too bad I cant go this year because I am fucking poor.
12. Nelly Furtado – Do It (Last Week #14)
Mo ladies, mo problems! This makes 7 female acts ALREADY and we arent even halfway through yet! Nelly is looking for her fourth Top 10 video and looks to be on a good track as I really like this one. I have liked the song since I bought the album so that is saying a lot.
11. Chamillionare – Hip Hop Police (Last Week #13)
With so much drama in the industry, its nice to see hip hop getting back to me. Cham moves up ever so close to the Top 10 and rightfully so. This video is pretty good (and funny) and now I am looking forward to his album.
10. L`Arc~en~Ciel – Seventh Heaven (Last Week #8, One week at #1)
NEW HYDE! This song falls two more spots but all I can say is NEW L’ARC~EN~CIEL!!! Needless to say, it rocks your face. That is all.
9. AI – Brand New Day (Last Week # 7)
After looking like she was going to make some major moves upward, AI falls back two places. You know, with two videos I wonder if an album is coming soon? We saw how look it to Namie Amuro to give us “Play” so….we’ll see.
8. Common – The People (Last Week #4)
Common falls four more places this week with his latest video. I am hoping for a new video soon because he is on a roll right now. He is a front runner for the Chachi for Album of the Year so you know the album has some good stuff on it. Gimme more!
7. UVERworld - Shaka Beach~Laka Laka La~ (Last Week #9)
Speaking of good stuff, UVERworld is back! After “BUGRIGHT” I am hoping for another kickass album. The first video was “meh” (Endscape) but this one is toe tapping goodness. Can they make it to the top? We’ll see!
6. Aqua Timez - Alones (Last Week #11, Biggest Mover)
FUCK YES! This video makes another huge leap and is one step away from the Top 5! This song has been my favorite for a while and now this video is creeping up as my favorite to watch. It is the first time Aqua Timez has ever been on here but they are making a heck of a showing. On to the Top 5!
5. John Legend – Stereo (Last Week #6)
Well, John officially has his FOURTH video in the Top 5, tying UVERworld for the most ever! Now UVERworld is on his heels but can he get the elusive fourth #1 video that has eluded them? Now THAT is drama!
4. Hearts Grow - Mimawari (Last Week #2)
After attempting to take the throne last week, Hearts Grow falls two spots this week. Nothing to be ashamed of, a lot of people failed to take the throne from UGK and Outkast and the fact they got that high is an accomplishment. Besides, I still listen to this song every day on the way to work. It makes me happy! We are down to three…
3. Abingdon Boys School – Nephilim (Last Week #4)
Can TM and Company make it two for two? Abingdon Boys School moves up another spot into the Top 3 and has a daunting task ahead as the top two videos are veterans. However, they have been to the top of the mountain so they know what it takes. Can they do it against some stiff competition is the question. We are down to two and there is a shocker…
2. UGK feat. Outkast – International Players Anthem (Last Week #1, Seven weeks at #1)
After more than a month and a half and #1 and more than two months in the Top 3, UGK and Outkast finally give up the throne. It was a LOOOOOOONG run and a dominant performance but in the end, all we can say is Sweet Jones. Now, we have a BRAND NEW #1 VIDEO!!!
1. Kanye West feat. Daft Punk – Stronger (Last Week #3, One week at #1)
Well look who is at #1 for the first time ever! After coming close with Game and TERIYAKI BOYZ, Kanye West has finally captured the crown. Although he is nowhere near Jesus (Jesus is lame, I said it) he can sure make a good video. Here is hoping for “Graduation” being kickass! Say hello to our new King!
Well, that is all for now! “Balls of Fury” tonight and going out to PAR-TAY on Saturday. Gut check time next week for me, too. I will let you know why if you ask or get me drunk. Until next week, staty up peeps.
Chachi Out.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Raging Against The Machine? It's Crap-tastic!
As for "The Little Mermaid" it kicked the ass. The new songs were great, the set design was awesome and I would like to get me some of Ursella. Yeah she's like 40 but old habits die hard, dont they Kandice? And there were more Black people than you should shake a stick at! On stage I mean; I was the only one in the audience. Hell, even the USHERS where white. That was just whack.
Oh, and I am saying it now: Billy Ocean as Sebastian the Crab in the Broadway production. If they dont, they are missing out on a CASH COW. “Get Out Of My Dream, Get Into My Car” would work PERFECTLY:
I’m just saying. It would work. Oh, and as ballin as a trident is I am surprised Diddy doesn’t walk around with one. I would figure we are only one week away from “Diddy: King of the Ocean”. Now THAT’S ballin.
You know, something hit me near the end of the play. I am glad that musicals arent made much anymore because everyone under the age of 21 doesn’t know music. With that being said, I am fearing the day that the romantic section of a musical has a rousing rendition of “Smack That” by Akon. People are really that stupid and it scares me.
So the rumors about Comcast “throttling” the Internet for their subscribers CLAIMS to be false. Most of you know my secret job (Yeah, I suck) so I should be mum but as a USER of Bit Torrent I can say that SOMETHING is happening and to lie to me about it (as a COMSUMER) is bullshit. I lays it on the line, people.
The fact is this: unless it is in the terms of service are violatted in some way shape or form by using an excessive amount of bandwidth, which I am not sure is the case or not about hogging the bandwidth, capping internet is like saying you can only drink so much water in a month when you are alloted 10 gallons. Hear me out. If you have 6MB internet, you have the opportunity to download at 6MB a second and upload of about 384K a second (Slower than DSL, but DSL blows dolphin dick so there). NO QUESTIONS ASKED. I can’t say I only WATCH three of your fucking channels so only CHARGE ME for three fucking channels. No, I have to pay for a full tier of channels I don’t fucking watch just to get Cartoon Network, Comedy Central and Disney Channel. But Comcast can decide to throttle all Bittorent downloads because some are illegal? Fuck you, that’s like the fucking Patriot Act for computers. Some people are terrorists so you watch everyone? Fuck that. Here is what one ISP provider represntative stated:
“The fact is, P2P is (from my point of view) a plague - a cancer, that will consume all the bandwidth that I can provide. It’s an insatiable appetite.”, and another one stated: “P2P applications can cripple a network, they’re like leaches. Just because you pay 49.99 for a 1.5-3.0mbps connection doesn’t mean your entitled to use whatever protocols you wish on your ISP’s network without them provisioning it to make the network experience good for all users involved.”
It is another case of smiting all to punish some. I can’t download Bleach or Naruto: Shippuuden because YOU want to run phone calls over your pre-laid network? Tough shit. The fact is that you are not getting what you pay for if Comcast throttles bandwidth. A reader of Torrentfreak said:
“If you pay for an internet connection, that’s what you should get from your ISP — an internet connection. Not a connection that will let you browse the web and check email, but little else. If an ISP has issues with the amount of data a customer is transferring, then the ISP needs to address that issue with that customer, and not restrict every user in one class of traffic.”
If I don’t get my alloted bandwidth due to customer traffic that is fine. If I don’t get it because you are pretty much blocking my download/upload then Comcast is guilty of false advertisement. Spin it as “Customers don’t have free reign to download illegally and overuse bandwidth” but what you are really saying is “We arent giving you what you pay for because we are too chickenshit to stand up to those that are fucking it up for everyone else.” Sounds like good stuff. I don’t download a massive amount from BT, and yet when I try to download or seed my computer runs at a crawl if at all. Oh, and my internet needed to be rebooted AGAIN.
Needless to say, I am a tad bit pissed about people being fucked over. I am all against “the illegal downloading” but dicketry isnt the answer. We all download things. But we are not perfect…
He punched a baby, too! Those little fuckers are dangerous. A pack of six can kill a full grown man. It’s science. Eh, it is what it is with cable. You just have to take getting fucked up the ass or find someone else….to fuck you up the ass. Ass-fucking for everyone! On that note, I’m heading out. I think I have hit my ass-fucking quota until 2008.
Chachi Out.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Knowledge Is Key
So tonight I learned some things…
1. I am gay as hell. I decided to pass on football for Broadway. Albeit KICKASS Broadway (Litte Mermaid, fishes! Wow…that actually works this time) I am skipping out on booing the FUCK out of Brady Quinn and his Irish ass. Shiiiiiiiiiiit. Wh, at least I still have Sebastian T. Crab for comfort. Yeah, mon!
2. To all the ladies over 35 that hit on me at Eden tonight (It was three and…oy vey, I need Jesus) all I can say is this: Been there, done that and I don’t like the ending of the book. Sorry, I have to keep my sanity and I can’t be with a woman the same age as my mom. I mean…maybe once but not no more. Yellow rice, Rick. Never eats it. Greatest advice ever.
3. Also to the ladies (because tonight was an AWKWARD night for about an hour): If you have a man don’t grind on me. I don’t need to be that man in the club getting shot because you are a whore. Or because you need a tampon. See “Superbad” and you will understand.
4. I am a whore. I sacrificed all I believed in and drafted Peyton “Seabiscuit” Manning with my first selection in this years fantasy draft. I got the steal of the draft in Greg Olsen (rookie Tight End for the Chicago Bears) and an even BETTER steal in Deuce McCallister in the FOURTH ROUND. Man, people are drinking the Reggie Bush Kool-Aid hard-fucking-core. I have a good team this year, not like any of you care. Oh, and Hines Ward in the SIXTH round. Yeesh, no respect for the Bulldogs.
5. Oh, and Eden sucks. Too many niggers (Yes, I said it. You don’t like it then stop being one or stop fucking reading) and bros. And I hate both. Oh, and there were a lot of dumb women tonight. Which leads me to…
6. Women really LOVE “Get Low” by Lil Jon and the Eastside Boyz. I mean like I love “Oasis” by Bennie K. Even the unedited version. Its funny to hear women say “Sweat drip from my balls” and “All them bitches crawl”. Just…like black people singing “Sweet Home Alabama”. Which they DID. Oy….I hate Colorado so fucking much.
7. Tuaca bombs: not shitty. I hate Tuaca and I DESPISE shots (Ugh….its the Goose or nothing for the kid) but it was okay. No mojito or brandy but it will do. God, I am one uppity fuck.
8. Women should not be allowed to drive. I am not the poster child of good driving, but talking to another car while driving at high speeds in a BUSINESS DISTRICT is fucking stupid. If Hillary loses it is your dumb ass fault. I saw female drivers nearly injure 4 people, not including the people I went with.I do better and have driven drunk every day from work and have for the last 7 years. It’s a skill.
9. Asian women are HAWT. There, I said it. Sue me if you must. To the Asian (Korean from what she could make out in her drunken stupor which was NOT HOT) girl that danced with (correction; ON) me against the wall, who pretty much used me and threw me away like a Denver running back…I love you. Normally I would cry “rape” like Jodie Foster in “The Accused” but no tonight. I was used…and I loved it. Man, I’m a whore….
10. Greatest interaction ever:
Me: Do you serve martinis?
Bartender: I can, no problem!
Other Dude: Can I get a Cosmo?
Me: Wow, that is rather…gay?
Random Woman: You got that right. That is the gayest thing I have ever heard and you see those two guys over by the DJ? They ARE gay and they were kissing.
You know what? I bought my second drink for a woman….ever (That wasn’t on a date with me. Rick knows the other one and has villified me for it. Rightfully so, too) because that was just way too fucking awesome to not give her some credit. See, sometimes a man isnt buying a drink to fuck you, ladies. Sometimes it’s because you are funny. Which is a rarity.
That is it for now. It is SO bedtime.
Friday, August 24, 2007
One Year And Counting, Fishes!
Chachi’s Top 20 Video Countdown!
We start off with some sexy…sexy ladies dancing for my K-Pop enjoyment…
20. Tenjo Chiki (TSZX) – Pirhrana (New Entry)
Yes. Yes. YES. YES. YES!! This is my new favorite video. I have been watching this (for the…dancing) video for a few weeks now and all I can say is DAAAAAAMN! These ladies are hawt like nobodys business. So needless to say…Foxxi MisQ has some competition.
19. Foxxi MisQ feat Zeebra – Luxury Ride (Last Week #17)
The ladies of Foxxi MisQ are on the verge of falling out of the Countdown after a VERY impressive run of two videos in the Top Five at the same time. I am still digging “Gloss” and…I am still digging me some Dem. She’s hawt.
18. FLOW - Answer (Last Week #15)
FLOW falls three places this week after a short stint on the Top 20. This video has fallen to the wayside with some big (AND I MEAN BIG) new videos out, this video slides down a bit. I still loves me some FLOW, though.
17. Yui – My Generation (Last Week #13)
16. Sowelu, EXILE & DOBERMAN INC – 24 Karat (Last Week #18)
So there are two versions of this video so far. Type “S” has a whole lot of Sowelu (The “S” is for SAUCY) and the “E” version which has a whole lot of EXILE. As cool as EXILE is, Sowelu is where the hell its at. Me loves me some of the ‘Lu.
15. Gackt – RETURNER ~Yami no Shuuen~ (Last Week #11)
Gackt falls another four spots this week with this epic. I am officially demanding some more Gackt and NOW. The man makes Zac Efron look like Zachary Taylor. Do some reading, I cant hold your hand.
14. Nelly Furtado – Do It (Last Week #16)
Mmmm, Nelly moves up two more spots this week with her new video. Nelly is looking for her fourth Top 3 video (“Promiscuous” and “Maneater” both hit #2 and “Say It Right” went to #1for three weeks earlier this year) and that would be a feat only you guessed it, UVERworld has achieved. They kind of run this.
13. Chamillionare – Hip Hop Police (Last Week #14)
Cham moves up another spot this week. He is part of the “Hip Hop Kind Of Doesn’t Suck” movement that has started recently. Between Kanye, Common, UGK and Talib Kweli (“Eardrum” is bad ass) I am no longer AS MAD as I was about three months ago.
12. Foxxi MisQ feat. Miss Monday – Party Booty Shake (Last Week #8)
Mo Foxxi Too bad they are on their way down because they have had a good year. If not for Abingdon Boys School and Daughty, they would be a shoo in for the Chachi Award for New Artist of the Year.
11. Aqua Timez - Alones (Last Week #19, Biggest Mover)
Bleach is going back to the manga! Ichigo vs. Grimmjaw Part Deux! Urahara cuts loose! Orihime wears tight clothes! It gets no better! Wait, it does. Aqua Timez is a step away from the Top 10! Can I get a ‘BANKAI?!” Hells yeah.
10. Gym Class Heroes – Clothes Off (Last Week #10)
Gym Class Heroes makes a stop this week at #10 for the second straight week. They have a new remix with Lil Wayne for “Viva La White Girl” which isnt all that bad. Lil Wayne has grown on me over the last 10 months or so, not gonna lie.
9. UVERworld - Shaka Beach~Laka Laka La~ (Last Week #12)
Yeah, you know it. The boys are back in the Top 10. Like we havent seen them up here before. Can they make it five for five in the Top Three? We will have to see!
8. L`Arc~en~Ciel – Seventh Heaven (Last Week #4, One week at #1)
HYDE AND COMPANY ARE BACK! A new video is being downloaded as we speak and if is rocks (WHICH IT FUCKING WILL) it will be on here ASAP. Yeah, its all about the J-Rock.
7. AI – Brand New Day (Last Week # 7)
AI stands pat at #7 this week. Now we begin to get into the big players on the Countdown. Can AI crack the upper echelon? It has been over a year since she has been this high…
6. John Legend – Stereo (Last Week #9)
John Legend is BACK and is primed for another run at the top! I love this song and the video is growing on me. Seeing as “Once Again” won the Chachi Award for Album of the Year you kind of knew that this was going to be great.
5. Common – The People (Last Week #2)
Into the Top 5 and Common falls from #2. He could not topple the juggernaught that is UGK and Outkast. The People arent mad, though. His video is great and “Finding Forever” is AWESOME. Trust me, it is that damn good. Great run, though!
4. Abingdon Boys School – Nephilim (Last Week #5)
TM and the crew are making their bid for the top spot! After hitting #1 with “Howling” which is the rockingest song of 2007 by far, they look to have this video follow suit. I am still waiting for the album! Onto the Top 3!
3. Kanye West feat. Daft Punk – Stronger (Last Week #6)
Kanye has is second Top 3 video this year (Kanye hit #3 with Game with “Wouldn’t Get Far” earlier this year) and is looking higher this time out! I am trying to find when “Graduation” comes out but I see nothing. I am actually rather excited for this album. Also, the video isnt too shabby either. Better than “I Get Money.” Fuck 50. I’m right here…what do you want to do? I’m right here.
2. Hearts Grow - Mimawari (Last Week #3)
They youngsters of Hearts Grow are officially they youngest people to make it this high on the Countdown! It has been a long trek but they have made it this far. They take the runner up spot and are looking to maybe…just maybe be video that knocks off the longest reigning #1 in over a year…
1.UGK feat. Outkast – International Players Anthem (Last Week #1, Seven weeks at #1)
Seven weeks. This video has been at #1 for SEVEN WEEKS. That is almost unheard of. But Bun-B, Pimp C, Andre 3000 and Big Boi have not only conquered the mountain for 7 weeks but have been in the Top 3 for 10 weeks to boot, the longest EVER. Yes, this video is that damn good. And that is why it is at #1 for another week!
Well that is all for this week! Tune in next week to see if UGK and Outkast can set the record and hold on for their eight week! Or can Hearts Grown be the owners of the video that finally ends the streak? Or can Kanye West prove he is stronger than the competition? Find out next Friday!
Oh, and one last thing. This week is officially one year that I have been doing the Passion of Chachi Top 20 Video Countdown. I put this up for my own enjoyment last year it kind of took off from there. I would like to thank everyone that reads this (about 21 of you, give or take per Friday) every week and I have only missed one of the 52 weeks (it was done late so I didn’t really miss it, but I have to keep it real) I have been doing this so I am dedicated to the peeps. I want to send a special thanks to Roxanne for giving me the link on her site and for anyone that ever gave me a shoutout (there are like five of you and you know who you are). Again I thank you for reading because without you, I am just a nutcase with a computer. This is for you! The first #1 video ever….”SHAMROCK” by UVERworld!!!
Thank you again, peeps. It’s about the love. “The Little Mermaid” on Saturday so an update on Sunday maybe. Until then, stay up.
Chachi Out!!
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Beautiful Girls Only Date Rich, Ugly Fat Fucks. And Sean Kingston is Proof.
I am sick of the non-singing ass singers all over the place. I heard that song in fucking Dillards. White people, I figured you pale-faced fucks wouldnt stand for darkies on your radios in your places of purchase. With this being said, the people are to be shot in their fucking faces on sight:
Akon (Got to start with the original Ugmonatron)
T-Pain (God...won't someone shoot this nigga)
Chad Kroger (I really dont like Nickelback)
Bono (Fuck Bono, Fuck the Poor and FUCK U2!)
Robin Thicke (The falsetto was cool for one song. ONE SONG. Get your nuts back or get a bullet to the face)
Rihanna (Take your bowling ball inhaling nostrils and your Daytona 500 size forhead and die. You dont need an umbrella, you need a tarp on that huge ass forhead of yours)
Pretty Ricky (Who are they? I dont know, but I just heard them while changing a CD and I'm sure that Jodeci wants their style back. Fuckers)
Fergie (My stance on her is changing because I like "big Girls Don't Cry" but she still looks like Frankenhooker. Man is the monster, but the monster is a man!)
Whoever made "Ay Bay Bay" (God....I am praying for some hip hop shootings soon. Thin out the ranks a little bit)
There are some more but I need to sleep now. I will have a post on my hitlist later. Wait, that could be seen as a threat of violence. So, my next post will be:
MOTHERFUCKERS THAT SHOULD BE SHOT IN THE FACE ON SIGHT! THAT is a threat. Now, to leave you with something I am totally ashamed of right now. My new favorite song...."Crank That" by Soulja Boy:
God...I hate myself right now. But I gotta crank that! Superman and WHOOOOA!
Chachi Out
Friday, August 17, 2007
I GOT SOUL! And I'm Superbad!
Chachi Top 20 Video Countdown!
We start off with a Countdown legend on his way out…
20. T.I. – Big Things Poppin’ (Last Week #16)
The King of the South and (arguably) the King of the Countdown is on his way out of the Top 20 after cracking the Top 5. Here is hoping for a new T.I. video soon (I am personally waiting for “Help’s On The Way”) as it has been a good year for hip hop after…like a six year shit swing. Now, time for the greatest moment ever…
19. Aqua Timez - Alones (New Entry)
FUCK YES! FUCK YES! Did you hear that? That was the sound of my HARDEST orgasm EVER! Aqua Timez is in your face with a video for the best song of the year. There, I said it. “Alones” is the best song of the year. Prove me the fuck wrong. Yeah, I thought so. Also, it is about damn time I got a video for this! BAD ASS!
18. Sowelu, EXILE & DOBERMAN INC – 24 Karat (Last Week #20)
Mmm…Sowelu moves up two spots this week. With her fine ass. Her sexy, sexy fine ass. Oh, and she brings EXILE and DOBERMAN INC with her, too. Not as concerned about them though. I’m all about the ‘Lu!
17. Foxxi MisQ feat Zeebra – Luxury Ride (Last Week #13)
The ladies of Foxxi MisQ STILL have two videos in the Top 20, which is a feat in itself. Also, I am still waiting for a new video or at least some more live video of them. I have them performing “Ultimate Girls” on Music Station and….lets just say it’s HAWT.
16. Nelly Furtado – Do It (Last Week #18)
After a long absence (5 months) Nelly Furtado is back with a new video! “Do It” moves up two spots this week in the hopes of her second #1 video. It has been a while since “Loose” was released and she has been rather quite. And I don’t likes it. Gimme more! Do it!
15. FLOW - Answer (Last Week #15)
FLOW holds steady this week at #15. This video isn’t as bad ass as “Re:member” but very few things are. Kind of punished for past greatness but it was the same for Namie Amuro and T.I. It happens.
14. Chamillionare – Hip Hop Police (Last Week #17)
Okay, confession time. I love this video. I actually like Cham to boot. “Ridin Dirty” was pretty good and he has been in every remix not including Lil Wayne this year. I have to say…he is becoming tolerable.
13. Yui – My Generation (Last Week #10)
NOOOOO! Yui is out of the Top 10 for the first time in three months! It is a shame, but that is what you get when you don’t give me a video for about four months. I needs my damn Yui fix.
12. UVERworld - Shaka Beach~Laka Laka La~ (Last Week #14)
Speaking of fixes. I got my UVERworld fix and I must say it is well worth the wait! Like I said last week it is no “SHAMROCK” but this song is awesome. The b-sides to the single aren’t too bad either.
11. Gackt – RETURNER ~Yami no Shuuen~ (Last Week #7)
The hottest man on the Countdown falls four big spots this week with this video. All I can say is that even the hottest man alive needs to give me a video every now and then. I am just saying. On to the Top 10!
10. Gym Class Heroes – Clothes Off (Last Week #12)
Don’t look now, but Gym Class Heroes have worked their way into the Top 10 for the first time ever! Hey, 80’s covers get you play in my book. That and furries getting served dance style is the ONLY way they should be served. Aside from beat the hell up. That shit is gross!
9. John Legend – Stereo (Last Week #11)
John Legend is now tied with UVERworld with his FOURTH Top 10 video! That is quite a feat, especially in a calendar year! I really like this video now, actually better than “Heaven”. Nothing will EVER top “Save Room” but this is a nice summertime jam I will admit.
8. Foxxi MisQ feat. Miss Monday – Party Booty Shake (Last Week #4)
Mo Foxxi, Mo Problems! Both of Foxxi MisQ’s videos are falling this week and that truly hurts. Mainly because Dem is fricking hawt and I will miss her. Well, they’s all hot but you get the idea.
7. AI – Brand New Day (Last Week # 8)
AI is slowly moving her way up the Countdown, jumping one spot this week. Can she get back to the top with such stiff competition? She was there once before, but not against the likes of UGK, Abingdon Boys School and Kanye West. We will see!
6. Kanye West feat. Daft Punk – Stronger (Last Week #9)
Kanye makes the biggest jump this week, moving one step away from his second Top 5 video of the year! His album was sadly pushed up to not face 50 Cent’s album and all I can say to that is…niggas and their money are soon parted. And they don’t buy stuff to better themselves. Sad, but at least I still have Common and Kanye. More on Common later!
5. Abingdon Boys School – Nephilim (Last Week #6)
Abingdon Boys School has their second Top Five video in a month! This video has grown on me since I saw the live performance last week. It takes a pretty bad ass dude to wear a kilt in a rock video. And they pull it off.
4. L`Arc~en~Ciel – Seventh Heaven (Last Week #3, One week at #1)
After holding the top spot for a week, Hyde and Company fall one spot. I am STILL WAITING for a new video guys. Any day now…
3. Hearts Grow - Mimawari (Last Week #5)
Hearts Grow are in the Top 3! They are now treading some MAJOR territory as they are above veterans like Nelly Furtado, John Legend and UVERworld. Can they go even HIGHER and maybe even…take number one? The video is awesome and the competition is fierce so stay tuned! Its an all hip hop top two for the second straight week!
2. Common – The People (Last Week #2)
For the second straight week, Common stays at #2 with “The People”. His album debuted at #1 a few weeks ago which shows that maybe Americans ARENT stupid. I am really proud of you, hip hop fans. It isn’t all booty butt cheeks. Well, Common couldn’t take the crown for the people…
1.UGK feat. Outkast – International Players Anthem (Last Week #1, Six weeks at #1)
…Because the Underground Kings are still holding onto the throne! They have the #1 album in America and the #1 video for a SIXTH WEEK, beating out John Legend’s “Save Room” for the Countdown era record! T.I. was retro-ed 8 weeks for “What You Know” but this is the longest reigning video since I have posted this full time. Sweet Jones and the King of Trill are at #1 again! And don’t forget Daddy Fat Sacks and Andre Three Stacks! Great job!
Well, that is all for this week! Tune in next Friday to see if UGK can make it a record SEVEN WEEKS at #1! Or will Common finally lead the people to the Promised Land? Or can Hearts Grow finally take #1 as rookies? See you in seven days to find out!
That is all for now! I am off to see “Superbad” after work so I will let you know how it is on Saturday or Sunday. Next weekend it is “The Little Mermaid” so get ready for that! I am so straight. So until next time, stay up peeps!
Chachi Out!
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Keeping It Real...Goes Wrong (Oh, and MUCK FADDEN!)
I am SO SICK AND TIRED OF MADDEN! I hadnt bought one since 2002 and I figured “Hell its been six years, lets give it a whirl!” Well I did and all I can say is…I know I played this before. When it was called NCAA 08. The gameplay is the exact same, minus the option which REALLY doesn’t work in this (Trust me, I fucking tried) and a LOT fewer teams to choose from. The graphics arent all that special and there is very little in terms of presentation. You would figure with all the money EA paid for exclusive rights to the NFL they would make a better fucking product.
Now I don’t know if the game isnt FINISHED or if my game is just glitched up but something is MAJORLY WRONG WITH MY FUCKING GAMEPLAY. Fumbles that were caused by hitting the ground werent overturned. Blatant, and I mean BLANTANT pass interference wasn’t called. I mean tackling the reciever while they are in the air kind of interference. What is even stupider is the amount of fumbles. Now in NCAA it was understandable (Freshmen fumbled constantly and seniors did but in the right circumstances) because they are in college. Underthrown balls always happen off the back foot in college and overthrows are common place, especially on blown routes. The amount of fumbles and underthrown balls in Madden is mind-boggling. I mean even Peyton “Horseface” Manning underthrew balls BADLY and often as the computer to boot.
The worse part of it all is the “WHAT THE GODDAMN FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!” moments. I call it that because that’s what I have to yell every two plays or so. Not about small stuff, either. I mean offensive linemen turning around at the snap of the ball and running BEHIND YOU. I mean running backs blocking when they are supposed to go out for a pass. I’m talking about the football going THROUGH THE FUCKING RECIEVER. Or my favorite, calling for a block and the blocker runs to block someone FIFTEEN YARDS DOWNFIELD while you get the shit creamed out of you and eventually fumble like a pansy. Oh, and I have never seen a chop block work in this game. Even with the Broncos and we know how they like to redwood people. And when they miss…your quarterback/running back is gonna get RAPED, “The Accused” style. Which is more often than not.
What pisses me off the most is I got the Xbox 360 version (which was $60) and it looks no better than NFL 2K5…for the original X-Box. Well, that is an exaggeration but it isnt all the good. Hell, NCAA 08 looked better, played smoother (the running game is NON EXISTENT in this game, even with the Falcons, Broncos and Steelers) and the frustration was justified due to the fact they are college players. The NFL is full of god damned pros! They should be better than this! There is no excuse for offensive linemen running away from defenders or the CONSTANT gang tackling. No matter what you do, one man cannot take you down. Even with Warrick Dunn, it would take three dudes to get him on the ground which makes NO SENSE. The game is unbalanced in weird ways and just…ugh it isnt fun to play. Maybe against other people but against the computer its just glitches and bullshit. It may have been rushed or I may be out of the swing of things but it is hard to enjoy a game when your players are playing for the other damn team. Fuck Madden in his fat ass head. Stick with NCAA 08. Oh, and why does no one give a fuck at the end of games? I won a game 50-44 in overtime on a 80 yard run by Warrick Dunn and I got nothing. No boos, no cheers. In NCAA at least the animated crowd goes nuts and the players spaz out. I mean give me some damn incentive. Hey, just like my real life. On that note…
Did I say that out loud? You damn right I did. Eat my ass, you know who you are you cheap fucksticks. Playing with my money is like paying with my emotions. That’s real talk.
So rather than play Madden (and end up punching a hole in the wall) I am downloading the BioShock demo and playing Stranglehold as soon as I finish this. Maybe a little Tomb Raider, that game doesn’t piss me off as much.
Oh, one last thing…Jessica Alba still has herpes. Serves you right, bitch! I lovedededed you! And you leave me?! YOU LEAVE ME?! That’s what you get for skipping out on all the STD free lovin over here. Now you aint NEVER getting none of the Deuce because after the “Yellow Rice Incidents” I aint toying around with herpes of any kind again. Know what I mean, Richard? If I have it, you have it too! Just kidding, Ricky’s good people. Just keep him away from your deer.
Well, that is all for now. I had to piss on Madden because I was just TOTALLY pissed about how nothing was working. I will be back Friday and have a review of “Superbad” hopefully on Saturday or Sunday. Until then, stay up peeps.
Oh, and Ingrid Coronado es MUY BUENO!
Hell yeah.
Chachi Out.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Another Sunday, Another Monday
1. It is hot as FUCK outside. Seriously, there is no need for this. I want to say Al Gore’s boring ass was right, but I am NOT going to do that.
2. Codename: Cleaner may just be the worst movie ever made. If it wasn’t for Lucy Liu's fine ass I would be killing Cedric the Entertainer as you read this. That woman is DAMN FINE.
3. The dubbed voices in anime suck ASS. I am watching some "Tenjho Tenge" (Everyone spells it there own way it looks like) while I do my laundry and the voices make me want to bite a kitten in anger. It isnt even like the show itself was any damn good, at LEAST try to make the voices not suck. Between Bleach, Naruto and Highlander: The Anime (Which kicks ASS. I was pleasantly surprised) I am giving up on all attempts to do voice-over work. If “Death Note” and “Darker Than Black” suck I will snap. I swear it.
4. Preseason football is boring. Anyone tell me that the Titans/Redskins game had ANY REDEEMING QUALITY aside it ended. If you say it did you are a moron. The NFL is about 18 games from September to January and that is all that matters. Even those are fixed. Fuck Peyton Manning.
5. “Hanazakari no Kimitachi e” rules all. The manga was pretty damn good and the j-drama is rather entertaining. Oh, and Hirokita Maki is FUCKING HAWT:

Hell yeah. She is quite the nice. She was in Otaku Densha too, which makes her my baby boo because that was the greatest show in history. Like my life in the form of a Japanese man….except he had cooler Gundams and his woman didn’t have anything against him being an otaku. That will sadly get you shot in my hood. Sentai equals street warfare. Enough of that, here is some Hana Kimi!
Now that is good TV. We have 20 years of “The Real World” but no shows like this? It’s why this country has remakes of remakes.
6. Women have a REEEEEEAL ego issue. I know I have a high level of confidence (As I have been told by women it is bordering on conceit and megalomania) but I am…what’s the word…realistic. It seems that every woman, no matter how unattractive or devoid of common sense and personality, believes they are the shit and all men want them. And if you DON’T want said woman, there is something wrong with YOU because she is hotter than two lions fucking in the savannah. Well, the truth is you aren’t all that. I am wondering why you left the house looking like a reject from 50 Cent’s “I Get Money” video and expecting to be respected or viewed as anything but a whore. As a man, I can’t say “Oh no you didn’t” without sounding gay. It’s a conundrum. There is nothing wrong with confidence. There is something TOTALLY wrong with delusion.
7. Women don’t know good music. I have been to Abingdon Boys School isn’t any good because it is in Japanese but women will listen to T-Pain like he is fucking Marvin Gaye. I am saying this one more time: T-Pain sucks. These are NOT LYRICS:
Oooo she made us drinks, to drink
We drunk 'em, Got drunk.
I am sure that when Ray Charles boycotted Georgia and Motown fought to get their music on the radio…that is what they envisioned. Shawty getting’ dranks. People, don’t support stupidity; T-Pain sucks. He is like Keith Sweat with half the talent. And you KNOW how I feel about Keith Sweat.
8. In case you didn’t know, I like Keith Sweat:
Old school, fishes!
9. As much as I complain about not liking my jobs, I sure as hell missed going to work. It's good to be back, Mr. Kot-ter!
I am McLoven. This will be the 2007 “Accepted”.
And lastly…
11. Jessica Alba has the herpes. That’s what she gets for BREAKING MY HEART YOU WHORE! We had something special, woman! I hung outside your windows and filmed you and you had me arrested. That’s love! Then you had to get a fucking restraining order. Look who is laughing now. Not me, I miss my baby boo.
Well, that is all for now. Have some things to do before suppe time. All about “Superbad” on Friday. Until then, stay up peeps.
Chachi Out.
Friday, August 10, 2007
I Am Changing My Name To Sweet Jones Jr.
Chachi’s Top 20 Video Countdown!
Lets get started with a collabo video with my lady love…
20. Sowelu, EXILE & DOBERMAN INC – 24 Karat (New Entry)
My dear Sowelu….you have returned to me. And you bought EXILE with you? Uh…well the Deuce is a one wang party if you get my drift. Anyway, this is the first time Sowelu has been on the Countdown and the same with EXILE. That is shocking because I LOVE “Lovers Again”. That was my song for about a month. If you excuse me, I am going to watch Sowelu shake again. Niiiiiiiiiiiiice.
19. Abingdon Boys School – Howling (Last Week #15, One week at #1)
Okay, that’s it. WHERE IN THE FUCK IS THE ABINGDON BOYS SCHOOL ALBUM?! I have waited long enough, I need my fucking rock! Through playing around with ya’ll.
18. Nelly Furtado – Do It (New Entry)
Well it is about time. I have waited for a video for this song for about…seven or eight months. Needless to say I am excited as anyone. Now give me some new Yuna Ito and I may have the greatest year ever. Sowelu, Nelly Furtado and Yuna Ito at the same time…now THAT’S big pimpin.
17. Chamillionare – Hip Hop Police (Last Week #19)
So this video is so telling that it hurts inside. After Teq’s release party I was surprised to see all the police outside of SoDo, which is a good three blocks south of the “real downtown” if you can call it that. Hateration, peeps. Hateration. Word is Chamillionare didn’t curse or say the n-word on his album. I want to hear that. It must be like seven minutes total.
16. T.I. – Big Things Poppin’ (Last Week #11, Plunge of the Week)
Despite having arguably the biggest album released in 2007, his video takes a HUGE fall from #11 to #16. Where in the hell is a new video? There are better songs on the album to give to us as a single. Get to crackin!
15. FLOW - Answer (Last Week #16)
FLOW moves up a modest spot this week to #15. Anyone know if this is from anything (anime, j-drama, movie OST) or is it just a single? Just curious, their last three singles came from something and I wondered if this was the same. Great stuff.
14. UVERworld - Shaka Beach~Laka Laka La~ (Last Week #17)
Well DUH! Just got the single today (I try to buy all the UVERworld stuff because it’s the FUCKING ‘WORLD!) and I was not disappointed. Nowhere near “SHAMROCK” but few songs ever will be. I want an album by November. Or at least a mini-album a la Bennie K. Speaking of foxy ladies…
13. Foxxi MisQ feat Zeebra – Luxury Ride (Last Week #9)
…The foxy ladies of Foxxi MisQ fall four spots and out of the Top 10. Look out now, but Tenjo Chiki has joined the groups trying to knock Hinoi Team off their perch as the j-pop divas in my heart. And they are legal, so it’s the best of all worlds! Bite me, in Japan I likes them too old. Marinate on that.
12. Gym Class Heroes – Clothes Off (Last Week #14)
Slowly but surely, Gym Class Heroes is moving toward the Top 10 by moving two spots this week. Now is this on their old album or new album? I don’t know which one to cop (I hate “Cupid’s Chokehold” so that album isnt getting bought) and I really want the right one. Little help?
11. John Legend – Stereo (Last Week #13)
Another day, another John Legend video. He is one step away from tying UVERworld with four Top 10 videos (right now he is tied with a glut of others with three) and could reach the elusive FOURTH #1. Look out, UVERworld is only three spots back!
10. Yui – My Generation (Last Week #5, Plunge of the Week)
BOOOOOO! I needs me some Yui RIGHT NOW! I just downloaded her latest single (From the radio so it is not the best quality but Yui is Yui) and I think I likes it a lot. Maybe a little more than “My Generation.” Not as kick ass as “Rolling Star” and a little better than CHE.R.RY because of personal reasons so lets hope for a video soon!
9. Kanye West feat. Daft Punk – Stronger (Last Week #12)
Okay, this song has officially grown on me. After hearing some of the pre-release of “Graduation” all I can say is that I am looking forward to this album. Even moreso than I that “College Dropout” and I was ALL OVER that album. This video also gets a groove on you, seeing as it isnt like every other video out there.
8. AI – Brand New Day (Last Week # 10)
Slowly but surely, AI moves up another two spots and slow makes her way toward the Top 5. You know, hers was the only performance I really enjoyed during the Live Earth concert last month. Well, aside from Shakira’s peep show I mean. I really want to see AI live, that would kick ass.
7. Gackt – RETURNER ~Yami no Shuuen~ (Last Week #6)
NOOOOO! The hotness of Gackt was too much for the Top 5 to handle! Gackt falls a spot this week to #7 and this is not a reflection on this video. It is a reflection of the rest because this month is kicking the ass on the video front. Unfortunatly, someone had to suffer in the rotation and it was Gackt.
6. Abingdon Boys School – Nephilim (Last Week #8)
Abingdon Boys School moves two steps closer to their second Top Five video. I am STILL WAITING for an album and I am getting very impatient about it. If any of the album is as good as “Howling” they have a fan for life.
5. Hearts Grow - Mimawari (Last Week #7)
W00T! Hearts Grow makes their way to the Top Five with my new ringtone! Hells yeah, as soon as I figure out how to send them to non-Verizon customers I will get some J-Pop ringtones out to the peeps that want them. Hey, I am a giver.
4. Foxxi MisQ feat. Miss Monday – Party Booty Shake (Last Week #2)
Once again, Foxxi MisQ falls a tad bit short from the #1 spot after peaking last week at #2. Can I just say that with Tenjo Chiki having a new video (and scantily clad, I might add) we may have a little competition for the J-Pop Princesses! When Korean and Japanese women sing and dance, the people win. We are down to three…
3. L`Arc~en~Ciel – Seventh Heaven (Last Week #1, One week at #1)
After one week on top, Hyde and the boys fall two spots but stay in the Top Three! It was a long ride and they finally got their due. L’Arc~en~Ciel is a classic band that deserves all the accolades that come to them. For the non-fans, check them out and for the fans get ready for (hopefully) a new album soon!
2. Common – The People (Last Week #4)
Hip hop in effect! Common is one step away from the pinnacle! If you havent picked up “Finding Forever” yet you may want to get off your ass and cop that. It is very good stuff and has something for hip hop and non-hip hop fans alike. Not only that, this video is simple in its brilliance and there isnt a spinning necklace or a shaking ass to be seen. Sometimes hip hop can be magic. Well, we are at #1…
1. UGK feat. Outkast – International Players Anthem (Last Week #3, Five total weeks at #1)
And look who is back! After a one week hiatus, UGK and Outkast take back the number one spot for a record tying FIFTH WEEK by pulling an UVERworld! Not since John Legend’s “Save Room” has a video displayed such dominance. L’Arc~en~Ciel got their crown for a week, but you cant keep the kings down! I just heard the UGK album (once its in stores I'm gonna grab it) and all I can say is...pretty damn good. Suprising to say the least. Sweet Jones!
The Countdown ends for this week. Tune in next Friday to see if UGK and Outkast can make it SIX WEEKS at #1! Or will Common take his people and rest at #1? Or does Hyde and crew have another run left in them? Tune in next week to find out!
That is all for this Friday. I am off to see Rush Hour 3 and get ready for my first week of work on Monday. If anyone wants to roll (that lives in the area, I mean) let me know. Until next time, stay up peeps.
Chachi Out.
Thursday, August 09, 2007
The Ultimate Dilemma...
So yesterday I said I had some Earth-shattering news that would alter reality like the Infinity Gauntlet. A free Arizona Iced Tea to anyone that gets that reference. Now as you know, I loves me the “Footloose”. Aside from Ferris and Breakin, it is one of my favorite 80’s movies EVER. Second best soundtrack of the 80’s (Behind “Purple Rain” which is the greatest soundtrack composed by man…or Prince) and an all-round good time. Oh, and Kevin Bacon was frickin awesome in that movie.
As you also know, I think Zac Efron is a cutie patootie. Having seen High School Musical no less that 20 times (Hell, I was desperate for musicals and found a gem) I must say that Vanessa Hudgens, Ashley Tisdale and Zac Efron made my mouth wah-dah! Then there was Hairspray which was just….hells yeah.
Which brings me to the quandray I am in right now. I just found out yesterday that Zac Efron will be playing Ren McCormack in the remake of Footloose. You heard me.
Now this is where my confusion begins. I am TOTALLY TORN over this! On one hand, it is Zac Efron remaking Footloose. Which sounds like the greatest idea ever. It would be like The Rock remaking Big Trouble in Little China….oh god I just came a little. You saw High School Musical and Hairspray; Zac is a dancing machine! And oh so DREAMY! But them you have to look at it the other way…
How dare they remake Footloose?! The movie is genius! Cinematic and musical genius! Would they remake Goonies?! Would they remake Short Circuit?! Footloose is to be left alone! But at the same time…it is Zac Efron and he is my bishie. But its FOOTLOOSE! You see my dilemma.
So which reigns supreme? The hotness of Zac Efron or the awesomeness of Footloose? You tell me…I don’t know what to think about this. I think I may have to have a marathon watching of Footloose and High School Musical to help me make up my mind! To the DVD emporium!
That is all for now. Countdown tomorrow and maybe something on Sunday before I go back into the workforce. I leave you with the movie that proves that God loves to tempt me: Bring It On 3 (All or Nothing)
Mmm…I cannot wait until August 21st. Then she goes in the box. Oh, and one last thing. Tenjo Chiki is fucking HAWT:
If Hinoi Team ends up ANYTHING like these ladies...I will be the happiest man in America. Hells yeah. Stay up peeps.
Chachi Out.
Monday, August 06, 2007
Now That's Big Pimpin.
First things first: as you all know, I despise 50 Cent. There are only two people who I want dead, and those are 50 Cent and Curtis Jackson. Now I know to say I want someone dead is rather harsh. But I don’t give a fuck. This nigga has done nothing of service to anyone for the last 5 years. That man could cure cancer, find the Lindbergh baby, convict R. Kelly, capture Osama Bin Laden and help peace be declared in the Middle East and I would still want that Black bastard shot in the face. He sucks, he destroyed hip hop and he is breeding ignorance. Any person (Black person especially) that defends that fucktard should be shot in the face, too. I am sick and tired of that Black asshole trying to pass off shitty rap, utter and complete ignorance and a disregard of…well common sense into a lifestyle. You know what really pisses me off? NIGGAS LIVE AND DIE BY THE WORDS OF THIS FUCKER! I was watching a Common video last Thursday before my interview and all was okay. And then something came on that made me really just want to declare a Holocaust on Blacks. To my one Jew reader I apologize, but I was THAT PISSED OFF. Why in the fuck are niggas in love with this trifling fucking song “I Get Money?!”:
Now for all the people out there that says rap isn’t dead….it SO is. This song has just raped, tea bagged, pissed on and bukkaked the body of rap. After G-Unit performed a little DVDA on the corpse because that’s how them fuckers roll. If you are a fan of this song I hope you die. Seriously, that is “real talk”. This song has no fucking redeeming quality whatsoever and if you think that this is “real hip hop” then you are a real “fucking dipshit” and your death would be a benefit to REAL FANS of rap/hip hop because that would mean one less 50 Cent fan and the fewer of those that live the better for the rest of us normal humans.
People wonder why I get so mad about this. The most even parallel I can think of is someone that has been a baseball fan for years that stopped watching during the homerun barrage of the mid to late 90’s and wondered how people could watch when the game was being disgraced. I have loved rap for as long as I can remember. Hell, I used to watch “Krush Groove”, “Beat Street” and…”Breakin” every day. My catalog of cassettes (yes, cassettes) was comprised of Eric B. and Rakim, Three Times Dope, Kid ‘n’ Play (say what you want, you LOVED “House Party”), BDP and others. Don’t even get me STARTED on the awesomeness that was Public Enemy and NWA. Even though NWA was offensive as all hell, at the core of their rap was activism (police brutality, gang violence, etc.) that went over many people heads because people are stupid. Then, all hell broke loose with the East Coast/West Coast thing (which sucked because there were only ten good rappers out and of that ten only maybe four were involved. Chino XL? Tim Dawg? Not exactly mega-stars) because once again niggas ruin shit for everyone. I could care less what anyone says, hip hop was in critical condition when 2Pac died, the deathbed when Biggie died (I will admit, I wasn’t a major fan of the man but talent is talent) and officially hit flatline with Lauryn Hill winning all those Grammys. That day created a schism in rap that created the bastardized amalgam of “hip hop” we have today which is really just shitty R&B with 16 shittier bars on it. Oh, and Ne-yo singing the hook because any gay song can only get gayer with Ne-yo on it. To top it off, 50 Cent is considered rap which just…violates the grave of rap more than anything.
Which brings me to the recent world which is even WORSE because whenever someone tries something different from the “hip hop norm” it is branded as “gay” or “not real”. Yes…platinum chains are “real hip hop” but embracing the people is not? Fuck you. When Beans called Kanye West “gay” I thought to myself “What gives you the right?” Think about it, nothing in the world is gayer than hip hop. Add it up:
1. Long white shirts, although this has changed to any color now. (Might as well just wear a dress)
2. An over abundance of jewelry (Even thugs need to look pretty)
3. Over-stylized sunglasses (That’s hot…and also gay)
4. An entourage of 5 or more men usually dressed the same (Now THAT’S gang-banging!)
5. Bragging of sexual accomplishments (A blatant cover up for being “teh gay”)
6. Well managed hair (Because even a gangsta is worth it!)
7. Bravado and an overall panache that rivals Liberace (Yeah, now THAT is big pimpin. BIG GAY pimpin)
8. Fur. And lots of it! (I don’t care, fur is queer)
So as hardcore and macho hip hop has become….all these dudes are running around with no shirt on talking about love, money, style and cars. Sounds pretty fruity to me if I say so. And that is coming from someone who has been called gay since middle school so I have experience in traits. The fact is that hip hop is a shell of its former self and I know that the commercialization and the macoddity-ization (A little Dr. Tran humor…) of the genre plays a huge part in it. That has been used to defend the misogyny, the staleness and the overall lack of variety in hip hop for a few years. That is why songs like “I Get Money” are loved because:
1. Niggas are fucking stupid
2. That is sadly all there is.
3. Well, not all there is but all they will PLAY.
4. It is easier to be the norm than to be different.
Wow…hip hop has become high school. Back to my initial argument about 50 Cent needing to die. He is releasing his album on September 11th (Or as I call it the “Tower Crashing Party Time”….still too soon? Like I give a fuck. If Eminem can put a lyric about 9/11 in a DISS SONG then I can make a joke about it) along with Kanye West. As far as I am concerned this is a big day in terms of seeing how worthless people are. Now I am not calling Kanye the second coming of 2Pac in any way shape or form. However, when he keeps his fool mouth shut and makes music he is actually one of the Top 5 out hands down. However, when Fiddy keeps his mouth shut you can’t see his super-sized Master Shake teeth which helps us all out. With 50 Cent you are guaranteed to get the same shit we have heard over the last 4 years:
- Booty
- Bitches
- Bling
- Bullets
- Bentleys (Cars, but I am doing some quasi-alliteration here. Like it so far?)
- Braggadocio
- And…did I mention Booty?
Hell, here is a verse of “I Get Money”:
You can call this my new shit
but it aint new tho
I got rid of my old bitch (Bitches! Three lines in! I am so a genius!)
now I got new hoes (Booty AND bitches? Fiddy is a fucking renaissance man!)
first is was the Benzo
now im in the Enzo, Ferrari, im sorry! (Bentley…err….cars!)
I keep blowin up! (Oh!!)
they call me the cake man (Bling! Well, money but you get the idea)
the strawberry shake man
I spray the AR
make your whole click breakdance
backspin, headspin, flatline, ya dead then
9 shells, Mac-10, (Bullets! Hmm…I sense a pattern)
"who wan get it crackin?!"
I was young, I couldn’t do good
now I cant do bad (Braggadocio! I am ON IT!)
I ride, wreck the new Jag (Mo cars, no originality!)
I just buy the new Jag (Cars again! Nothing like repetition!)
now nigga why you mad?
Oh you can’t do that
im so forgetful, they callin me cocky
I come up out the jeweler, they callin me Rocky
it’s the ice on my neck man, the wrist and my left hand
bling like BLAOW
you like my style
ha ha im headin to the bank right now
Aaaaaaaaaaand that sucked. People think this song is good?! God…the only redeeming quality about that verse is that it ends. Not to say that Kanye is any different but at least he has variety. This is from “Can’t Tell Me Nothing”:
I had a dream I can buy my way to heaven
When I awoke, I spent that on a necklace. (Bling! It never stops!)
I told God I'd be back in a second,
Man It's so hard not to act reckless.
To whom much is given much is tested.
Get arrested, got some chili, get the message.
I feel the pressure, under more scrutiny,
And What I do? Act more stupidly.
Bought More Jewelry, More Louis V, My momma couldn't get through to me.
The drama, people suing me,
I'm on T.V. talking like it's just you and me.
I'm just saying how I feel man,
I ain't one of the Cosby’s I ain’t go to Hill man
I guess the money should've changed him,
I guess I should've forgot where I came From.
First off, it is almost half the length of Fiddy’s verse yet more is said in that than his first album. Also, Kanye has gotten progressively better and his albums seem to have a theme:
College Dropout – Hunger, the want for more for himself and others.
Late Registration – I got success…I’M THE SHIZNIT! Ballin out of control!
Graduation – Oy vey…I am kind of a prick. I need to level my head before I lose my mind.
Now put that in comparison to 50 Cent:
Get Rich Or Die Tryin’ – I GOT SHOT!
The Massacre (How telling, it’s what he did to hip hop) – I GOT MONEY AND I GOT SHOT!
Curtis (Original. Nice theme fucky) – I GOT MO MONEY AND….I GOT SHOT!
With albums from Common, Kanye West, Outkast (rumored) and Talib Kweli (WHAT THE FUCK, MAN! WHERE IS IT?!) this looked like a great year for hip hop to return to…well, not sucking taint. Now with albums from 50 Cent and Nelly coming not only will it suck taint, it will suck the balls as well. Well, better luck next year. Oh, and 50 still needs to fucking die for that movie of his alone.
Well, that was my rant. I was rather pissed and had to get that out. At some point this week I will have a preview of the 2008 Chachi Awards (not until January, but it is a good halfway point to begin the debates!) so stay tuned for that.
Oh, my review of “The Borne Ultimatum”! Well…just know that if you have any kind of motion sickness this movie is NOT FOR YOU! The same problem with the second one plagued this one for a while because that cameraman has Parkinson’s or something. That camera was all over the place. This movie was how you end a non-epic trilogy. Unlike “Return of the King” which was WAY TOO LONG and “Matrix Revelations” which was….wait what in the fuck happened in that movie?! Anyway, it was short, the action sequences were very good (although fewer and a hell of a lot shakier) and Julia Stiles left a rather sizable plot hole but it was pretty good. Nowhere near “Die Hard” in the non-epic action but up there. Overall, it is what it is. An end of summer minor blockbuster that pleases if you can focus your eyes. Chachi gives The Borne Ultimatum….
8 Out Of 10 Stars!
(The camera work will turn off some and annoy others. Past that is a great movie that shows other trilogies how to create some but not TOTAL closure with a series. The performances were surprisingly good as a whole, but no one stood out which was good and bad. All parts put together, a pleasant end of summer surprise.)
Whooo….that was LOOOOONG. I’m going to get some grub and hit the streets. I will be back before Friday. Until then, stay up peeps!
Oh, and Sowelu…I love you:
That noise you just heard was my seventh orgasm because of that video. Damn, Sowelu! Damn you and your tiny Asian hotness!
Chachi Out.
Friday, August 03, 2007
We Have A New King!
Chachi’s Top 20 Video Countdown!
Let’s get this started!
20. Daddy Yankee feat. Fergie – Impacto (Last Week #17)
It looks like after a short run in the Top 10, Daddy Yankee and Fergie are on their way off the Countdown. Not a bad showing for his first time out, and hopefully a new video will be coming from him pretty soon.
19. Chamillionare – Hip Hop Police (New Entry)
Wow…hip hop actually isnt SUCKING ASS in 2007! Despite the best efforts of 50 Cent (“I Get Money” may have officially ended the Civil Rights Movement. I feel for him…maybe a beating Rodney King style is nessecary) Chamillionare actually has given us a good video with a great single. Cops do target rappers and sometimes rightfully so. However, Young MC got pulled over yesterday with a gun but he lives in the woods and has to hunt his own food. Because he is broke. Welcome to the Countdown, Chamillionare!
18. Maroon 5 – Makes Me Wonder (Last Week #14, Three weeks at #1)
NEW VIDEO FROM MAROON 5! You know it is going to be on here as soon as I get a good look at it. Until then, this former #1 video looks on its way out after a pretty dominant performance.
17. UVERworld - Shaka Beach~Laka Laka La~ (Last Week #20)
The World is back! This video has steadly been growing on me (Probably moreso next week when I lose my mind for not having anything to really do) especially with the suckitude that is American videos lately. I’m sorry, I am still pissed off about “I Get Money”. You see, shit like this is why Barack Obama will never be President. Deep down, white people fear spinning rims on the Presidental limo and video hoes on Air Force One. And after shit like this, rightfully so.
16. FLOW - Answer (Last Week #18)
FLOW moves up another two spots this week with their latest video. They have been gone for a minute and with rock…sucking it dry, it’s good to have something to listen to and watch.
15. Abingdon Boys School – Howling (Last Week #12, One week at #1)
I could care less what anyone says, this is one of the most kick ass videos of the year. If you like ANY kind of guitar and you arent down for this then you are a communist. There, I said it.
14. Gym Class Heroes – Clothes Off (Last Week #15)
The summertime jam moves up one spot this week. Despite the annoyance I had with “Cupid’s Chokehold” I am really liking this video. Not only that, I have said it once and I will say it again that nothing beats a good 80’s sample.
13. John Legend – Stereo (Last Week #16)
Well, well, well. It looks like ANOTHER John Legend video is creeping into the Top 10. So far he has the first #1 of 2007 (“Heaven”) and arguably the biggest video of the year (“P.D.A. [We Just Don’t Care]” which was #1 for a month) so he could be looking at two straight years as the winner of Chachi’s Artist of the Year. Now THAT’S big pimpin’.
12. Kanye West feat. Daft Punk – Stronger (Last Week #13)
You know, Kanye is looking at his third Top Ten video this year with no album until September. Not too shabby. I hear this video is on ALL THE TIME but since I avoid MTV I rarely see these videos (I mainly download them) so I havent gotten annoyed by this one yet.
11. T.I. – Big Things Poppin’ (Last Week #9)
Big things falling! T.I. falls another two spots this week and out of the Top 10! Supposedly there is a new video soon (Hope it isnt “Touchdown” because that song is rather sub-par) so I will keep the peeps posted. Until then, onto the Top 10!
10. AI – Brand New Day (Last Week # 11)
We are into the Top 10 and this is a pleasant surprise. AI is back in the Top 10 for the first time in over a year! Can she post her second #1 video? We will have to see! I LOVE this song now (Finally got the single. Goooooood stuff) and I am totally looking forward to her album.
9. Foxxi MisQ feat Zeebra – Luxury Ride (Last Week #5, Plunge of the Week)
From the runner up spot to the bottom of the top. Foxxi MisQ falls a big four spots this week out of the Top 5. Despite the Spice Girls look to the group, “Gloss” is actually a pretty good album. I can’t put them up there with En Vogue, Brownstown and Wilson Phillips (HOOOOOLD ON!) but they run circles around their current competition (Danity Kane? Puh-lease!).
8. Abingdon Boys School – Nephilim (Last Week #10)
Yeah, you knew they would be up here. What can I say, kilts rock harder than any other outfit out there. This video is good stuff.
7. Hearts Grow - Mimawari (Last Week #8)
Say hello to the new ringtone! Yes, I am straight.I don’t care, I like this video. Now I havent watched the new “Powerpuff Girls Z” anime (Not really new, but I still havent seen it) but the show has some bad ass themes (Nana Kitade, Hearts Grow, etc.) so I may check it out. Or not, I didn’t really like the original.
6. Gackt – RETURNER ~Yami no Shuuen~ (Last Week #7)
Is it hot in here? Or is it just Gackt?Oh yeah….it’s Gackt. One step away from the Top Five, Gackt gives us an epic video. This song feels like something straight out of “300” and you KNOW how I feel about that movie. Just too hot to concentrate.
5. Yui – My Generation (Last Week #3) [Four Weeks at #2]
After a full month at #2, Yui falls two more spot this week. Havent heard about anything new from Yui on the single or video front which is saddening because I loves me some Yui…so much.
4. Common – The People (Last Week #7)
Common makes the biggest leap in the Top 10, making a bid for the top spot! “Finding Forever” is in stores now so PICK IT UP! It is pure hip hop goodness no matter what magazines say. Try something that isnt “Bitches, Bling and Ballin” and something is wrong with you in their eyes. Screw them, Common is good stuff. Now, to the surprise of the week…
3. UGK feat. Outkast – International Players Anthem (Last Week #1, Four weeks at #1)
After a month at the top, UGK could not break the records of John Legend and nobodyknows+ and get that fifth week. Falling to #3, this video is still bad ass and hopefully the album will be just as good. We are down to two videos and we have a new #1!
2. Foxxi MisQ feat. Miss Monday – Party Booty Shake (Last Week #4)
Foxxi MisQ has a second chance at #1! After “Luxury Ride” stalled out at #3 for two weeks (Behind the juggernaught of Yui/UGK) and fell, this video has a chance to get them the crown. This song is quite nice and the video is…REEEEAL NICE.Well, with the ladies at #2, we now know who is at #1…
1. L`Arc~en~Ciel – Seventh Heaven (Last Week #2, One week at #1)
FUCK YES! After a long and patient trip, Hyde and the boys finally take do what Yui could not: unseat the Underground Kings. L’Arc~en~Ciel has had an established career and this video is just the icing on the cake. Not that anyone reads this but at least I care. Congratulations on your first #1 video!
Well, that is all for now. Tune in next Friday to see if L’Arc~en~Ciel can hold on for a second week! Or can Foxxi MisQ shake their booties up to #1? Or can UGK take back the throne? Don’t forget about Common, Gackt and Hearts Grow! See you next Friday!
Come to SoDo’s tonight for Teq’s record release party! It’s going to be the best Negro Day ever!
Chachi Out.
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Praise Chachi! He Has Returned!
As some of you know, I no longer work at The Pack. I knew it was temporary but it was still rather chickenshit how it ended in a way. Eh, live and learn. I start my new job on August 14th (so next week is all goofing off and catching up on anime) barring a positive drug test (It could happen, I can’t be held accountable for all my wheelings and dealings) and I have some other interviews this week and hopefully next. So needless to say, the Chachi is at a crossroads…at twenty-six. Wow, I am like 15 years or so ahead of my mid-life crisis. Well, last weekend was the best movie weekend since last year with both "Snakes On A Plane" and "Accepted" being seen in one weekend. So today I give you a late...
This Week: The Simpsons Movie & Hairspray!
So a quick wrap up of last weekend. For those of you that have not seen The Simpsons Movie…go see it! It is that damn funny. They got the original writers back so gone is the “meh” humor of the last six seasons or so and back is the side-splitting hilarity of the seasons of our youth. The movie was funny the whole way through and in an odd (but good) move, they focused only on the Simpsons family (and the Flanders’s’s’s) which left out a lot of characters plot-wise. I would have liked to have seen more Ralph Wiggum and Groundskeeper Willy, but it was better that way.
The only bad thing about The Simpsons Movie is that it moved a tad bit too fast. An extra ten minutes would have been great (Kind of like the first Spiderman. You waited so long for the movie that even if it was a bit long you could accept that. Superman Returns went WAAAAAY too far with that assumption) but like I said, that is nitpicking. This is the second funniest movie of the year (The irreverence of ATHFCMFFT cannot and will not be topped) and fan or not, you will enjoy yourself. If you are one of the five people that have NOT seen or do NOT like the show, much like the humor in ATHFCMFFT, you will not like this movie. But I did, so bite me. My blog, my rules. I DID have to dock a half a point for the nudity, but that won’t ruin it. I give “The Simpsons Movie”…
9.5 Out Of 10 Stars!!
(A funny ride for fans of the movie, a heap of “what the hell is going on” for those that aren’t. The plot moves quickly so you better not blink, but once again that is in the vein of the show so it was to be expected. Trust me, you will enjoy yourself.)
Next we have “Hairspray”. I don’t care, I like musicals. I have been excited for this movie for a long time, as I love the musical and had a few songs on my iPod for a while. The simple fact about this movie is that it is the HOTTEST MOVIE IN THE HISTORY OF CINEMA!! First, we have the hottest bishie of 2007 in Zac Efron:
Can you say D-R-E-A-M-Y? Secondly was James Marsden who proved that Hugh Jackman isn’t the only X-Man that can cut a rug!
Cyclops? More like DANCE-CLOPS! Okay, that wasn’t fucking funny. You get the idea. Combine that with the fine, Fine, FINE ASS Amanda Bynes (My god…to be the roast beef in an Amanda Bynes/Zac Efron sandwich. Now THAT is what’s for dinner!), a dance number with Christopher Walken (W00T! The Walken singing and dancing!), Queen Latifah not pissing me the hell off and John Travolta FINALLY embracing the transvestite inside and we have….the best movie of the year so far. I said it. Maybe even better than “300”. I mean the hotness factor is about even because put Efron and Marsden in loin cloths and give them spears and they can protect my borders ANYTIME. Whooo, sexual innuendo!
Now this only problem I could find with this movie is that is isn’t for everyone. Musicals are not everyone’s cup-o-tea so much like “The Producers” (WHICH ROCKED) people with not want to see it because it includes singing and dancing. Even still, if you are going to let that keep you from seeing three legitimate Oscar worthy performances (Nikki Blonsky as Tracy Turnblat as Best Actress, Zac Efron as a Supporting Actor and Michelle Phiffer as Supporting Actress. Hell, Travolta and Latifah were great as well and the Walken was the Walken) and the best dance sequence since “Ferris Beuller’s Day Off”:
Then you are going to miss out. I guess I have to go the full monty for the best movie season I can remember…
10 Out of 10 Stars!
(Hell, seeing cutie Zac Efron in a suit was enough for me. Add in a great soundtrack, awesome dance numbers and surprisingly exceptional performances and you have arguably the best movie of 2007. Once again, musicals aren’t everyone’s bag so if you aren’t a fan this could help change that. Great movie. I wish it was Negro Day EVERYDAY! Priceless.)
Okay, since I have a two week break, I have been just kind of hanging out and watching movies. One movie I could never find here was “Jesus Camp”. Mainly because Colorado Springs LOVES the Jebus and does NOT want a film that shows batshit crazy Evangelicals as being…well, batshit crazy:
This documentary was a tad on the special end. By special I mean fucking nuts. I have said it many times I am not anti-religion, I am anti-conversion. The consensus thought is that we as people will FIND God, not God will have his followers scare or insult us into following him/her/it. These people are going about it the wrong way. What I am about to say will blow your fucking mind. I said this in an interview once and I honestly believe that it cost me the job to one person (and actually ended up GETTING me the job from the other). When asked “How would you get your reps to work for you?” I responded:
Well, as a manager of people my reps don’t work for me. I work for THEM. I work for them by making sure they can be the best employees they can be by giving them direction, leadership and in some cases making sure they follow the set rules. I believe that by working for them the best I can they will in turn work for me by doing the best job possible on their end.”
One person LOVED the answer (She hired me) and the other person HATED the answer (He actually left in a fricking huff, it was hilarious). Now because I am a fucktard I took the job at HP instead but that always stuck with me. That line is in essence one of the reasons that I am so against religious people.
I should not have to spread the word of God. God is like crack, you don’t have to sell God because the belief sells. All God should have to do is be their to guide people in their life via anecdotes and common sense. Not forced upon us with fear and coercion. Watching “Jesus Camp” the fact that these people believe that Bush was “chosen” by God and that Creationism should be near ANYONE in any way shape or form shows that it’s not the word; the problem lies in the follower.
Religion belongs in the church. Maybe the home. Let me correct that: YOUR HOME. Religion should not be in places where masses gather (schools, government buildings, sporting events, the mall, etc.) because not everyone is YOUR RELIGION. That goes for all of you. Christians (All 736 denominations of you including Mormons and Catholics. You all follow a crappy remake of an awesome book, like following the remake of Godzilla over the original), Muslims (Don’t blow people up because we don’t believe what you do. It’s fucking petty and fucks up property values), Jews and anyone else that feels the need to push your religion on people and try to make you nation a religious nation. I have never once been harassed by a Buddhist or a Daoist and been told I’m going to Hell because I won’t take their poorly printed flyer. I am SURE God can afford a plotter or at LEAST a high end Epson printer. I’m just saying.
Long story short, people like the Evangelicals in “Jesus Camp” are why people fight so hard AGAINST religion. If you let people find God on their own they will be less likely to resist because they don’t feel forced. Religion is not about blind belief, it is about suspended faith. You follow the stories of the Bible because they are good as anecdotes; ways to life you life. You don’t BLIEVE the Bible because you are scared to go to Hell if you don’t. The stories don’t make sense and they contradict at every turn if you look at it logically. If you look at it as what it is; a poorly constructed book of short stories you can pull out of it good ways to live. Just living righteously as the Bible SAYS should be enough to get into “heaven” for God. If it isn’t, then maybe it aint worth going to heaven. Just a thought.
Yeah, the Deuce is back. No update tomorrow as I will be busy all fricking day but hopefully some good should come out of it. Also, be sure to check out Teqnyc’s album release party at Sodo’s on S. Tejon on Friday! I will be there and hopefully niggas won’t wild out. I really cannot afford to be shot right now, things are looking up. Stay up, Countdown on Friday and the Borne Ultimatum on Saturday!
Chachi Out.