What’s up, peeps! It’s almost bedtime (been getting to sleep hella late recently, like 1am for no damn reason) so this wont be as long as I would like. But hey, The Chachi needs his sleep. So I got a new phone today (HELLS YEAH!) for the first time in a LOOOOONG time. I got my first phone for free at Radio Shack during Christmas of 1998 (As Teq said, I was the first one of my friends with credit. In retrospect, not so good) and have been a Verizon customer ever since. My first phone was some BRICK that had the proton pack in the back (not really, but it might as well have) that I had to give up because it never worked. My second was the V120:

And needless to say…it was a piece of shit. The antenna always broke and the reception was shit on campus to boot. That became a RUNNING THEME with Verizon that swore up and down it worked but I could walk from one room to another in Dwire Hall and it would go from Digital signal to ‘nigga, youse on the miz-oon!’ Luckily it was a free replacement so it wasn’t all that bad.
After the antenna on that phone broke for the 30th time I decided to upgrade. I was going to go to T-Mobile but once again, Verizon gave me an upgrade for free to the uber-cool new Motorola T720:

I thought to myself ‘sweet, free phone!’ and decided to sign another contact with the devil. This time, the assraping came via the usage rather than the phone. First off, at first the phone never charged. EVER. They had to get me a second battery (for free though) because even THEY couldn’t figure out what was wrong with it. Then, the phone would slip into analog randomly, which minutes used like $4 a minute or some shit. When I went to New Orleans, a call I made to Griff was split in two and 5 minutes of that call costed me 17 dollars. Dare I say BULLSHIT? So I decided AGAIN to leave but once again I was tempted by a discounted phone. This time it was a phone that had only been available for 3 days (BAD MOVE) the new Motorola 730:

Nice looking phone. One problem. It’s the SAME FUCKING PHONE!! Once again, in having the latest and greatest I also had the shittiest because I had to take this phone in for 5 software upgrades. Yeah, I know I’m stupid. So anyway after about 9 months and no less that seven trips to the Verizon store by Gateway, I had enough. I went in the store and gave a laundry list of complaints and demanded they void the last 30 days of my contract so I could leave. Some how, just like an abused wife, they talked me into staying. I then sympathized with Tina Turner, albeit for a second. At that point, they upgraded me to the brand spanking new v710:

Yeah, looks spiffy. One problem. This phone didn’t work either. I had to take THIS phone in for software upgrades once every two months and it fried two Bluetooth headsets. THAT is another story altogether. The lens fell off the camera and once again, it didn’t work on Austin Bluffs (which is the campus of UCCS, where about 60% of my time was fucking spent). At this point, I should have left but once again fate interviened. During one of my routine ‘this motherfucker stopped charging again’ software upgrades in 2005, the phone fried. LITERALLY. The screen was blacked out and everything and it wouldn’t power back up. So they AGAIN upgraded me for free to the E815:

And needless to say…it was a piece of shit. The antenna always broke and the reception was shit on campus to boot. That became a RUNNING THEME with Verizon that swore up and down it worked but I could walk from one room to another in Dwire Hall and it would go from Digital signal to ‘nigga, youse on the miz-oon!’ Luckily it was a free replacement so it wasn’t all that bad.
After the antenna on that phone broke for the 30th time I decided to upgrade. I was going to go to T-Mobile but once again, Verizon gave me an upgrade for free to the uber-cool new Motorola T720:

I thought to myself ‘sweet, free phone!’ and decided to sign another contact with the devil. This time, the assraping came via the usage rather than the phone. First off, at first the phone never charged. EVER. They had to get me a second battery (for free though) because even THEY couldn’t figure out what was wrong with it. Then, the phone would slip into analog randomly, which minutes used like $4 a minute or some shit. When I went to New Orleans, a call I made to Griff was split in two and 5 minutes of that call costed me 17 dollars. Dare I say BULLSHIT? So I decided AGAIN to leave but once again I was tempted by a discounted phone. This time it was a phone that had only been available for 3 days (BAD MOVE) the new Motorola 730:

Nice looking phone. One problem. It’s the SAME FUCKING PHONE!! Once again, in having the latest and greatest I also had the shittiest because I had to take this phone in for 5 software upgrades. Yeah, I know I’m stupid. So anyway after about 9 months and no less that seven trips to the Verizon store by Gateway, I had enough. I went in the store and gave a laundry list of complaints and demanded they void the last 30 days of my contract so I could leave. Some how, just like an abused wife, they talked me into staying. I then sympathized with Tina Turner, albeit for a second. At that point, they upgraded me to the brand spanking new v710:

Yeah, looks spiffy. One problem. This phone didn’t work either. I had to take THIS phone in for software upgrades once every two months and it fried two Bluetooth headsets. THAT is another story altogether. The lens fell off the camera and once again, it didn’t work on Austin Bluffs (which is the campus of UCCS, where about 60% of my time was fucking spent). At this point, I should have left but once again fate interviened. During one of my routine ‘this motherfucker stopped charging again’ software upgrades in 2005, the phone fried. LITERALLY. The screen was blacked out and everything and it wouldn’t power back up. So they AGAIN upgraded me for free to the E815:

Nice phone. Actually, as anyone can tell you I never really had an issue with this phone. It let me create my own ringtones after I figured out how to bypass the player (FINAL FANTASY FANFARE, FOOLS! WHAT?!) and it worked OKAY with my Bluetooth. However, the battery was shit and sometimes the mic wouldn’t work unless I restarted it. Pissed me off a little but with such a bad history I was happy it didn’t blow up in my damn ear. That brings me to today. I finally left the abusive relationship that was Motorola and went with LG, who I had always heard good things about. I got the LG9800 (better known as the enV):

And I must say I am impressed. I figured out how to get created ringtones on there and have my Jessica Alba wallpaper (in widescreen, baby!) so I am all good. Looks to be good stuff.
Aside from the new phone, it has been a slow week. I am still annoyed with the stupidity of some of the tools I use (hell, ALL OF THE TOOLS I USE!) but thems the breaks. Big news though: T’SHEEZY IS COMING BACK NEXT WEEK! Can you say running the streets?! Hells yeah, the Cul-De-Sac Crew is back and about to wreck the CSP and Denver like it has never been wrecked! Can I get a laffy-taffy? No? Eh, fine. Well, South Park will be on soon and then it’s bed time. I will be back on Friday with the Countdown, until then stay up peeps.
Chachi Out.
Aside from the new phone, it has been a slow week. I am still annoyed with the stupidity of some of the tools I use (hell, ALL OF THE TOOLS I USE!) but thems the breaks. Big news though: T’SHEEZY IS COMING BACK NEXT WEEK! Can you say running the streets?! Hells yeah, the Cul-De-Sac Crew is back and about to wreck the CSP and Denver like it has never been wrecked! Can I get a laffy-taffy? No? Eh, fine. Well, South Park will be on soon and then it’s bed time. I will be back on Friday with the Countdown, until then stay up peeps.
Chachi Out.
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