So yesterday I helped a friend with their iPod (who will remain nameless since I only have like six friends and aside from Zach everyone else wants to be disassociated with this blog and I respect that) and he was just befuddled by it. At first I was just giving a tutorial when I realized: iTunes SUCKS. For an experienced user its cool (although rather basic and all around worthless unless you have an iPod) but for a beginner they might as well attempt to put their thumb up a bears ass because it's just as pointless. I love how they link an iPod to a set of iTunes and PC to discourage piracy, yet in the grand scheme of things Apple has encouraged more piracy than Napster and Lars Ulrich COMBINED by creating the #1 mp3 player out there. Oh, the irony and the hypocracy.
To top it off, Z and I had the discussion about the dumbass Apple commercials. You have seen them. They make the PC look like some stuffy business machine (which is true, seeing as between 90-95% of businesses run on PC's and Windows) while the Mac is a hip, Abercrombie and Fitch reject (yeah, that motherfucker makes me want to buy a Mac. Assholes). The commercials act like PC's are crash prone, virus catching, lame boxes that have no redeeming qualities while the Mac is the greatest thing since feeding the goddamn geese.
Well, let's use a little bit of logic here. I know how most people don't believe in that but fuck them it is my blog. The Mac fits a niche market: video editing (which PC's have caught up to in the last two years but I will give them that), music (which it is a badass in) and graphic design (which PC's do if you get a workstation but the price of those gets WAAAAY up there because I have sold them and the sticker shock is warranted). Aside from that, the Mac is a rather bad investment. Why? Because if you get one, you will be the only one that has it. I love how people say 'it is so easy to use!' Well, if all the software is proprietary of course it's fucking easy to use! It's like the opposite of a Honda, which you can fix with popcorn and boogers rather than, you know, real fucking parts.
The Market. I'm gonna be honest, unless you are a total mouthbreather, you can use a PC. My PC has it's problems, but mainly because of programs that I put on and hardware that I add into it. Seeing as how the third party market is nearly 4 times (if not more, I am basing this of 2004 when I was heavy into tech) larger for the PC as it is for the Mac, compatibility problems are more common with a system that people actually fucking USE.
Crashing and Slowdown. Well, I'm not gonna defend this. It's true that PC's crash a lot. However, put it all into perspective. EVERYTHING CRASHES. It's not a PC problem with crashes (usually), it is a software problem. I used to do tech work and there are a lot of stupid people out there. If you have 18 programs running in the background plus five main programs up some bad things are gonna happen. Like I always say, it comes down to common sense. Computers don't crash for 'no reason' because there has to be a fucking cause for each effect. I learned that in the fifth grade, dammit. If you switch to a Mac because of crashing good luck because you will see that gay ass pinwheel just as often as your CPU slows down and crashes. Oh, and I am sick of Apple users talking about the 'blue screen of death'. You know how many times I have seen that screen? Twice. In 25 years, twice. So shut the fuck up,
Viruses. You know what, this has always been funny. Seeing as how a virus is a malicious (or drug induced if my college days are any indication) attack on a PC's software or code to destroy or disable its abilities, these are created by people. Why? Because people use PC's. A LOT of people. Think of it like this: North Korea is building missles that can hit the United States. Those missles can also hit Canada, right? Does anyone give a shit? No, because no one gives a shit about Canada. Same with viruses. No one gives a shit about a Mac. Maybe if the Mac had actual importance in the business (and consumer) world people would create viruses for it. It's lonely being the only kid without a cold because you don't have friends, isnt it? Now take your sorry ass to class while the PC's stay home and play Earthworm Jim all day, you fucking pussy.
What's even worse is the reaching that Apple is doing.
These commercials are almost as fucking bad as the Truth commercials (and I hate those fucking commercials so much that on June 30th I am going to smoke in every bar in Denver. WHO IS COMING WITH ME?!) In the latest ad, they hype how you can put Windows on the Mac platform. Why put Windows...on a Mac? To make it just like a PC? That is your whole pitch is that you ARE NOT LIKE A FUCKING PC!! You have just screwed up your whole campaign! Great job, Apple. And does every fucking Mac user have that gay ass goatee? The answer is yes, even the females. They are like hippies and you KNOW how I feel about fucking hippies. So in closing, Macs are cool but they are not better than PC's unless you use them for a specific purpose. And if you use a Mac because PC's are 'difficult' then you are a fucking mouth breather and we didn't need you any-damn-way. Oh, and for those asking what a mouth breather is, here is an example:

I think this spoof puts it all into perspective, doesn't it?
Well, it's about time for me to head out. I will try to be back tomorrow, seeing as yesterday I had the most visitors to the blog ever (30 people?! Hells yeah, welcome to the Passion!) and I want to keep the peeps entertained. Till then, stay up peeps.
Chachi out.
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