So a friend of mine truly hates James Blunt. It seems that the English happen to agree with him. You know, I do like You're Beautiful but I luckily listen to an MP3 deck so I can listen to him when I want to instead of 3 times an hour which I am sure they do on the radio. You know, if American radio stations had the balls to do this kind of thing against 50 Cent, Nelly or T.I. (and I love that dude to death but I really don't 'know about that' and I really don't FUCKING CARE!) I might still love hip hop. Nah, with people like Rick Ross keeping the ignorance flowing like Cristal, rap will continue to SUCK IT HARD. I mean seriously, is rapping even hard anymore? I used to say it was easy to rap but hard to be GOOD at it. It seems that so few people even try anymore than if you can make words rhyme that aren't the same WORD you are the next Rakim. How can you rhyme 'hard' with 'hard' and expect to be any good? How about 'tard' because that is what you are. Congrats, Rick Ross. You are officially the newest rapper on the 'Sucks It Hard' list. Hell, I may have to go in reverse and create a list of rappers that DON'T suck because that will be a hell of a lot easier. The list of crappy rappers is longer than the list of rappers that have banged Karrine Steffans. Hell, even Ray J hit that and I don't know what the hell he does.
Oh, back to James Blunt. Um...yeah he's tolerable. I can see how he can be annoying to some because his voice is special. But I am going to divulge something to you, peeps. As you know, the last two weeks has been rather teh suck and I have been having a rough time. So I went out and bought two albums to get over it: T.I.'s King and Daniel Powter's album. And you know what? The both KICK ASS. I already downloaded T.I.'s album and knew what it was all about. I said it was lackluster but it was the advance copy and half the songs werent mastered or were shelved altogether. The official release is rather good. I hated 'Why You Wanna' when I first heard it but it grows on you after about five times. You don't know how many times I wanted to tell a girl that she was with a sucka emcee and needed to drop the zero and get with a hero. Peeps, whoever can name the movie that line is from gets a Chic-Fil-A sandwich. Anyway, check out some T.I.
T.I.ger Woods, ya'll. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Screw you, that shit is funny. Anyway, back to Daniel Powter. I bought T.I. because I was pissed off about a situation and needed some anger management music. After I was able to release that anger (Saturday afternoon/evening) I had my own pity party where I pined like a punk bitch for half a day. I had been listening to Bad Day by Daniel Powter earlier in the week but I never really LISTENED to it. After listening to it and the album on the way back to the Springs from D-Town Saturday night (at like 2am, great stuff) I realized that song wrapped up all my issues and problems in a small little package and let me throw it out the window on I-25. I think I hit a deer with my sorrow. Better my baggage than a semi, I guess. The rest of the album ain't too shabby either (kind of a Rob Thomas meets Nickelback feel to it) and it really changed my mood. I don't think I have ever had this song up before. I'm sure you have heard it (radio loves this kind of song) so here it is in video form. Bad Day by Daniel Powter:
I know there are some people out there that hate this song. I can understand why, it is rather redundant. But you know what? Music is for the heart and soul. If you feel it and the music touches a nerve or generates an emotion then I cant hate on that. Those of you asking about my double standard with 50 Cent can eat my ass, btw. NO EMOTION is generated from 'In Da Club'. Except rage.
Now that I have gotten some things out of my system, it's time to rant. It has been a while since I have ranted for the peeps mainly because I am tired when I get in. However, this needs to be said. Now you all know my stance on religion: if it gets you through your life and gives you direction/peace then I am all for it. Just don't push your shitty values on me and sure as HELL don't tell me that your deity is the one true path to heaven/enlightenment/nirvana/Portland or where ever the fuck your special happy place is. I made the mistake of watching VH1 on Saturday morning while getting ready to head out of the house and they were talking about a show with Kirk Cameron. Those of you not familiar with him, he was Mike Seaver from Growing Pains with a best friend named Boner. Yes, they said Boner on TV in the 80's. Anyway, this asshat has a show about how to communicate the word of the Lord-ah and Jesus-ah to the masses that have enough common sense to know to stay away from anyone that would WATCH A SHOW ABOUT HOW TO COMMUNICATE THE WORDS OF THE BIBLE TO RATIONAL PEOPLE! Herein lies the problem with some (not all) followers in religion.
In college I wrote a paper in my Philosophy of Religion class about rational thought and the Bible. My point was that the Bible is about belief, not about objective thought. Really think about it; the bible is a story of fables and anecdotes that you live your life by. In my opinion, that should be IT. People believe the stories in books of worship really happened but can't (or won't)grasp the concept of evolution? Bitch please! At least we have proof of evolution: 50 Cent and K-Fed being the missing links in the evolution chart:

You look me in the eye and tell me they don't look like a stepping stone in evolution and you would be a fool ass LIAR. Evolution is seen as false by most religious bodies. Yet the bible had raining frogs, plagues upon plagues, dragons, horsemen, talking bushes, a dude that split a SEA and a Jew that was beaten and nailed to a cross and didn't complain ONCE. That is bullshit, we all saw the Hebrew Hammer (and if you didn't shame on you because that shit was HILARIOUS). It is just funny to me how selective people can be in what they believe.
So you ask: Duece, what do you believe in? Well, that is a very interesting question. All I can say is this: I have in the last 8 years looked at Christianity (Catholicism to be specific), Buddhism, Islam, Judeism (Hey, any people that will do what they did to Jesus is a team I want to be down with because they don't PLAY), Mormonism and Scientology. After doing research, I really don't think I could be down with any team. It is kind of how I feel about politics: I don't affiliate with parties, I affiliate with my beliefs and stances. If a Democrat is for rights of Americans to be able to aquire guns legally easier then I am for that person. If a Republican is for the placement of Affirmative Action in schools where more than 90% of one race makes up a student body then I am for THAT person. In religion, I cannot say that I could believe in ALL the rules and expectations for one religion because for the most part they are all the same and secondly they (for the most part, there are some sects that don't follow this) believe their religion is the 'true' way to get into heaven. I find that stupid, personally. I believe that if you live your life the best you can and just follow common sense (no killing people, no peeing on minors, etc.) that you will get into 'Heaven'. The fact that people think that their 'God' (no matter which religion) is petty enough to not let someone into eternal peace because they didn't give to the church or blow themselves up in their name is not a 'God' I want to worship. I'd rather go to fucking Detroit, and I HATE THAT PLACE. Never been, but still it just seems like a hellhole.
Quite simply, my point is this. People that follow an organized religion are cool. However, I also believe that just because you don't go to a house of worship doesnt make you any less of a person. The fact that believers feel that because they read a book that they are getting into the club is totally asinine. There are people that dont go to church that are better people all around in terms of being fair and just than regular church goers. Yet, because they don't believe in an organized body of faith they are gonna go to hell? Bullshit. You know, someone in my class told me that just because you don't believe in Hell doesn't mean you can't go. Well, I responded that the exact same goes for Heaven. If I happen to be wrong and there IS a heaven and I have been a good person I believe that just do to phrasing that I would go there, right? Someone correct me if I am wrong because I haven't read the Bible in YEARS. Oh, and like I said before I don't categorize all devout people as smug, elitist fucktards. Unlike some people out there, I don't believe in making a general assumption about a segment of people due to the actions of a few idiots and basing a life view on that. That would be DUMB AS FUCK, WOULDNT IT?!
Man, that was cold-blooded. I guess I shouldn't have went there but what can I say. You know, I have like...three maybe four female readers and I have been told this blog is abrasive and not very female friendly. Seeing as my lady troubles are WELL documented in previous entries (I got negative feedback about my women being stupider than zeebras analogy) and in conversations with the readers, I wanted to make this right. So for the ladies, I looked high and low for a poem to show you how much I love you. I have found those words. This is dedicated to the sexy, sexy ladies in my life. Over the age of 18, of course. Except in West Virginia and Kentucky. I ask you...what is love?
C'mon, ladies. That was funny. *sigh* Fine, I'm sorry. I am not taking into account your feelings and whatnot. Well, I guess that is the story of my life. As I mentioned earlier, it has been rough times in Duece City. For those that know me and know my rough month or so, I want to say big ups for putting up with me being a total punk bitch for that time. Well, those days are over. Gonna have one last song and let it go. All I have is six words....DRU HILL HELP ME SING IT!!!!
Ah, now that makes me feel a LOT better. Like I said last night, sometimes you gotta realize you did something stupid, chalk it up as a loss and charge it to the game. Man, I hate charging to the game.
Anyway, this has been a hella long holiday post so I am about to head out for a spell and enjoy the rest of my day off. I will try to be back up on Thursday or Friday for ya'll depending on how long I stay up on D-Town. Until then, stay up peeps.
Chachi out.
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