So, about the underwhelming thing. The last boss of KH2 is LAAAAAAAAAME. If it wasnt for the cat stepping on the power strip (still not sure how she managefd to figure THAT out. Bitch) I would have beat the game yesterday because he was getting served. Oh, and I finally got a few hits on Sephiroth, too. It seems that once you realize that 3 hits can kill you, stratagey comes naturally. Got him down to 2 bars (out of 15, fuck yeah) and then got throughally ballwhacked in two hits. Eh, it's a moral victory.
You know, I'm gonna try a little something new today. It's time for a game of:
Here we go.
Overrated: HIGH and MIGHTY COLOR
Those of you unfamiliar with anime or J-Rock (or the J-music scene as a whole) will say 'what the hell is a HIGH and MIGHTY COLOR?' Well, they are a five member rock band from Japan that have gained a lot (and I mean A LOT) of popularity in Japan due to being linked to Bleach (it can boost a career. All the themes of the show really boosted the group except for Orange Range, and they kicked ass well before that) and Gundam Seed Destiny by performing the opening themes for both. They released an album late last month in the US after being a big hit in Japan. You know what, I heard the two songs and...I wasn't impressed. I just got the album and all I can say is they aren't all that. They remind me of Evanesence, but in a good way. Don't believe me, look at the lead singer, Maki:
Amy Lee (Mmmmmm)

Hikaru Utada (Double Mmmmm)

Maki (Giggidy)

Now with that being said, the music is just average. It sounds like every band with a female lead (Nightwish, Evanesence, No Doubt to an extent) and really isnt all that progressive. That's not to say that I dont like it, I just wouldn't put them up there with the Dir En Grey's and L~Arc~En~Ciel's of the world. Check out the video for Pride, the opening to GSD:
Like I said, not a bad song by any means. But their album wasn't as good as UVERworld's or Orange Range's. I like, just don't love. Now, to someone who gets NO LOVE.
Now people may know OF Talib Kweli, but don't KNOW Talib Kweli. Now I have given up on rap for the most part but I still listen to him. I think I believe he is underrated due to his company. I mean he usually collaborates with Kanye West (who is now WAY overrated), Mos Def (an underrated emcee as well as the best rapper turned actor ever) and Common (who is FINALLY getting mainstream respect without going all Kanye to get it) who are three emcees that really overshadow him in terms of flash. However, in terms of lyrical content, skill and delivery he is better than all three. Beautiful Struggle was better than College Dropout, A New Danger and Late Registration (I hate the Grammy's for not nominating Common's Be because that may have been the BEST hip hop album in a decade) as well as every other shitty ass rap album released over the last two years. Eminem and Fiddy, that means your half-assed efforts. It's sad because no one really LISTENS to rap any more as much as they HEAR it. Which is why a hook like 'shake that ass and make your babydaddy mad' can get sung and no black person says jack shit. Ignorance, it's spreading. Anyway, this is my favorite Talib Kweli song, The Blast:
*Sigh* all this work and Nelly has a fucking Grammy for 'Hot In Herrre'. Cosmic.
Oh, and whoever the Episcopal Churches (I think Church of England. Anyone?) are: you are officially the stupidest religion ever. Even stupider than Scientology. They mave have a dumbass origin, but at least they never relied on U-fucking-2 to get members to show up. Least Scientology got Issac Hayes.
Oh, and after downloading her concert video someone that can fit in the overrated category is Kumi Koda. Her live show is good, but I was expecting more. Then again:
Wow, any woman that can work a schoolgirl outfit like that is overrated like a FOX. Gimmie dat!

Yeah, I need some alone time. Stay up peeps and enjoy the day.
Chachi out of the hizzy, and dont you forgizzy.
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