You know, I really think that companies need to respect the customer. I love how you have to have a receipt, the box, the purchasing card and your first born child to return a product. I understand they want to make sure you purchased the product, but really. You know, even if 3 in every ten people decided to fraud out a company, they still would be in the green by fucking millions. Sometimes, you have to take one for the team. That and seeing as how they PAY TO FUCKING SHIP the broken product to THEM yet send you your replacement via snow dogs (yet they are based in Texas) is highly stupid. That is they shittiest warranty policy EVER. I officially am boycotting Motorola from this day forward. Asshats.
So I was looking on YouTube yesterday and I found a video. Nay, THE video. The greatest music video of all time. If you ain't down with Oaktown, you's a SUCKAAAAAA!! I wanna say thanks to for putting this up. I bring to you, We Like It by Oaktown 357:
My GOD that video is the mad notes! Proper. Okay, I was actually jamming to this song five minutes about while doing laundry. No joke. You know, I am one of the few people that hated NKOTB, but when Jordan Knight went solo....I bought this single. I never found his album though, which sucked ass. His cover of Prince's I Could Never Take The Place (Of Your Man) was actually pretty good, compared to some other people who have butchered the Purple One (Ginuwine you rat bastard I am looking at you. Way to fuck up When Doves Cry, shithead). This was the jam in high school, if only to me. Check out Give It To You by Jordan Knight:
Bit of trivia: I used to know that WHOLE dance routine during the hook and the breakdown. Yeah I was a modern day Heavy D. Or Missy before she got hooked on smack. Just kidding, don't sue.
Change gears. SWITCH! So, there is now a Nana anime. Those of you that read this blog (well, both of you anyway) know that I saw the movie and it kicked ass for a flick without Christopher Walken. The anime (for the first two episodes, anyway) seems to be a great translation of the movie but I havent seen the manga anywhere so I can't say its dead on. The animation takes some getting used to but still, it's pretty cool so far and if you use torrents give it a view.
Couldnt be any worse than some of the other crap on TV. Speaking of crap.....Scary Movie 4. Why, America?! WHY?! You know, I'm no longer concerned about the welfare of those who watch crap like that. However, do the world a favor and DON'T BREED. Your children will downgrade the gene pool, and we don't need anymore of that. Oh, and Silent Hill is looking FREAKY. On Friday I am SO THERE.
Yeah, it has been a minute since I had Vida on the blog. Can I get a giggidy?

You know, if I had to choose between Vida Guerra, Jackie Guerrido, Kumi Koda or BoA.....whoa I don't know what I'd do. My head would probably explode. Toss Coco from Bennie K and Esther Baxter and man, that would be teh awesome. Mmmm....
Okay, this has little to do with anything but I LOVE this song. I had it as my ringtone last year, and let's just say people didn't dig it. I did, so screw them. The second rapper leaves a lot to be desired, but he is STILL better than Nelly. This is Three Nation with Once Again:
That beginning kicks ass. Anyway, I have to run and send out this piece of shit headset. I will be back tomorrow with more stuff. Until then, stay up peeps.
Chachi out.
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