So just saw the new hour long Bleach (two weeks in a row, too. Can't beat that, peeps) and after a bit of stalling, now they get down to business. If the new opening (which is kind of 'bleh' after HIGH and MIGHTY COLOR and Uverworld's opening themes which were 'teh rock') is any indication, then more members of Soul Society are coming to Earth and that would RULE ALL.
You know, now that Bleach will be on Cartoon Network this fall, supposedly on the Adult Swim lineup with new Naruto, One Piece and the next season of the Boondocks (knowing Aaron McGruder, he may pull a Dave Chappelle and run) and Aqua Teen I may just lose my mind. I'm a grown ass man, but I will watch that lineup like its Saturday morning in 1986. Late ass Sunday night is the new Saturday morning. That's gonna be hell when I start back to work.
So I had to rethink my stance on the South Park episode. I initially told Zach that there was no way that Comedy Central was going to air an episode with Mohammed images. Until I went home and watched the last episode of The Boondocks. Rumor has it that it WILL be the last episode, even with the next season deal just signed in February (WOO-HOO! Black History Month) due to the image of Ronald Reagan as 'white god' in 'white heaven'. I was shocked so many white people were offended seeing as its a cartoon and white folks love Ronald Reagan. With that (which caused a rather SMALL uproar compared to what the Muhammad images will) being said, I think that its about 70% yes. Viacom (which is also CBS) is reeling from the Super Bowl three years ago (let it go, FCC. It was a titty, not a mauled child, which in my opinion would have made for better TV) and the Cold Case fines so I am wondering on whether THEY will let it slide. If the Catholics and Scientologists can get episodes pulled it will be interesting to see what happens with this one. Anyone confused why they still show the 'Hot Catholic Love' but they got all riled up about the Virgin Mary bleeding out of her vagina instead of her ass (It sounds a lot worse when it's typed)? Talk about screwed up priorities.
So in my boredom I downloaded Nana, a Japanese movie made for tv (I think) based off a manga. I am getting started on it and it's....okay. Leaps and BOUNDS ahead of Cutey Honey (which underneath the nostalgia was a bad movie) and has some cool moments so far. Imagine REC meets Laverne and Shirley meets Beck (the anime, not the dude). Well, I only saw one episode of Beck so that's not a good comparison. Still, its cool and if you are familiar with Torrents and Animesuki, check it out.
You know, weird trivia note. I just saw Caddyshack for the first time since 1988. The last time I saw it was in the hotel before my family flew to Aviano WAAAAAAAY back the. I was like 7 years old and afraid to sleep because we were stuck in Philadelphia and that city is hardcore. You know what they did after the Philly fans booed Santa? They anally raped the Easter Bunny. No lie.
So, time for the obligatory J-pop video. I have been looking for this video for about four or five years, pretty much all through college. I got this song from a friend of mine in my Intercultural Comm class when we traded songs (wow, I had a 60 GB hard drive then and I thought I could take on NASA. Now I have 1020GB of hard drive space and am running out of spaces to save stuff. Cosmic) and I have been in love with it ever since. I couldn't find the video on MIRC or the other download tools (remember Bearshare? Man, those were the DAYS!) so I gave up. Thankfully, people who use YouTube are after my own heart. This song is sad, slow and makes you just sit. One of my favorite J-pop songs (if not THE favorite), here is Kiroro with Fuyu No Uta:
Oh, on another note. I picked up the Robot Chicken DVD and wow, it is worth the 20 bucks. Think of it as a buck an episode and you can justify the purchase. Also, they had the deleted scenes and I don't know how in the hell they left the Britney Spears' parody of Citizen Kane out of that first season. That was the funniest thing on the damn DVD! Good stuff. They also changed the 'Voltron Gets Served' song, which was interesting. It's just as good, but it WAS a little too close to DMX's 'Get It On The Floor' so I guess thats why. Anyway, kick ass DVD. Robot Chicken is now my anti-drug.
Well, I'm gonna boogie out peeps. Ya'll stay up and I may put something up tomorrow. My hard drive went Bobby Brown last night (everything I moved to it wouldn't save) so I wiped it and started clean. I got to re-install damn near everything so that will be fucking fantastic. I may have everything up by then but if not, I will be back on Sunday mos def.
Okay, I had to put this up. I frickin' HAD to.
AWESOME. That was the perfect way to end this post. Wait...

THAT'S the perfect way to end this post. Hey, what can I say. I likes the Vida. Stay up, peeps.
Chachi out.
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