Second off, I have an announcement to make. In 2004, those who remember me in college remember The Revolution. Starting my Junior year when I made too much to get financial aid (even though I was only working part time) and I decided that dumb shits needed to be punished. After that day, I took no shorts, kept it real and laid down the law. I got involved in clubs (even those I didn't agree with) and took classes just to piss people off and let them know hoe stupid they were. Philosophy of Religion, anyone?
With my bat, my black sunglasses, black gloves and bad ass attitude I stood UCCS and the world on its ear with The Revolution. I had people by my side that were down for the cause. The Duece had people afraid of being dumbfucks. Nelly didn't release an album. Britney Spears went on hiatus. Ben Affleck wasn't allowed to act, not that he ever really did. Mel Gibson and Tom Cruise were missing and feared dead. Dave Chappelle dug up Rick James, literally. He was dead from 1996 to 2002, normally I disagree with raising the dead but he made 'Give It To Me' so I allowed it. Then, graduation day come.
I brandished my 'IT'S REVOLUTION TIME' shirt for the most important day in the Revolutions time. I showed my shirt to TV cameras and had a two second clip of my shirt on the news. The Revolution was alive. Unfortunately, it died that day as well. After I took that shirt off, The Revolution ended. I went into corporate America and became a shell of my former self. And things would never be the same.
Since the day I turned my back on The Revolution, all hell has broken loose. Mel Gibson attempted to become Jesus, or at least that's how I saw it. Tom Cruise, Ben Affleck and Britney Spears all created spawns of the Darkworld who will soon unleash their evil on humanity. Nelly released not one, but THREE albums and gave us they next killer of young black youths in grillz. 50 Cent made a movie, which no one saw but the fact he made a movie is the sign of the apocalypse itself. Dave Chappelle went AWOL and Rick James passed away for the third time. I think it was the third, may have been fourth. George Bush was re-elected, although it was against an Easter Island head. Says more for his asshatittude rather than Kerry's skill that the vote was actually as close as it was, it should have been a blowout. It was like the scene in Pootie Tang when pootie went to the farm. WHY'D YOU DO IT POOTIE?!
Now, it is time. The Duece must return. I apologize for leaving you, and I have seen my mistake. I was blinded, but I am back to make things right again. I have my black sunglasses and The Revolutionizer is in the back seat again. I need to buy some gloves though. No longer will I be referred to as Chachi, or Duece or Blake Savage. From this day forth, I will be known as Duece Hawksmoor, Chachi of Cities! This is in respect of my favorite comic book character, minus the deformed wang.
In short, let these words strike fear in the tiny minds and small hearts of dipshits everywhere. The Revolution is back. The Duece is back. And we are bringing hell with us. Now that's real. The Revolution will not be televised. But it will be marketed and merchandised pending Aaron McGruder's approval. I think my shirt would sell well. I will put a picture up of it tomorrow.
Now, with the return of The Revolution come the need of a favor. The Revolution needs theme music. Originally it was T.I.'s Bring Em Out.
I still love that song, but it's rather dated. I need theme music peeps. Something that tells idiots that the streets will flow with their blood if they step to us. Something that has a kick ass dance groove that we can serve rival crews to with dance. Let me know, I am open to suggestions.
I have been told that there aren't enough ladies on the blog. Seeing as how the blog is made for anime, j-pop and my rantings of stuff that pisses me off, ladies should be on here more seeing as how I can't stand them. But Chachi is for the peeps, by the peeps so here is some stuff for the male demographic. As one of the Ying Yang Twinz said, 'BOOTY, BOOTY, BOOTY, BOOTY, BOOTY EVERYWHERE!'

Wow. The Revolution is curvy. OH!
Well, I promised a rant today, but I have been hella busy today. Got some things to coordinate over the next 5 days so updates may be short until next week. If something REALLY pisses me off I'll put it up. Also, Journey KICKS ASS.
Until tomorrow, stay up peeps.
Chachi out.
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