Now, to my pissed off time. I am sure you all heard (although I said this the day the 360 was released) that the PS3 was pushed back by Sony until the holiday season. Anyone who didnt think Sony wasn't going to do this was a fucktard. As much as I loved my PS1 and PS2, and how much I looked forward to the PS3 I am still a tad bit pissed. Mainly because they are going to release the unit (reportedly) the Tuesday before the Nintendo Revolution's release, WHENEVER IT IS. Supposedly it was June 15th of this year, but that was too ambitious for Nintendo and WAY too ambitious for Sony. So now odds are the release date will be December 12th for the PS3 (mark it down, I feel confident about that date). First off, as a business move, that is straight thug. They are forcing consumers to choose between one or the other (PS3 or Revolution) and that is just good business. However, I was going to buy BOTH systems (with a five month difference in release dates, it would have been affordable.) and now I cannot do that. I say boo to Sony for that. The second reason is the whoe Blu-Ray thing versus the HD-DVD format that the X-box 360 uses. I like the fact that it is four times larger than a standard DVD, but if it becomes the standard, expect your money flow to go SOUTH. I'm sure hgames will cost more than the XBox 360 (I'll go with 70-80 bucks if not more) and the hardware is pushing half a grand, or five hunned dollars. BASE. Holy fucking shit. That means you are looking at 700+ just to get out of the gate. That X-Box bundle ain't looking so bad now?
Who am I kidding. Have you seen the demos for Metal Gear Solid 4?
Sony is gonna violate me like the health inspector. *Sigh* I need a backbone. Another note. This is pure rumor, but I have heard from several sources that game retailers (GameStop, GameCrazy, EB, etc.) are only going to take PS3 pre-orders for a WEEKEND to avoid the 360 fiasco. That means if you pre-order, they call you on the day Sony is taking retail pre-orders and you pay for it then. After that weekend, you are shit out of luck. You have to hope that the overstock is available or the only way to get one is to dance for that shadowy looking guy with the loading van behind the Best Buy. And I ain't talking about the running man. Just rumors.
Alright, I need my BoA fix. Second favorite song....LIVE. You know what, I'm just gonna pony up and try to find this woman. It worked for Jennifer Love Hewitt (she didnt get a restraining order, at least. Unlike Alyssa Milano. Man I thought we could have been something special) so it might work for her, too. If you are reading this, Boa Kwan I would like to take you out for lunch, so we can get to know each other. Maybe afterward we can go to catch a nice movie and have ice cream. You think?
I have got the love bug, peeps. Matter of fact, you what you are, Ms Kwan? Beautiful.
Hell yes. You know, I like that song. Even though Bobby looks like a thug treasure trog, it's alright. Diggable song none the less.
Well, I'm out. Late update tomorrow, got some things to take care of. Till then, check this out. Johnny Five is ALIVE!
My bad about the short update, just a little stressed. I will hit ya'll up on Friday with the mad vids and notes. And odds are I will rant about something. Stay tuned and stay up.

Jess, where did we go wrong?
Sigh, Chachi out.
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