First off, yesterday I traded in Shadow Hearts (The New World one, which was suprisingly short for an RPG these days at 29 hours for me) and Ultimate Spiderman (never really got into it) for.....Kingdom Hearts II. I know, I know I spent about three posts saying how I hated the idea of Disney characters on-screen with Siefer or Sepiroth. Yet...this game kicks MAJOR ASS.I bought it last night and I just got INTO the actual Kingdom Hearts game (not gonna ruin it, but after you play the beginning you may be pissed. Think MGS2) and met Leon, Aeris (kill Mena Suvari!) and Yuffie (yep, I'm going to jail. Did you SEE Advent Children?). So far, it is pretty damn fun. The gameplay is a LOT more forgiving this time and Goofy and Donald aren't total tards. They really pumped up the A.I. in this one. So, if you can get past the fact that there is a Chicken Little level (which I am SO going to be pissed off if its part of the linear storyline and I have to play it) it's actually well worth the buy. The people at the GameStop said it has 110 hours of gameplay, but they also told me that Black was better than Halo 2. I say bullshit to that but if it is even half that, it's worth they buy.
So I said last week that Bleach got liscensed, but I just downloaded episode 73 (not the fucked up machine one) and business is about to pick up again. Ishida is going on a journey like The Blues Brothers while something is going down in Soul Society again. Bantou vs Devil Gods? Can I get a hells yeah? Also, I was glad to hear that Viz is handling the US release. I was praying it wasnt going to be Bandai (or as I call them the Hyundai of the anime industry) seeing as how every Bandai DVD has had issues with it. If they were to fuck with my Bleach, I would have to handle them fools. At this point, it they put it on Adult Swim with maybe new episodes of Naruto, Mai-HiME and the last episodes of Inuyasha that would be a lineup worth watching. Also, I would like to ask that they make a block of anime consisting of Azumanga Diaoh, Excel Saga and Pani Poni Dash. Now THAT would kick ass.
Wow, Bush REALLY shouldn't be allowed to speak in public. I'm watching this press conference with President Fox (Mexico) and Prime Minister Harper (Canada or 'America's Beenie') and he just he doesnt belong. Like Carnie Phillips. Wow, PM Harper is a pretty well spoken guy for a Canadian. Did Bush just offer to help Iran? IRAN? Geez, I'm gonna leave it alone.
Now, I am going to say this and I don't care what people say about it. People need to let this Natalee Holloway being 'abducted and violated' thing go. I'm going to give you my theory. Just like my Kobe theory, I am sure it is 100% accurate.
Natalee at some point went out with a few (odds are two, maybe three depending on how stupid she was) local boys because they were gonna 'sight-see' or 'show her the beauty of Aruba'. At that point, they probably frequented three or four bars/clubs, with her drinking several drinks at each one. At this point, I am not sure on whether she was given pills or not, but odds are, she had enough alcohol in her system to make a bear give up the keys. If she WAS given drugs, those dudes are REALLY sad because at this point she would have been drunk enough for the whole Duke lacrosse and Colorado football team to go wild on. Anyway, odds are after sex with the two (or three) locals she passed out. Problem was, despite all their efforts, she wouldn't wake up. Knowing she was an American, they panicked (because if Saddam ordered killings of his own people and got his country fucked, imagine what Bush would do to Aruba for killing a WHITE WOMAN! Aruba ain't OJ) and hid her body. That's it. Sounds rather simple yet stupid, right?
I am not going to down play the tradgedy of Natalee's death because I don't know her and never met her. However, I am sick of the media coverage of this because quite simply, NO ONE KNOWS WHAT HAPPENED EXCEPT FOR HER AND WHOEVER THE ACCUSERS ARE. The theory I have is just a theory and everyone has one. Does that make mine more valid? Yes, because I rule. However, let's not blame the perverts just yet. Remember what I said about freedom? She chose to go with men (I am assuming) she didn't know who spoke a language (I am sure she didnt) speak on an island (I know) she had never been to. When you look at it like THAT, she just seems stupid. No one wants to make her look stupid, but sometimes that is just how things happend. Nothing wrong with that, sometimes people make a bad decision. Like I say about two drunk people having sex and the woman ends up charging the other drunk idiot with rape: sometimes you have to chalk it up as a loss and charge it to the game. That sounds bad, but what else can be done? Alcholol is a mind-altering substance so neither party is in any position to make any claims. If all the parties were drunk in this Natalee Holloway case, all wants of revenge and closure aside what can really be done? Unless them dudes were straight sober and then I say handle them fools. Thug style.
Okay, now it's Duke's turn. Now the case of the lacrosse team versus the escort is simple. When I heard that she went back in the house after being harassed and treated in an agressive manner because of her race, I asked WHY?! At no point if you feel you are in danger do you go back into the place where you feel the least safe. Then I heard she went back in to get the other escort, and at that point was forced into a bathroom and was then seually assaulted by three white males (this was heard on ESPN2 Cold Pizza yesterday at 9:08 am). Now, I know there are a lot of white people in Durham (about 55% depending on which news show you watch) and you can't just go around saying a white person did it and have every white male be a subject. People are saying that it's not fair to have every white male be a suspect because of one persons' accusation.
Man, that is priceless. You know I was a supect for a purse-snactching in Syracuse last year? But irony aside. We dont know what happened or if the players actually did this act, but it happened (reportedly according to MSNBC) at a house FOR the players so the odds are very high if it did happen players were involved. If that is the case, that is rather sad. People say that this will tarnish the reputation of the university, but I never had anything against Duke all that much anyway. Wait, didn't Steve Spurrier go to Duke? I think he did. I now have my reason.
So, it's time to the J-Pop section that has totally overtaken this blog. It has bugged me that I couldn' t find a video Ayumi Hamasaki's Evolution live that sounds just right. The song must be a bitch to sing (especially that AH YYYYEEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!! in the second refrain) live due to the sheer speed alone. I had the PV on a while back, and one live performance when she struggled with it. Well, I just found the best live version of Evolution yet. And she hits the AAHH YEEEEEAAAAHHHHH pretty well.
I love that song, I dont care if its like 5 years old. Taiko drums, fool! WHAT!
So, let's see. Kingdom Hearts 2. Ice Age 2 at 1:20. Could this day get any better? Yes. Yes it can. Thank you to Viln for putting this up, you are my new idol. I bring to you, the Live at Budokan version of Tripod Baby by the old school M-Flo. Man, Lisa has a classy hot look to her. Like Jill Scott. Back to the video. Not gonna cry.....
Fuck it, I'm gonna buy a region free DVD and Dope Space Nine as soon as I get my first check. So this is officially the GREATEST DAY EVER. I have low expectations, but still this day is gonna rule. Well, I'm off to see Ice Age 2. I will let you know how it is. Here is a hint: it's gonna kick the ass. All of it. Even the flank. Speaking of ass....

Chachi out.
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