Now onto the good stuff. So Teq had another show last night at the Black Sheep here in the CSP and I must say, I am really getting tired of your ass going on at like 12:45 to 1am. Even still, great show, kid. Two new songs (albeit they weren't as good as the ones they replaced) and a great production made for a good time. And no drunkies, they ruin the fun. However, it wasn't all love.
You know, there are just some things that I can't ignore. I try to let some of the crappy fashion trends slide GOD what in the hell man?! It's time for....
Chachi's Fashion Do's and Dont's
Okay, lets get fabolous!
DO: Wear belts
A simple fashion accessory that is fucntional as well. They hold up your pants. And, sometimes they can add to an ensamble. Now ladies, I understand that sometimes your pants are so tight that hey grip your butt enough that you don't need one.

Notice how Ms. Vergara has no belt, but those pants arent going anywhere. Oh, hells yes. I have no fashion complaints there at all. But sometimes a belt can SO add to the look.

Notice that Vida's belt is on BACKWARDS. And even though the belt isnt as needed, it adds to the overall outfit. It's practical yet sexy. Even as a fashion statement, belts are quite nice.
DON'T: Have sexually provacative shirts.
This one is another case of common since. Now, I understand that people have the right to wear what they please. But if you feel that this is a fashion statement and accuratly represents you:

Then you deserve ridicule. I'm sorry, its not sexty and for the most part not fashionable. 'Porn Star' and 'Slut' arent fashion trends, they are occupations. What Dave Chappelle about wearing a whores uniform is correct. Please don't wear the name tag, too. It's just plain tacky.
DO: Dress shirts
This one is for the men, especially black men. Seeing as how white dudes are trying to corner the hobo market, it's nice to see a new fashion trend. A lot of men at the club put the jerseys away for sporting events in favor of pressed button up shirts and oullovers. It is fashionable and can be worn in a casual or semi-formal setting.

See, you can be hip in a dress shirt. Combined with a pair of clean sneakers and jeans its not a bad look. And odds are won't get you hassled by the police, who love to fuck with thugs because they are easy to point out.
DONT: Non-cowboys with big ass belt buckles
Not sure when this cam into fashion. All I know is that only rodeo dudes and cowboys need to wear huge belt buckles. THAT IS IT. Think Nelly and Usher and how stupid they look. Now put you in their shoes and take away the celebrity aspect. There you go.
Well, that is all for Chachi's Fashion Do's and Dont's. I will do them as needed. Until then, stay fab!
Anyway, time for some more good watching. Well, it's been a while since I had some Bennie K on here. Mainly because their body of work is two albums and I think 7 maxi singles. So not a lot of videos to find, but I just posted another one. It's featuring Def Tech, who actually aren't bad themselves. This is one of my favorite Bennie K songs, Better Days.
Yeah, I loves me some Bennie K I'll admit it. So in more pointless stuff, what do you get when you cross dogs with afros? Some funny stuff.
Aaaaaaand now the sun is out. Weather people should be beaten with thermometers. Except for Jackie Guerrido from Univision. I usually watch Caliente (for the new dance moves....yeah...) and Sabodo Gigante sometimes, but never the WEATHER. Now I will:

Forcast for today? A loving warm front followed by dinner and a movie. Oh yeah. Well, I am bored as hell so I am out. Stay up peeps and don't forget to vote for Douchebrawl! It's the final matchup, so its for all the marbles! Instead of for like 3 or 4 of them I guess. Also, I updated the website. Take a look, there is a new design and I have categorized the music. I fixed the Douchebrawl link as well. Check it out, it's coming along pretty well. Anyway, stay up peeps.
Chachi out.
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