Now, to some gaming news. I just saw the UBER (like 6 minutes) trailer of Kingdom Hearts II, and I am sorry Beth but it is looking kinda good. It has a Pirates of the Carribean stage (COMPLETE WITH JOHNNY DEPP! He's my bishie! Shut up I'm allowed one), a Steamboat Willie stage and a Tron stage (I hated that movie and still do. I remember the game from Showtime Pizza and I dont remember liking it). However it has Mulan and Hercules characters so it could suck complete ass. Either way, should be interesting, seeing as this game and Black are the only big names until the PS3.
Now to the sad news. Rumble Roses XX is coming to the XBox 360. Now I have a confession. I bought the first one. And I must actually wasnt bad once you got past the fact the overall story sucked. It was like a stripped down (bweh heh) version of all the Yuke's wrestling games (mainly Fire Pro Wrestling, the GREATEST WRESTLING GAME EVER) which is a very good thing. After looking at the

Yes, that is a panda. They wont mate, but they will wrestle. Stupid bear. I must say after seeing the demo live at GameCrazy, it doesnt move at a blazing pace as one would expect. Something had to suffer, and it had to be the game speed. Kind of disappointing after the kick-assed-ness that is Dead Or Alive 4. I have said it and will stand by it: give me three more games like DOA 4 and they have a sale in my book. Jesus, that game was as fast as SFII: Turbo on ten stars. Nothing on 'blast processing' though, eh Griff. Sega does! Nintendo doesnt! Play THAT loud, biz-natch.
I will be back later for the 'What Chachi Likes' this evening. Until then, I leave you with what may be the best show of video game skill ever. Stay up, peeps.
Chachi out.
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