That is funny stuff right there.
Its been a pretty lazy day today. Not much going on except Happy Birthday to Hannah!
So I was at Best Buy and realized that there are a gaggle of TV series DVD's. Shows that sucked have DVD's (Real World I am looking squarely at you) yet I am really shocked (well, not really) that MTV hasnt released DVD's of their shows that didnt...well suck. After five years, there has been no box set of Undergrads, Daria or 2Gether. Yes, 2Gether is in my opinion the most underrated show MTV had. It was suprisingly funny. Its a shame QT died, but it was good they didnt pull a Menudo and just replace him. They just ended the series, and that was cool. It deserves a box set, complete with videos and the pilot movie. Now that would be kickass.
Valentine's Day (Or Ladies Extra Christmas as I call it) is coming up next week, so I will become increasingly bitter over the next few days. Aside from Easter and Christmas it is probably my least liked holiday which is awkward because it has nothing to do with Jesus. Our Valentines Day shout be more like Japan's. I would like some candy from a pretty lady sometime. Then, on White Day you return the favor. Now THAT's true love. If it wasnt for the whole panty thing, Japan would be the best country ever. Anime fans know what I mean. Just weird.
Well, Feburary is Black History Month and seeing as how no one gives a rats ass I really shouldnt, either. Yet, I feel people think I cant stand black people. That isnt true. I cant stand stupid people, no matter what your race. It just seems in the times of spinning rims, grillz and LED belts (who in the fuck let that one out of the house?!) that black folks are just more obvious. So, to show I am not all rants, death threats and restraining orders I give you the first 'What Chachi Likes' rather than a rant, just for the month of Feburary. I do this out of respect for those that fought for the right for me to be able to you know, read and own a computer. And I dont mean Batman. Although I'm sure he would have fought in the Civil Rights movement. Cuz blacks love gaudy stuff, and nothing would be gaudier than a Batmobile with candy paint and 26' rims. Really THINK ABOUT THAT. I'm suprised it hasnt happend. Anyway, I give you:
What Chachi Likes!
Boo-yah. Sometimes her voice reminds me of Stevie Nicks (not a good thing unless you like goat braying mixed with ulats), but my GOD I love her. When she sings in Spanish, here is nobody better. Estoy Aqui is just a great song. And LOOK AT HER.

Yes, she is beauty personified.
Well, I gots to be out. Oh, almost forgot. Teqnyc has a show at Kelly O'Briens tomorrow night. I dont know when it will start, because its never on time. I'm gonna be there around 10-10:30ish, which means he will start at about 11, give or take. CPT hurts, but I am beginning to think it is science. So that means the update will be Sunday morning. Hope to have the last of the videos up by Monday. Stay up peeps.
Chachi out. And go to hell, Tom Cruise. Why is he always on when I finish my updates?! Geez, maybe God does have it out for me
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