Now, you all know I am not a fan of rap. I don't like it and I am usually justified in my opinion by...well listen to most of it. It blows. However, like Dave Chappelle said, Blacks love percussions. That and really freak beats. The first time I heard this song, I lost my mind. I don't know what it is, but this song kicks ass. The video is suprisingly not rage inducing either. I give you one of my three hip hop vices: I Don't Like The Look of It by The Backwudz. Yes, that is how it's spelled:
That is good stuff. Now many of you know that I am from Georgia (something I am going to rant about later so get ready) and the whole influx of rappers from the South is interesting to say the least. You got your T.I. and your Young Jeezy (BOOOOOOO!), but you also got Dem Franchise Boys. I tried to fight liking these guys, I really did. It gets to the point were you have to give up and accept your fate. Sometime you just got to Lean Wit It, Rock Wit It.
Get loose wit it. Get funky wit it. Sue me, that song is tight bangin. Yes, I aint used that in a minute! Lastly is a song I just heard this week. Now this song was a song I got on accident from Limewire while looking for of all things David Hasselhoff songs. Don't ask, long story. Anyway, I burned this onto an MP3 disk and whoa, this song is the mad notes. I actually stumbled across the video yesterday after tie shopping and its not TOO bad. Has it's booty-booty-buttcheeks moments, but no worse than anything else. That and its mellow. If you dig, ask nice and there may be a way to find it. This is T.C.P. (or The Crowd Pleasers) with Gotta Girl (Uh-Huh)
Ah, been a good week. Those who have been voting for Douchebrawl 2006 I thank you. For those that hit up the website in all of its not-quite-done glory I thank you. I'm gonna be working on it now and then to get a feel for it and add more stuff.
Now some things I have to get off of my chest. For they young people reading this, you may not understand what I am talking about but hey, gotta learn sometime.
Okay, I am from the South (Georgia) as is my father (Tennessee) and both sides of my grandparents (Alabama, Mississippi and Arkansas) and for the most part I am rather proud. I am a Falcons fan, I support the Dawgs, eat Chic-Fil-A and I love peaches. However, there is a problem with that region. A problem that needs to be explained in a way that even the most ignorant person can understand.
Time for some history. On 8/7/1920, the Nazi Party officially adopted the Swastika as the symbol on the flag to represent itself as a party. Although the symbol originally was used as a sign of life and good luck by many religions, after being adopted by several German/Aryan movements in the late 1800's it got a HIGHLY negative meaning. How negative? It is illegal to own, sell or purchase memorabilia of the Nazi Party in Germany. After the defeat of Hitler and the Nazi Party (and the cowardly Italians and the Japanese, who didn't surrender as much as were going to run out of cities at the rate things were going) the flying of the Nazi flag became punishable by prison, and also is just douchey move all round. With all of the history involved with that flag such as the Holocaust (Iran is looking into it's validity like OJ is looking for Nicole's killer) and the near destruction of a whole continent its not really cool to have it out. Right? Nearly exterminating a race of people and attacking your neighbors for a crackpot theory of freedom is a great reason to ban flying a flag, right? We can all agree that flying a flag of a country that LOST THE WAR is not cool, right?
So why is it okay to fly the Confederate flag in the South? Now when I say its 'okay' I don't mean there is no opposition. I mean that no one has come up with an argument that makes it through the skulls of the 'South Will Rise Again' idiots down there. As a person born in Georgia (although I am a Colorado resident because there is no way in FUCK I was paying out of state tuition) I kept up with the battle over the state flag. This was the state flag for Georgia from 1920 to 1956

Not bad. Not bad at all. Classic state flag fare. Not too flashy but not lame like some states (California, bears are a threat to national security and you KNOW it! You are on the Chachi's list, Cali!) But for some asinine reason, someone had necro-sex with General Lee or something and came up with this brain-fart. For reasons unknown to rational people, from 1957 to 2001, this was the state flag of Georgia:

Um.....FUCK NO. That flag had to go. That is as much of a middle finger to the American flag as burning it as far as I'm concerned. For a state to blatantly have the confederate flag so prominently in its STATE flag should force them to be kicked the fuck out of the Union. Forty-nine stars would look lame, but at least there wouldn't be any traitors in MY United States of America. So after some debate (well, a lot of debate. Coloreds really don't like the rebel cross for some reason) the flag was changed to this in 2001:

Hmm. This flag was a little bit interesting to me. Look at the 4th flag and you will see the old flag is still in there, just smaller. Now I am willing to understand that the Confederate Flag is part of the American history. You know what else is part of American history? Slave labor and Pogo Balls. Just because something is part of the history doesn't mean we should put it on the flag. Especially when states tried to SECEDE FROM THE GODDAMNED UNION! I cant stress that enough. I honestly didn't mind the flag, because I think state flags are lame any-damn-way. Still people complained and they changed the flag yet again:

Just when I though Texas had the gayest flag in the United States. Still, the 'x' ain't in it and that's cool.
So why did I do this? One, I like putting pictures in Blogger. It's kewl. Secondly, because the confederate flag does not belong in three places:
- State Flags
- Any state/government institution (schools, federal/state buildings, libraries, etc.)
- Any sports team. Seeing as how many of athletes in major college sports are black, wearing the confederate flag on a helmet/uniform or cheering for a rebel mascot seems....counterproductive. I dunno just seems wrong.
Here are a few more states with the confederate flag or a version of on their STATE flag:
Yeah, replace all the state stars with a confederate x. Good job, Mississippi that explains why the state is in the bottom three in education like Ruben Studdard. You only know one fucking state.
Here is Arkansas:
This flag is actually stylish....for 1974. Looks like the logo for 'Love Arkansas Style' which usually involves family. At least they spelled Arkansas right. Gotta give them props for THAT.
Lastly, the anus of the USA, Alabama:
No, that's not a Jpeg that won't load. It's Alabama's fucking state flag. Some would say its a reach to say it is a confederate flag style, but I just think its ugly as hell. And I don't like Alabama. It's a Georgia thing. Aint been since birth and I just hate that state. It's in me blood, like the hatred of Irish and Brits. Or Irish and everybody sober for that matter.
Time to lay it all on the line. The big reason that people give for not flying the Confederate flag is it's racist. Well, it is a symbol of a racist PERIOD in America's history, but its not like the Nazi flag and how it represents the near destruction of a continent. I can understand the feelings the flag brings up, especially when its on the state flag or being flown at a courthouse or school. That is not the reason it should be not be flown. This is the reason:
Period. The South CANNOT rise again because of rotating National Guards (thanks for the info, Z-Money. I forgot they did that). Even if they DID rise again, they would get to MAYBE 10 miles into Virginia before their shit got handed to them. If you lose a war, flag priviledges go away end of story. Japan is a special case because they gave us the Nintendo. They EARNED the right to have their flag. When you fly the rebel flag, you are flying a flag that spits in the face of Americans, not just Blacks. You are giving the finger to the the troops (because if you believe in the ways of the Confederacy you don't believe in America, therefore you are against America and against the troops) and you are analy violating freedom. I understand America is based on freedoms and the Southerners be 'free' to fly the flag. You are right. However, you will officially have to secede from the Union again if you want to fly your own flag. Since the majority of the poorest states are in the 'Confederate South', fend for your fucking selves.
In closing, I am not against the South. I am not against whites. I'm really not against the flag. I am against people brandishing artifacts and symbols (see, Zach Communication class are effective) that are insulting to the United States as a whole. The flag isn't a part of Southern lexicon, it is a throwback to a period when the United States was almost destroyed internally. I know most people don't look at it like that, but it's rather logical when you put it into perspective. Oh, and let Dukes of Hazzard go. Nothing is more racist than a Dodge Charger with a Confederate Flag on it that has a horn that plays 'Dixie'. Now THAT is racist.
Wow, that was long. Thanks for listening. Now, back to the good stuff.
You know, I may have to ask to use this for my Samuel L. Jackson for President campaign video. If you don't want to vote for Sammy J after this, you are a commie bastard. US-frickin-A!
Just plain awesome.
That was a great way to end this post. Wait:

No, THAT'S how you end a post. What an end it is. OH! Giggidy-giggidy. Giggidy-goo. Stay up peeps.
Chachi out.
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