First off: why in the HELL am I getting Ricky Martin news in my e-mail? I figured if there is one place I would have peace from washed-up popstars, it would be my e-mail. Second off: golden showers. Okay, I am sure that there are young people reading this or hell people that just don't want to hear about this. All I can say is when did Ricky Martin's pee become news? Did you know that Bush is trying to start static with Iraq? No, because we have hear about Ricky Martin's pee! And to top it all off, the King of R&Pee (oh, now that is damn funny no matter what or creed or religion) is trying to get the child pornography charges dropped again. For what, lack of evidence? C'mon, I saw the evidence! It's YOU! Well, it could be Avant in Kelly's defense. Look at the proof:

Now compare it to the defendant:

Anyway, back to to the lecture at hand. Today is a kind of down day for me. Aside from a employment seminar (Great, some idiot telling me not o sleep on the job. Last I checked, I'm live in AMERICA, and we do what we want, when we want!) and a quick jaunt to the Rock, I am gonna be finishing up storyboard for the blog videos. Hopefully, they won't suck. I have tossed the ideas around and they sound good to the crew. And The Grizzle may be making a CSP cameo, so The Kul-De-Sak Krew may be back in effect! Where you at, dawg?!
Tomorrow's rant will be on the X-Box 360. From this point on, rants are gonna be on a Mon-Wed-Fri schedule unless something really hits me as being irritating and i will drop some knowledge on the peeps (like Hillary Clinton's plantation comments earlier this week). Well, I may leave tome words this evening, but if not, take a look at the X-Box 360 and tell me what you think. I am not impressed, and I will tell you why tomorrow.
Chachi out.
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