So I had my second interview today and it went very well. I honestly believe that unless the Sean Connery looking gentleman gets it (I am dead serious, I thought he was going to say his name was Juan Sanchez Villa-Lobos Ramirez when we met) I have a 50/50 shot. And the CFO was a she. All I could think about was the part in Anchorman when the large Latino bartender says 'Women can do stuff now!' Took everything in me to not laugh. Aside from that, it actually was very informal and a great experience. Good luck to me.
My dear god. Griff, I have wanted to say this for a long time, but you have been scaring me. It was bad enough you made the ninja mask out of a t-shirt, put on all black and and traumatized the kids, but this is the last straw. Peeps, this man needs Jebus:
Now that my brain has been completely shut down by that link (574mph, biz-natch!), everybody enjoy your weekend. I may put some stuff up over the weekend from Teq's show for ya'll who are interested to see if I take the camcorder. Oh, and Z here is Scarlett from the Golden Globes. Giggidy giggidy, giggidy goo. Chachi out:

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