Guess who is back for the 2011?! Yeah, I know it has been a while but you know how it is. Holidays are busy and sometimes you have to tell them haters to fuck themselves in their own faces. Well, not always in that way but they know what they can do.
So it is a new year and a new decade. I have been doing this blog since about February of 2006, going on five years. Even though I haven’t blogged NEAR AS MUCH as I used to, this has still been a great outlet for my happiness and my rage. Mostly rage because…well, people piss me off a lot. But over the years I have had some great blogs (The Zebra Theory, What’s Wrong With Being Shallow, etc.) and some that I kind of wonder how drunk I was when I wrote them (Any blog with an undertone of a woman doing something wrong…which was pretty much all of 2006-2008’s posts) but each post served a purpose and for the readers I did have (Which I am sure I have lost due to my infrequent updates) that got anything from them I am glad to see that it helped in some way. Or truly mindfucked you, either way its better to feel mindfucked than nothing at all.
So last year I spoke a lot about doing what was best for you, especially if what you are doing is to your detriment. Now, as usual, I didn’t FOLLOW MY OWN FUCKING ADVICE and damn near went nuts doing something that personally made me feel like the same Katt Williams clip I played about the tiger:
Boy did I feel like a tiger in a cage. Trying shit, not working, switching up, not working and repeat. Needless to say, those that know me understand what I am talking about and know that I needed to show a motherfucker that I wasn’t bullshitting. You know the deal.
So let’s put the focus on something that I haven’t really spoken about because…I haven’t really blogged since September or so of last year and blogging is about motivation. That and fuckers don’t read anymore. Thinking about Copper’s idea and posting videos on YouTube but there is no originality in that because like I always say, give a fuckwit technology and it will end up on YouTube. Don’t believe me: see Fred. Nuff’ said. So on my sabbatical before I begin my new endeavor, I was remember some things I used to rant about and I had to see something. People that know me (I mean really know me. No offense to casual acquaintances but it is what it is) have seen that over the last two years, I have calmed down (Minus two days worth of rage after some bullshit events in 2010 but once again, I had to go down that rabbit hole to realize that I needed to get the hell away) to a great extent because at the end of the day life is what you make of it and people are what they make of themselves. You can’t blame others for your problems and you can’t fix those that don’t want to be fixed. Realize those two things and you will be a lot happier, as was I. So tonight, I will bring you the first installment of…
Chachi’s One To Grow On: What Did You Learn?
Yes, I know I say that a lot and now I say it to myself whenever something comes up. And away we go!
What Did I Learn From Bros?
For those of you that don’t know what a bro is, here is a news report for you that should explain:
Now two years ago I HATED BROS. Mostly because in Colorado Springs, I couldn’t walk five feet without seeing some fucktard in an Abercrombie shirt with their hat turned backward talking about the new Hoobastank album. News flash: HOOBASTANK SUCKS. They ruined the Red Martini by getting beer at a martini bar (Call me pretentious but I think that is kind of asinine. Like ordering a hamburger at a sushi restaurant) and made club impossible to go to as they would get drunk and fight, like niggas but minus the humor and entertainment because there is nothing better than a thug fight. That being said, after moving out of the Springs and its sometimes ass-backwards social life I saw that bros are everywhere. In Denver there are MORE OF THEM AND MY GOD THEY CAN BE ANNOYING but Denver also has hipsters, douchebags, wannabe thugs and of course dudes in tight pants. After a while, you realized you can only do what you can. Bros will get drunk, yell “NO HOMO!” and be all-around asshats but in the end you have to just do what you do and have fun where you can. Besides, if you are going to let someone else dictate or diffuse your fun with their actions, unless they are directly impeding your enjoyment, you are an idiot because its YOUR life and it is up to you to enjoy yourself. I would prefer bros be kicked out of bars when they order bottle service and dance on tables (Wow…bros sound like drunk women. MESSAGE!) but they aren’t and I cant stop it so I respect their right to be idiots as long as they don’t impede on me. That’s growing up…in the most ass way possible. I’m not perfect, assholes.
What Did I Learn From Women
Not a MOTHERFUCKING thing. Well, let me clarify that statement. Much like as a Black man I learn little to nothing from Flavor Flav and 50 Cent, I understand that some people are just going to be who they are. You cant stop them, and nor do you want to because I would hate having someone tell me who to be. That doesn’t mean I’m not being a fucking dipshit, I just don’t want to hear about it. Over the last ten years I have heard all the theories and lies about women being smarter than men by women with no science to back it up (Because intelligence is situational unless you are focusing on specific subjects) and men who tell that lie so they can fuck them. Sadly, lying equals fucking. If you are a woman that says “I would never fuck a man that lies to me!” then you are lying to yourself because every man that has fucked you or tried to fuck you, whether maliciously or unconsciously has lied to you because the vagina is like the lying bush (My innuendo is priceless). For some reason, men will say anything they can to get into it no matter the consequences. I used to think that men were taking advantage of women because men would say what women wanted to hear, fuck them and then leave them but there is one thing I have learned from women over the last few years:
They hear what they want, when they want.
Now most people do that, no matter what. But if a woman WANTS to believe you love her, then she will. If a woman wants to fuck you, she will. Whether or not she (or he) thinks of the repercussions is a different blog and the answer IS FUCKING NO BECAUSE HUMANS ARE STUPID. I guess I learned that in some ways I didn’t give women enough credit from the standpoint that decisions made are theirs. They know what they are getting into from the beginning. Not in a negative way, but when a woman has sex and she gets pregnant it isn’t like SHE DOESN’T KNOW WHERE BABIES COME FROM AND HOW THEY ARE MADE! If she doesn’t, then there are bigger problems that she needs to tackle. If she has sex with a man and regrets it because he doesn’t call her back…or even better stalks her…she knew the end results that could happen. I know I do, and I had to accept them. Boy, did I have to accept them. Fun times, they were NOT being scared to GO TO SLEEP AT NIGHT IN FEAR.
What I have learned from women is that they are people. Okay, I know that sounds bad but they can do stuff now!
In all seriousness, those in the know understand what I mean when I say that for a long time I wondered whether women were crazy (Literally. I’ll tell you after a few drinks) because there was no reason for the actions I had seen. Now I say this from what I HAVE SEEN, not what you have seen. Since those days and stepping out of the Springs I realize that women know what they are doing at all times. To think that they don’t would be insane. Whether or not they believe in the consequences of their actions once again is another blog altogether. Now let me say that men don’t get off easy here. The douchery I have seen among men and their actions to women has been mind-numbingly RIDICULOUS and I understand why some women out there think the way they think about men because a good majority of us are one chromosome away from being missing links. That brings me back to what I learned about women being people. People make mistakes, but they also have to decide what they want to learn from them. I would have to say that the main thing I have learned is that I know nothing and have a lot more to learn. I have met people that have made mistakes and learned from them and those are the female friends I am closest to. I also have ones that have made mistakes and will blame anyone and everyone except themselves…and they aren’t my friends anymore. If you aren’t trying to get better, you are getting left behind. Yeah, I said it.
Well, I am about to cut out of this piece. Getting late and its hella cold. I’ll try to be back over the weekend and if not, then definitely on Monday to give an update on the new position. Until then, stay up peeps.
Chachi Out