Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Fighting In The Club? See: Arguing On The Internet. Just Makes You Retarded.

Alright, people. I have one question and one question only to ask…

When do you become too old to fight in the fucking club?

Seriously? Grown ass men fighting in the club because someone had an old ass Kangol on? I mean I think that it should be worn by RUN DMC and Jam Master Jay only but still that aint a reason to beat up on someone! Okay I know that aint the reason that everybody leveled up their Chris Brown materia and went berserk on this guy (Always gotta keep it nerd) but seriously; at what point is fighting in the club justified? Hell, at what point is fighting justified? I have always said that violence is wrong no matter who you are and who you are fighting (Yes, that goes for women two and that is a completely different blog and if you don’t know my stance on that then read the archives. I will make it easy: if you don’t want to get hit, don’t hit anyone) because there is only ONE REASON to ever fight.

Reason #1: The Glory of Love

You can always fight for love but remember you must SWEEP THE LEG, JOHNNY! It is also acceptable to fight to stand out above the crowd but if you are seeing it eye to eye then you shouldn’t have to.

Now I understand that sometimes you may think it is prudent to fight in the club. Someone may disrespect you or your lady-friend for instance. Or even worse, someone could step on your Stacy Adams! Or Stetsons for all you people that go to Cowboys or wherever and good for you. Either way, when you fight in the club you ruin the night for everyone else (Sans the free entertainment that comes from your dipshittery) and you just end up looking like a fuckwit. Yeah, I said it. If you have an issue with someone, take it outside and let everyone else enjoy their rum and cokes or whatever the kids are drinking nowdays. Just stop it, because you fuck things up for everyone else. Just like the damn A-bomb.

Well, I just had to get that out. Sick of the douchery. Oh, and to the six people that asked here is the Countdown for last week:

Again, it would serve you better to go to the YouTube page but people are creatures of habit so there. Also, I am considering doing Douchebrawl again. I didn’t do it for 2009 and I really fricking missed it. I let the web domain lapse on the website name but the old web page still exists so I may bring it back this Spring. Anyway, I am out for now. Stay up and I will be back this weekend.

Chachi Out

Sunday, February 14, 2010

I Miss Morris Day and The Time. Really, That's The Title. They All Can't Be Gems.

What is up, peeps?! First off, I have to say that nothing fixes up a shitty week like SHOPPING!

Say what you will and call it what you want, I have to look faboo. So the other day I mentioned that R&B has all but died. Actually, I said that about 10 years ago when R.Kelly was to busy pissing on minors and getting his ass kicked by Ron Isley’s goons (Plies could take a lesson from him on how to do goonery correct) to do anything and we were innindated with Destiny’s Child and all that other stuff. Now I have always said that music is in the ear of the listener but…

Trey Songz = Marvin Gaye?! NO
Beyonce = Aretha Franklin?! NO!
(Well, not now because she looks like she ate Patti LaBelle AND Anita Baker. I thought she ate Sade, too but she just released a new album and I am glad to see her back!)

I swear, R&B has gone from the social commentary of the 60’s and the sexy soul of the70’s and 80’s to…I am not sure what to call it now. On another note, does anyone remember the Hey Love commercials?:

*Sigh* I miss BET. BRING BACK GENERATIONS! I actually sat back and watched BET Friday afternoon because…well I aint got a job no more and in the words of Uncle Ruckus all I can do is either rap, sell drugs or rap about selling drugs. My mixtape will be out soon. Anyway, I was watching 106 & Park…which in itself was a bad idea…and I realized that R&B is pretty much just lazy rappers. It’s like…Ja Rule after too much Hennessy. As for females in R&B, just be glad Sade is back because if “Single Ladies” is supposed to be in the same vein as “RESPECT” and “I’m Every Woman” then something is wrong with everything. Maybe it is because my CD collection was relegated to what my parents listened to which was remastered versions of R&B they USED to listen to when they were my age. Maybe it was because I got tired of listening to shirtless dudes singing dumb ass love songs all the damn time. At some point, I just kind of gave up on R&B. As one that grew up on Video Soul it is kind of a sad statement. I mean even when the jheri curl took over and being in an R&B group became a legitimate fire hazard we still had good stuff to listen to. Even Troop had Mamacita!

They don’t even make them like THAT anymore! I’d rather hear Al B. Sure over anything that Jeremiah dude has to sing! How is Al B doing, anyway? Beside the point. I am just very sad that music has made a turn from the Kajagoogoo to the shitty. If you don’t get that train of logic, ask the Copper.

Lastly, there needs to be a definition lesson for all the ladies out there:

Diva – ˈdi və,-vɑ [dee-vuh, -vah] a distinguished female singer; prima donna.

We good on that? Got it down? Okay, now for the next word:

Hustler - –noun
1. an enterprising person determined to succeed; go-getter.
2. Slang. a person who employs fraudulent or unscrupulous methods to obtain money; swindler.
3. Informal. an expert gambler or game player who seeks out challengers, esp. unsuspecting amateur ones, in order to win money from them: He earned his living as a pool hustler.
4. Slang. a prostitute.
5. a person who hustles.

Okay, did you read that? Now, are they in ANY WAY, SHAPE OR FORM SIMILAR? No? Well, then we are now in agreement of what everyone should have already fucking known:


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...that's cold. And knowing is half the battle. The other half….regret. With that being said here is this weeks Countdown!

Kim Jong Kook IS THE FUCKING MAN. Well, I will be back up soon. Just began to look at some of my old blogs and man…that stuff was messed up. I may repost them for nostalgia. Until then, stay up. And happy Valentine's Day, f****r!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

My Ode To Soju. At Least It Respects Me!

What is up, peeps? Pretty good day today as things are looking up and hopefully I will be rocking the box the week after Anime Wasabi. BTW, of anyone would like to be Kyle let me know. I am short on the children! Wait...I may just have to take a seat over there.

Anyway, today I want to give a shout out to the thing that has helped me the most in the last few years. Of everyone out there, you get down to the heart of me...and give me the courage to sing Beat Crusaders in public. Yes...I get loose. So, here is my ode to soju, in haiku form:

My Ode to Soju

Soju, my green pal.
You are there when I am sad,
And you never judge.

*Sigh* you are a good friend, Jinro. A good friend. See you all later, I will rant soon.

Chachi Out.

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

I Deserve Better Than This! I Am A Doctor, Dammit!

Alright, what is up peeps? (WELCOME BACK TO THE BLOGOSPHERE, K-MONEY!) It has been a full two months since I have blogged because…well I wanted to keep my nose clean for work and it got me no-fucking-where because at the end of the day people are survivalists. Now some say that you should look for the best in people but those are the people that wake up in a tub filled with ice and one of their kidneys being sold to the Tijuana black market for bail money. I learned that from a doctor.

So now that I am back on the job market for having initiative and pretty much saying “well…you have no idea what the fuck you are doing so I am going to do this myself and eat a dick if you don’t like it” I feel okay in the long run because it WAS NOT GOING TO END WELL ANYWAY. It is like dating a woman for five months that you know her family hates you and you have nothing in common but her kids love you and you love her kids. Leaving would be awkward but you know it is the right thing to do but at the same time you don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings because…well, you are a pussy. PUSSY!

Maybe I should go into the ice sales business. I once sold ice to a Jew. And you KNOW they look for a bargain. ZING! Yep…I am back to offending the masses. It is what I do best. So since I haven’t been blogging in a while, I missed out on a lot of shit to rant on. I missed ranting on the death of Michael Jackson and how much…I didn’t really care. Tragic it was, but at the end of the day I cared less about Michael after I found out he DIDN’T have sex with children. At least being a pedo would explain the Webster weirdness. Also, I left the Chris Brown and Rihanna situation alone for the most part because he threw enough lefts for the both of us. And rights. YES! With those things passed on, I came back to blog just in time because something is coming up that has been a thorn in my side for a few years now (about three) and I usually get all pissy about it but not this year. Of course I speak about…


Now let me preface this first by saying…it would be smart for you to stop reading. I mean you in the global sense because some of the shit you are about to read in unintelligible, unpalatable and surprisingly enough not yet drunk ramblings. But I have a bottle of soju left and nowhere to go so this could get real good.

Now my experience with Valentine’s Day has been rather “meh” because women don’t love me (or don’t understand, depends on how the wind blows that day) and I am unlovable which makes for the perfect traits of someone that will stand outside your window with a boombox recreating the immortal scene from “Say Anything”. Then I remember that 100 feet is 100 feet and the police could give a FUCK about trying to live in a moment. They were never in LOVE! Or unrequited love in this case! Either way, I haven’t been one to sit back and say that “love sucks!” or “I don’t need to be in a relationship on Valentine’s day to validate myself!” during the stupid ass day because for the most part I feel that way everyday. You see, Valentine’s Day isn’t about love. It is about pageantry. What is really wrong with that? Some people feel that they have to partake in such things to show their signifigant other that they love them and they want the world to know. Is that so bad? I mean I still say fuck off because I could care less about you or your relationship but if two people need to show they love each other by celebrating a day that is the second most worthless holiday behind Easter (Dead Jesus = chocolate bunnies and eggs. Nothing says the death and resurrection of the King of the Jews like Hershey’s and breakfast items) for the world to see then who are those in the single community to give a shit? I have never been one that cares about Valentine’s Day but the fact that every single person in America bitches about what a sham it is kind of runs thin. If you need a DAY to validate your love rather than reinforce it then you are doing it wrong. However, if you see Valentine’s Day as a day to complain about the whole institution of love and marriage as a whole like some hippie bitching about the “corporate machine” then you are REALLY doing it wrong. Valentine’s Day are like every other holiday: an avenue for people to make more money. Accept it for what it is and enjoy yourself. So everyone have fun this Valentine’s Day. Celebrate it the way our forefathers did: by raping a slave. Oh come on! That’s fucking funny!

It’s good to be back. Oh, for those five of you here for the Countdown, here it is.

Man, it has been a while since I have posted this on the blog. Yes, I like K-Pop and J-Pop. Want to fight about it? A note, if you HAVE been coming here expecting it you would be best to go to the YouTube channel. From this point on, I will be blogging on here exclusively until I have a reason to stop. SO with that said, I will be back later this week (Odds are Sunday) with a rant about something that has been pissing me off for about 10 years: what in the fuck happened to R&B?! Robin Thicke is the best R&B singer out right now. Yes, the son of the Seaver patriarch is the best in the game right now. Anyway, I will be back soon. If you want a rant about something let me know. I am taking requests again as long as it isn’t about Sarah Palin or Final Fantasy XIII. Don’t ask. Stay up, peeps.

It’s good to be back. Chachi out.